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Posts posted by BallisticKaine

  1. The handful of people on the forums complaining about it is hardly the "community." And there's been just as many threads over the years asking for a lockout, so it goes both ways.


    Stop being salty and just finish the match and you wont have to deal with the lockout. I had a match just now in queshball where it was nothing but a team of skank tanks and healers. I just dealt with it and moved on.


    It's just not on the forums though. Twitter has been flooded with this also about not adding the deserter lockout to unranked.

  2. Quote:

    I'm willing to try things to see how they affect behavior. If we don't like what's happening, we can remove the change fairly quickly. We're committed to being flexible, but don't want to be afraid to try something new. "Chris Schmidt"



    Why try something the community is voicing that it isn't needed or wanted in unranked PvP? And the response of it can be removed quickly is a joke. They never remove things quickly or fix things quickly. Until they allow us to choose maps, not be grouped with people in PvP due to lack of participation or toxic behavior, and fix the algorithm for how teams are formed. No one asked for this and the majority don't want it. The community has openly spoke out against this. This has disaster written all over it.

  3. So here it is, I asked Chris Schmidt a legitimate question during the stream and I got banned for 9 minutes. So know I come to the forums and ask Eric Musco, Keith Kanneg, Charles Boyd, and Chris Schmidt yet again. We haven't heard more regarding unranked PvP deserter lockout. The community has voiced their opinion on it and the only response we have really gotten is that we will try it and see how it works. Personally that is a terrible business model and horrible way to listen to your players. That is supposed to be implemented next week on July 28th patch. That is a week away and we haven't heard anymore. The community is speaking out against this. Are you guys willing to sacrifice players if this goes live?
  4. Why does it matter? You have them on ignore. You cant see them chat and they cant emote at you because it blocks them from doing so. Seems like a really dumb reason to leave a match and frankly if that is the reasoning you probably deserve the lockout.


    No it doesn't and your way of thinking is flawed. 8v8 is a group oriented game play. Need to communicate with people in order to win. If I ignored them for toxic behavior or lack of participation (which then puts my team at a disadvantage). Get off your high horse and say I deserve the lock out. I know multiple people on SF that leave matches due to just ONE toxic player on there. If they come in and he is on team the leave and so do I. That player is EXTREMELY toxic, have reported them multiple times for it and their lack of participation in matches. I SHOULD NOT BE PENALIZED if I leave a match when grouped with that A-hole.

  5. No, just no.


    That feature would be abused so hard its not even funny.


    Then I shouldn't be penalized for leaving a match that I got grouped with someone on my ignore list. We can do this round and round all day. What it comes down to is the lockout DOES NOT need to be introduced into unranked due to some of these issues.

  6. Entrenched snipers with the node cancel mod drive me absolutely insane. They defintely need to fix that.

    No that does not need to be fixed. If you insist on that being fixed then the god bubble on sorc/sages need to be fixed too. They shouldn't be able to god bubble if they have a red. Which then they can't be interrupted after the bubble ends. Just like stealthers can't stealth with a MOD. So if you want one fixed you need all these fixed

  7. Hey Friends,


    Just wanted to follow up on some of the conversations happening around the changes we’ve talked about in this thread, and what action we’re taking over the short and long term to address a couple concerns.


    First, let’s start by talking about the change that has driven the most discussion: The extension of the Deserter debuff to Unranked for those that leave a match early (coming in patch 6.1.2d).


    The premise of this change is in-line with our goal of PvP being a fun, fair place to play. When a player leaves a warzone (or afk’s), they are affecting the experience for the other 15 players in the match. This sort of behavior artificially adds friction to the experience, and disproportionately affects the ‘fun’ and ‘fairness’ for everyone else. We will not support this behavior with our systems, but we must ask ourselves why players are motivated to use this type of action?


    Well, y’all have been very clear and vocal about many of these reasons. So let’s get into it:




    We hear you that performance in warzones continues to be an issue, especially since the 6.0 update. In particular, you have all indicated performance in the Vandin and Quesh Huttball maps are especially egregious.


    What we’re doing about it: In the short term, in the upcoming patch 6.1.2d, we will remove the Vandin and Quesh Huttball maps from rotation until we can solve the performance issues with those particular maps.


    Longer term, we are profiling the root of performance issues in general (de-syncs, hitches, slide show experiences) across the board in order to provide you with a smooth, fun experience. No ETA on this, but we have already begun in earnest and are committed to fixing it.




    We hear you that you would rather choose which maps or modes to play, to avoid the ones you don’t like and play what is the most fun for you. In particular, Odessen Proving Grounds comes up often as one of the least popular modes, in particular in Unranked since it can be difficult to coordinate team play in a random queue situation.


    So let’s talk a bit about the map rotation. Currently, and for some time now, we favor map variety over match type variety.


    We categorize match types into 5 categories, plus arenas:

    • Capture Point
      • Alderaan Civil War
      • Novare Coast
      • Yavin Ruins


      • Nar Shaddaa (Original map)
      • Quesh
      • Vandin

      [*]Odessen Proving Grounds (OPG)

      [*]Ancient Hypergates



    In favoring map variety, each map has an equal chance to pop once a match is created.


    One note about Arena maps - they are not in the regular rotation, and will only pop when there is insufficient population to support an 8v8 match. So you will most often see these in lower level brackets or when the queues have low population in general. An arena match should be relatively rare.


    Back to map variety, you would be right to note if each map is equally weighted, you are three times as likely to get a Capture Point or Huttball match type than any other, since there are three times as many maps in those modes.


