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10 Good
  1. Would make life so much easier as well as keep the LFG quere cruising if people could respec when there out and a bout to tank or heal an instance instead of having to go back to the fleet and respec then que.
  2. Sucks since Sundays are mostly the days i get to play
  3. Maybe itll calm all the ragers down a bit if we got some sort of an update as to whats going on or when we can expect the servers to be up again. Thanks
  4. The OP is 100% correct, transfers need to be done NOW, not in a month, not in a week but starting early next week! Im not one to complain very often but this is ridiculous...i came to have a look to see if anything is being done about server xfers before i ended my subscription but it looks like "early summer". It insane, your saying that to be able to do consistent warzones or flashpoints that i need to wait a minimum of a month to do so? How many people do you think will wait that long, logging on to see if they can get in a warzone only to sit there for 30 minutes begging people in general to queue up? It is literally killing this game, why should i sit around twiddling my thumbs for a month or more waiting for this to happen. You want me to reroll on a higher pop server? No thanks i enjoy my class and have no want or need to re level the same class on a different server... For those of you who say this game isn't dying are all in denial, if you've played since beta as i have you can see how the population has steadily declined since the beginning. The Maw had 150+ in the IF at any given time and over the past week the most ive seen in the past two weeks at peak times were 41. Thats not an average thats THE MOST IVE SEEN AT PEAK TIMES!!! Im hanging on as long as i can but im afraid Bioware is gonna be a day late and a dollar short to hold on to most peoples subs. If you look anywhere on these boards this issue is by far the largest issue, its not a couple people randomly complaining about it, there are tons and tons of posts about it. This issue needs to seriously be moved up to Bio wares #1 priority before the games so dead it cant come back and everyone who enjoys this game suffers.
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