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Everything posted by PuntaSur

  1. From today's Dev Chat: So as I engage in leveling my alts, they will not have access to obtain these rare colors? I have a purple on my sniper obtained from the temporary vendor. When I realized it didn't provide any real improvement to the color of the special attacks of a sniper, I would MUCH prefer to send it to one of my other characters who wield a saber. At least make these things bound to legacy so we can transfer them on our account (same server). I guess subscriptions and alta-holics are not encouraged much eh? They'll be as rare as these crystals....
  2. "Free to Play" is not something to desire. There are two paths after going free to play, and both suck: Path One: means less resources to make any improvements, which means the game stagnates and flat lines. Path Two: means they add purchasable content improvements (gear, mounts, etc) via a "real dollar" vendor, which means it is now "pay to win" and the cost can be considerably greater than a flat subscription rate if you want to keep up and enjoy the game.
  3. I refuse to go try GW2. Why? Because leaping from one MMO to another just makes me realize how unsatisfied I am with all of them. I finally ejected WoW once SWTOR went live. I am really tired of the fantasy venue, and prefer a Star Wars theme. That being said, PVP in SWTOR is just about the most agonizing and frustrating gaming experience ever. The Stun Wars grind is brutal and anything but entertaining. This last week I stopped PVP in SWTOR and rolled my fifth alt to check out the story and I came to some conclusions: This game shines for the class story arcs. My stress level is back to normal. This game's PVP is abysmal.
  4. I'm surprised more don't support this. Seems like a great use for overflowing WZ comms while leveling, and keeping gear updated without having to go grind PVE (for the PVP oriented folks).
  5. Please add a vendor in each Fleet where we can exchange PVP Warzone Commendations for Planetary Commendations. Justification: Many of us are on our multiple alternate characters and have seen the planetary generic quests (non-class related) several times. We may desire to level in PVP warzones (but still go do the class quests) and want to keep our equipment up to date. There is currently very limited use for warzone commendations between level 11-49. By being able to convert these into current level planetary commendations, we can upgrade the armor, mods and enhancements in our gear as we level up or purchase new gear as we level up. Design Considerations: This suggestion provides a currency exchange feature that can be introduced to the existing mechanism of acquiring items from existing planetary vendors in the supply area of the Fleet (or on respective planets), without a massive design change. The other approach would be to change the item cost on those vendors to be an "either or" scenario for WZ comms or planetary comms. Change - Make the acquired items bind on pickup (or bind on legacy) so this doesn't introduce an unwanted flood of items to the GTN and affect the crafting market.
  6. Please add a vendor in each Fleet where we can exchange PVP Warzone Commendations for Planetary Commendations. Justification: Many of us are on our multiple alternate characters and have seen the planetary generic quests (non-class related) several times. We may desire to level in PVP warzones (but still go do the class quests) and want to keep our equipment up to date. There is currently very limited use for warzone commendations between level 11-49. By being able to convert these into current level planetary commendations, we can upgrade the armor, mods and enhancements in our gear as we level up or purchase new gear as we level up. Design Considerations: This suggestion provides a currency exchange feature that can be introduced to the existing mechanism of acquiring items from existing planetary vendors in the supply area of the Fleet (or on respective planets), without a massive design change. The other approach would be to change the item cost on those vendors to be an "either or" scenario for WZ comms or planetary comms. Change - Make the acquired items bind on pickup (or bind on legacy) so this doesn't introduce an unwanted flood of items to the GTN and affect the crafting market.
  7. PuntaSur

    Sorc PVP

    Yep, unfortunately it's all "glass" and no "cannon" (for now). Keep in mind that things always change, especially in MMO classes where PVP is concerned. If you are looking for the current top of the pile DPS class experience in PVP, I recommend you roll a Powertech / Vanguard or Marauder / Sentinel (depending on your preference for faction). If you prefer Empire and tend to like ranged more than melee, roll a Powertech with Pyro spec. You'll WTFBBQ everything in site. That might actually be a good name for a PT Pyro: "Centurion WTFBBQ" "The Beef Legacy"
  8. PuntaSur

    Sorc PVP

    If you really want to have some fun once your Sorc is about level 28+ and has some utility CC and enough skill points to spec high into healing tree, spec as a healer. What I often do if the group is not in need of healing (they are dominating a node and we are rolling) is I distract the enemy coming at me who's thinking I'm a free pinata kill. I get him just slightly away from the group a bit, and slow him and kite him while healing and bubbling myself while DOTing him. Most times I get him burned down quite a bit and then nuke him to death with a nice lightning finish. Of course I keep an eye on health bars for the group and rush back since I much prefer keeping the group strong as needed. Unless the guy is just inept, this almost assures he'll go spend his time somewhere else for the rest of the warzone since he wasted that session trying to get his "easy kill" and got run around and re-spawned instead. I'll honestly say that the Sorc healer is a LOT more fun in PVP than the Sorc DPS. I also turn the tide of battle a lot by keeping folks alive while positioning wisely and defending myself. After a few minutes, smart folks on my team start protecting me from attackers and the warzone can be fun. A Sorc just nuking as DPS isn't going to get nearly that much support.
  9. PuntaSur

