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Everything posted by PuntaSur

  1. How about a mobile app we can use to check server status? Can we get one of those?
  2. This other player told me to pull his finger. I typed /pull and everything went dark.
  3. I started to remember movies like "Chuckie". I started looking over my shoulder thinking this is finally it..... zombies will be at the door within the hour!
  4. I was on my Sorcerer alt and was just in the middle of a class quest discussion with my master (Lord Zash) via holo-cam. She told me to return to her chamber and that she had a surprise for me. Then everything went black and the server was down. It scared the crap out of me. To cover all bases, I called a local priest, rabbi and witch doctor to come cleanse my PC (and house). Then I checked the forums and realize it was just really REALLY odd timing.
  5. I was in the middle of a cut scene with my Sorc master (Lord Zash). She said she had a surprise for me. Then everything went black and the server was down. Covering all bases, I called a priest and local witch doctor to come cleanse my PC. Then I came here and saw it was wide spread, so I'm guessing it was just crazy timing for my class quest.
  6. They could even have some RP fun with the warning. Everyone receives a holo-communication, and the Emperor cut scene activates and says: "WIPE THEM OUT! ALL OF THEM!" Then a 15, 10, 5 min server warning. But, alas, no such RP. No such warning. Bummer.
  7. The percentage of time in PVP spent using and being hammered with various forms of CC is completely insane. The Resolve bar is borked. I've managed to get it to work a few times by being patient for a longer CC to break out of once it is full, but then I'm rooted in place afterward which is lame. PVP should be dynamic and flowing combat, with strategy adjustments and focusing on objectives with a small percentage of combat including CC tactics. instead this game is nearly 100% CC tactics. "Stun Wars of the Old Republic" PS: I just finished a dozen 10-49 runs on my alt Sorc (healer) tonight and saw a VERY high percentage of Marauders and Sentinels coming up through the ranks. In the last Voidstar battle the other team had 5 Marauders and just carved through our team like a hot knife through butter. I guess this flavor of the month class is about to get a massive population increase now eh?
  8. I've played on several classes (Jugg, Sniper, Sorc, Shadow), and the majority of the experience is the same: slowed, stunned, being knocked back or grappled. CC should be a less frequent, more strategically applied effect, not the majority of the battle.
  9. What we have: 80% crowd controlled (totally stunned, slowed, knocked back, snared) 10% choppy sloppy (slowed) combat 5% objective interaction, grouping, strategy adjustments 5% respawn What we SHOULD have: 80% flowing combat 10% objective interaction, grouping, strategy adjustments 5% crowd controlled (stunned, slowed, knocked back, snared) 5% respawn
  10. It makes you wonder eh? So in 1.2 we had "Stun Wars" that drove people insane as 80% of the PVP experience was being slowed or stunlocked until dead. TIME EXPERIENCE 1.2 in PVP MATCH: 5% Tanking, Healing or DPS 5% Positioning, Grouping, Recovering, Objective Handling 80% Slowed/Stunlocked 10% Respawn Now in 1.3 we just have "Respawn Wars" where everyone is waiting for the gate to open to re-enter the fight. TIME EXPERIENCE 1.3 in PVP MATCH: 5% Positioning, Grouping, Recovering, Objective Handling 5% DPS (since healing isn't going to save anyone, and nobody can tank now) 10% Slowed/Stunlocked 80% Respawn
  11. Seriously? DPS is now just cutting everything down like 20mm cannons on water balloons. I just ran my: Sniper, Jugg, Shadow, and Sorc. The results were all the same whether I was tanking, healing or DPS. The group survival and solo survival has evaporated. The warzones are just a burst AOE-fest now. "Time to die" has been reduced to such a ridiculous level that more time is spent in the spawn area than fighting. Tanks can't tank, and healers can't get heals off to save anyone. I'm talking 1 v 1 or 2 v 2, not 5 to 8 focus firing on 1 (as that would be appropriate for a fast melt). Resolve was nearly useless in 1.2, but in 1.3 it is completely useless. At least in 1.2 you could benefit from resolve about 1 in 20 times when it maxed and you were still alive. The other 19 times out of 20 it was just a white rainbow that ticked down at the spawn point. Now? The resolve bar doesn't even exist, because you die well before CC maxes out the resolve mechanism. WHO tested this garbage?
  12. I have a good performing ASUS rig: Windows 7 (64 bit), Intel i7 2Ghz (8 core), 8GB mem, SWTOR installed on SSD, and Nvidia GTX 460M video. This rig is fast and smooth with every game I have run.... Except SWTOR, which loads incredibly slow and grinds to a halt when Fleet is 250+ people.
  13. No Hard Modes in LFG? Augments are borked? Perks are per character instead of per account? I'm not in any hurry to get home for this thing.
  14. My thoughts exactly. Other slots on gear are not tiered / tabled for the socket. Players already have to shell out money to upgrade the slots with new level items along the way, but NOW they have to upgrade the augment socket AND the augment itself. Unnecessarily complicated and not worth the effort or the cost. One more notch in the subscription ejection handle. The RIGHT way to have implemented augmentation kits: 1. Leave existing augmentation slots unchanged on existing gear. 2. Leave crafting crit = augmentation slot (no change in this design or process). 3. Provide augmentation crafting kits (without any tier design) to allow players to add an augmentation slot to gear. The End
  15. I don't like the complexity of the slot being on a table to scale either. The other slots to be modded are not on scale tables, so why is the augment slot? It already costs players "sink money" to remove mods or lose the mods as upgrades are inserted to overwrite that socket. Upgrading augment sockets already has a scaled (by usable level) design, and now we have to deal with additional costs and crafting efforts to upgrade the socket AND the augment item going into it? Why make things so complicated?
  16. I hope a ton of people do this. Then maybe some devs will get ROFLSTOMPED on their alts and design a level bracket and rank system: 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-48 49-49 ROFL @ the scared twinks 50-50 Recruits Valor rank 1-10 50-50 Valor rank 11-30 50-50 Valor rank 31-50 50-50 Valor rank 51-99 50-50 Valor rank 100-199 50-50 Gods
  17. Oh now you are on to something REALLY interesting. Let's make it a game within a game. Instead of a gentle nudge like you suggest, how about a blast that knocks the player back, dismounts and they have a chance to get tossed over the rails into the abyss!
  18. There will always be people who get an immature kick out of annoying others. There will always be people who complain about the world around them being ruined by others and their warped sense of entertainment, and how they want someone to fix it for them. Adding an "interaction" trigger to dismount folks from their mounts won't work, because some of these folks are actually trying to annoy others (they are not necessarily engaging with the GTN, NPC, etc). Just remove speeders from being usable in Fleet and give everyone 110% run boost if they are using their "Sprint" skill buff. If they wish to walk or role play at a slower pace, they can deselect the "Sprint" buff. If that is too hard to code, then make "Sprint" and "Mounts" unavailable in Fleet and add a separate speed buff of 110% movement to everyone who loads into Fleet by default but that can be deselected for someone who wants to walk for any reason (role play, etc).
  19. I key bind a LOT of actions, and have 5 active characters. PLEASE provide this request and save the key bind map to the UI editor saved files.
  20. With a fully WH geared out tank spec'd Jugg, I can actually survive long enough to get a full resolve bar, and yet still be stunlocked up to two or three CC applications AFTER the one that pushed the full resolve bar. On my alts that are also geared well, they most often see the full resolve bar ticking down at the spawn point after dying. I also notice others at spawn points with full resolve bars, so it's not an isolated situation. What it shows is that the resolve bar design is not working effectively if it doesn't stop CC at full 100% of the time, and is seen on many characters at the spawn point instead of in battle where it is useful. This whole "Stun Wars of the Old Republic" version of pvp is really not bringing the flowing warfare people desire. A stun or mezz should really be a limited experience from the giver and receiver to be used wisely and tactically. It should NOT be 80%+ of the pvp experience. I'd argue 10-15 percent CC and the rest a flowing heated battle that relies on group position, group support, line of site, pathing, and priority of combat skills makes for a more fun encounter. Instead we have this for a tank or geared character with healer support: Get stunned - wait it out Take two steps or leap to target Get stunned - (resolve bar is now full) Use stun breaking skill Take two steps or leap to target Get slowed - wait it out Use combat skill to fight Get stunned - wait it out (resolve bar ticking down yet should have not allowed a stun) Take two steps or leap to target Get stunned (regardless of resolve bar) - wait it out Get slowed Die And we have this for the average player (non-tank or without a healer): Get stunned - wait it out Take two steps or fire off a combat skill Get stunned - (resolve bar full) Use stun breaking skill Take two steps or fire off a combat skill Get stunned - (regardless of full resolve bar) Die Stare at full resolve bar ticking down while waiting at spawn point next to three other players with the same thing Whole lot of fun eh?
  21. I have seen better coordination and teamwork in 10-49 warzones than the 50s. Most of the 50s are PUG one side getting face rolled by a premade on the other side. The strategies and mechanics of the warzones are exactly the same for 10-49 as 50, so if a player has spent an equal amount of time in them, regardless of level, they know the objectives and strategies. Therefore, why can't they take the currency they earned through time (time being an equal constant of pvp regardless of level) and invest it? If a player spends 200 hours doing pvp warzones, at any level, what's the difference?
  22. I'd like to see an option for an item per month (30 day timer on legacy skill) to change "bind to character" into a "bind to legacy", and then once the item is equipped on the new character within the legacy it is "bind on character" again. This would only allow 12 items a year per account to be moved from one character to another within the legacy system. That protects the progressive design of the game, crafting market, money sinks, etc. At the same time, it allows a very limited option to move items within the same account. Case in point: I have a purple crystal on my first character that is a sniper. It doesn't improve the visual game play of the sniper combat, but would be greatly improved on one of my lightsaber wielding alts. I would love to move this crystal from the sniper to one of them.
  23. Does this happen to you more than once per hour? If not, it isn't a big issue and won't penalize you.
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