    Sorc PVP

    Smart players mark potential healer classes and their team focus kills the marked players. From my experience on all these classes, I think your Sorc is getting caught up in the healer class target kill. I notice this happens often to me on my Sorc, but in fairness I also tend to do it to others when on my Sentinel, Sniper and Shadow.
  10. That would certainly make things easier in discussing this topic relative to this game, since most of the gaming industry understand CC to mean many more effects than the few that have been redefined by the application of the resolve system in this game. RE and NRE makes a lot more sense for discussion of this system.
  11. The community of gaming for over a decade has provided the language definition of what "crowd control" is, and that definition has been adopted by the publishers of most games: "The ability to limit the number of mobs actively fighting during an encounter. It can also refer to abilities that influence or prevent the abilities or actions of other character(s). Crowd control can be extremely powerful, controlling the possible outcomes of an encounter, as it forces opponents to use a smaller set of abilities/actions." Types of crowd control include: Root - immobilizes character while allowing all other actions to occur Snare - lowers movement rates while allowing all other actions to occur Movement speed buffs Teleport - moves the CCer a distance away, usually further than could be reached by regular movement in the same time frame Knockback - teleports opponent(s) away from the CCer Levitate - allows CCer to use terrain advantages to line-of-sight or safely fall from a height in order to cover more ground than normally possible Direction changes - forces opponents to move in another direction, often resulting in tempo or distance gains for the CCer Fear/Stun/Mesmerize ("mez")/Charm - robust CC abilities that usually include other types of CC alongside one from the above list source: wikipedia (although many other sources provide a similar definition) Now, to your point, if Bioware wants to redefine the specific actions that can be affected, or unaffected, by a mechanism of immunity like Resolve, then that can be defined in their design and they may use whatever terminology they want. However, they will be measured, negatively or positively, in their use of this design and/or terminology against the common understanding of similar designs used by all publishers in the gaming landscape. If they are measured mostly negative in comparison, they will lose paying customers. Hence the reason for the comparative analysis and complaints found in most of the messages in this forum regarding their "resolve" system. They may feel free to redefine well known elements all day long, but if they frustrate, alienate and irritate their customer base against the common grain and well established vernacular of the gaming industry, they won't have to worry about many more threads complaining and/or providing suggestions to improve said elements for very long.
  12. It was tough to quit WoW after so many years of time invested, but I much prefer the SW venue. SWG was fun until they turned it into a console game with the NGE, which is when I left it for WoW which held my attention for many years. In fairness, that game shined through BC and then started the slow slippery slope decline. The engine works great, but the venue and lore is just exhausted on me. I anticipated liking SWTOR for the venue of a Star Wars based universe, and so far I really have enjoyed the story arcs, but the infrastructure systems (PVE, PVP, GTN, UI, GF) all really need work to get up to speed for a 2012 MMO. So I am patiently advancing alts through their respective class arcs in hopes that these systems get improved to make the game what it should have been when launching at this day and age of MMOs.
  13. I see where you are going with this, and my following comments are not directed at you but at this topic at hand of the "definition of CC (crowd control)": Excuse me, but the term "CC" or "Crowd Control" has been around long before SWTOR. Bioware doesn't get to redefine what crowd control is. If a person is snared, rooted, mezzed, stunned, knocked back, held in the air, choked, transformed into a sheep, frog, pig, monkey, turtle, cupcake, sparkle farting panda mount or other, it is indeed a "crowd control" mechanism. Now if they want to apply an immunity system to stuns/mezzes, like the resolve system, and exclude certain crowd control features like roots and snares from that system, then that is a whole other talking point. Which is what we are really dealing with here.
  14. OK, this does work, and it's a hell of a lot faster than digging or using search. Thank you. It still seems pretty unusual that there isn't a single obvious LINK or Button for "Your Posts" as most forums provide.
  15. The abusive amount of snares and roots in this game make it feel like running waist deep in thick mud ALL the time, on any class. Whether the resolve bar is working as intended or not, there is nothing as frustrating as being slowed for 90% of a PVP battle. OK, the only thing worse than that is being locked down unable to use any skill and dying, only to see a full resolve bar ticking down at the respawn.
  16. Quite often I want to go back to posts I have made in various threads in the forums. There is no quick navigation to get to the list of my posts. So far the only way I have found is: 1. Dig through the forums for a thread I posted in 2. Dig through that thread 3. Find my post 4. Click on my name in that post 5. Select "show all statistics" 6. Select "show all posts by XXXXXX" Are you kidding me?!!! Why is there not a quick selection from the home screen in the forums to "See All Your Posts"?
  17. I agree. And to ansewr, NO. It is not satisfactory. It is anything but fluid, flowing, dynamic, heroic player vs player combat. I have now played PVP every class on alts, with a sniper and jugg at 50 and the rest in mid 20's to 30's. PVP in this game is incredibly frustrating with the massive amount of CC's for any class, except maybe for a turret positioned sniper, but even that isn't "fun". I have mastered the use of resolve as much as possible, and really only the Shadow and Jugg benefit from it long enough to survive and do anything meaningful. The biggest issue in PVP is just how most players are chugged down to a crawl with snares, locked down with roots, and knocked back repeatedly. It's not a PVP experience of "free flowing dynamic combat", but much more like two teams running in mud up to their waste. There should be less roots/snares, or those need to be on the resolve bar system and give ranged more survival options.
  18. The PUG I was just in was getting rolled by a premade RWH group, and I was just on my Jugg defending the one node we had surrounded by the other six guys on our team. The ONE guy on our team not sitting at the node was tossing himself into the meat grinder faster than bad guacamole can move through an intestine. Then I quit the warzone I was in to come read how this thread was doing. / irony
  19. The original post might be true if: 1. It were a death match designed PVP, but it is not (so far). 2. There were brackets to separate teams in the queue: PUG 10-29 PUG 30-49 (just to provide for additional available skills at higher levels despite the bolster buff) PUG 50 (no premades vs PUG) Premade 50 brackets based on rank Unfortunately this isn't the case. There is no sense in padding the other teams stat sheet by throwing yourself into the fray when one, or more, of these conditions exist: The score has reached the point of no return for a victory. The other team is a geared premade and well coordinated vs your PUG full of chaos. Focus on objectives or you are not helping your team. This isn't death match. I have left so many enemy players hanging within a thread of life as I switch back to the objective (offense or defense) when it was timely to do so. Yeah my instincts were tugging to finish that player off, but that isn't a higher priority than the objectives. In Voidstar, it is far more advantageous to NOT kill the defenders once the first door blows and just keep them busy so they don't spawn downstream. Your offensive team can flow like a pack of orca if everyone stops killing once that door blows.
  20. I just saw a Sentinel fighting myself and a BH and the Sentinel used an invisibility six times in less than 30 seconds during our skirmish. Does this ability not have a cooldown?
  21. PuntaSur

    PVP in 1.3

    I'm a Jugg Tank. I've tanked in MMO's for a decade, and love PVE and PVP as a tank role. Prior to 1.3, I could soak damage and protect, intervene, guard, etc. I don't mind the changes to lower my Jugg's dps in Immortal build since the role is not to dps as it is to tank. However, after 1.3, this Jugg gets shredded like a wet napkin despite having 1200+ expertise tank gear (BM & WH) in non-ranked level 50 warzones. Marauders/Sentinels are beyond ridiculous in pvp now. In fact, DPS classes in general are all significantly more useful and effective, while healers and tanks are basically a wasted roster spot. I'm working on alts now until my subscription expires in hopes an alt might give me a reason to stick around.
  22. PuntaSur

    Expertise Points

    Expertise is a stat found on pvp oriented gear. It doesn't really come into play until you hit 50 and start acquiring pvp gear. You'll want to get above 1000 as quickly as possible (can buy recruit pvp gear from npc in combat section of Fleet). Then use commendations to buy Battlemaster gear, and then finally War Hero gear. Or you can just roll a Marauder/Sentinel and burn everything down so fast it won't matter much.
  23. With the latest changes in 1.3, I am completely fine with my Jugg Tank not having as much dps output. I'm a tank. I love tanking (pve and pvp). However, even with a good spec at 50 and full BM gear with a few WH pieces (all tank items), and 1200+ expertise, I am just a wet napkin in pvp now. Marauders/Sentinels continue to shred me so quickly that tanking is literally impossible and not fun. I can't soak damage, even with a healer, and I can't put out damage. This character is no longer a viable pvp tank. I've logged and reviewed numerous encounters (non-ranked) with the same result (this wasn't a one time beating from one geared out Marauder/Sentinel). I'd just as well turn in my tank gear and swap it for dps gear at this point. I'm not grinding another set. There should be an equipment exchange option for equal gear to switch roles. Put a timer on it if you like (1 week, 1 month, etc). I'm sure there are other folks out there who would like to swap roles and not have to re-grind the gear, especially when it is content updates that change the class/role so much. By the way, since pvp on this character is so horrible now, I've been pushing an alt Sorc healer up in the 10-49 bracket. HOLY CRAP there are a ton of Marauders/Sentinels on the way now. On average, I see 3 or more of them per warzone on each side. I wonder what the FOTM is?!!!!
  24. "Would you like to kiss me on the veranda?" "Oh no! The lips would be fine."
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