    So if you’re a player who dislikes one particular mode, particularly if that mode is OPG, why should you be forced to play it?


    What we’re doing about it: In the short term, in the upcoming patch 6.1.2d, we will adjust the map rotation to favor match variety over map variety. What this means is that you will have an equal chance to have a Capture Point, Huttball, Ancient Hypergates, or Voidstar match type pop.


    The exception is OPG, which we hear from y’all is the least popular match type currently. We aren’t removing it completely from the rotation for now, but the likelihood that match type will pop will be very small. Longer term we will take a hard look and address the issues with OPG that makes it less popular.


    Longer term, we agree that a welcomed and healthy addition to the game would be the ability to choose which match types and/or maps you want or do not want to play. As with any new feature, this requires investigation and an assessment of the scope of work before we can commit to a timeframe, however that work has already begun. We are committed to this feature and will update y’all with more information, especially on timing, when we have it.




    A couple of other topics that were asked about:


    The currency for the remaining Replica Rewards will not be Season specific tokens, but the non-seasonal Ranked PvP Reward Tokens. We will also convert this currency into a Legacy currency in a future update, so feel free to earn tokens on whichever character you like until then.


    We intend to bring back Replica versions of the remaining mounts as well. Stay tuned for the rollout plan there.


    Thanks again for engaging in discussion around these topics. I look forward to updating everyone on our progress in the future!





    Still the deserter 15 minute lock out is not needed in unranked, UNTIL you address the ability to not be grouped with players that are on your ignore list. If i have ignored players in PvP it is due to toxic behavior or lack of participation. We all know too that the kick option in and 8v8 match is a joke and doesn't work like it should. It doesn't need multiple people to due it for it to take effect. By the time most people do it that player could have been hit with an AoE in their hiding hole area. I leave matches currently when I am grouped with certain players due to how they play or behave. I SHOULD NOT be penalized for leaving a match since I will not play with them. This is why the ignore player in PvP needs to happen just like in Group Finder.

  8. Correction:



    We will be extending the Deserter queue lockout to Unranked matches.





    I plead with you Chris and the team not to implement these changes into unranked warzones. If you do, then things need to change. Allow us to decide what maps we want to play, just like flashpoints. Make it so that if we ignore a character do to they way the act, or how toxic they are we won't be grouped with them moving forward. I leave matches due to certain players. I shouldn't be punished due to them not wanting to contribute to the actual match and I know how they play. This has disaster written all over it if you put these new rules into effect for unranked PvP

  9. I would like them to gives us back the roll reset from Imperial Preparations/Bag of Tricks. Back when tacticals got introduced into game they snuck a hidden nerf into us without any word that it happened. I went back to those patch notes and checked, double checked, even triple checked. Nothing about that being removed. It was part of what help keep us alive at times
  10. So this is my take on the 6.0 update.

    The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Stupid


    New Species - Nice that subscribers got it for free. The social ability is just a lame copy from Zabrak's. They got rushed and pushed into the game. The design is clanky. Too many options for head and too many patterns due to the color options.


    New Content - Always nice when we get new story/content. Too short for the amount of time we wait in between updates though. Past two expansion (if that's what you want to call them) are like longer chapters more than expansions.


    Level Cap - Always nice when we can get an increase with level and means new powers. The charge count/cooldown thing is lame. If we have charges on an ability it should be just that. Be able to use the ability again with same effect without a cooldown until all charges are used. Utility path is just lame with you guys just extendending it out and not actually putting thought into new abilities for paths. New gear always welcomed. New set bonuses not so much. The new set bonuses are just not worth being called set bonuses with the first set bonsu is a stat bonus. Why change up how set bonuses worked from the past? Thought that because you introduced tactical items that those would make up for the missing actual bonuses with set bonus? Why remove all old set bonuses from the game (unless you kept the shell)?


    Crafting - Ha, more like credit sink. The price to send companions on missions for level 11 grade materials is stupid. The amount needed to craft items is way out of proportion. The chance of reverse engineering is so small a chance that you are wasting time.


    Play as you want - The whole purpose behind this update and yet the statement is so untrue that it isn't even funny. The rate on how gear is earned should be equal for most part across the board. We all know people are spamming master mode flashpoints to get to the 306 benchmark. Yet why can't people who just play pvp get to 306 in two days like them? Way to force people to play an aspect of the game that they aren't interested in.


    Mods/Enhancements - Talk about going back 10 years to when they game was released. Why introduce more versions of these? What is this Lethal Mod 75ZR-20? Why or why did this happen? Just stick with Lethal Mod, Lethal Mod A, and Lethal Mod B. Goes for all the other enhancements that just make no sense on why they got put in the game.

  11. Well considering that you guys are making changes that no one asked for yet again. How can we play how we want? You are taking away set bonuses that have been in game for 3 years. The new ones are nothing special that don't break the game but yet won't make endgame content playable (IMO). All the current set bonuses affect how DPS gets that extra boost from sets, Healers don't feel starved to keep the team alive, and how Tanks can keep the agro of the boss fights. You said during the stream that this is a play how you want to, but in actuality it's play how you want us to play under your rules.


    Here is an idea for us to play how we want. Leave current set bonuses in game, introduce the new ones, and also bring back the pre 3.0 set bonuses. Make the bonuses stack at 3/5/7 combos. That way we can mix and match set bonuses. Heck I have seen since 3.0 set bonuses got introduced that people still used the pre 3.0 due to some of those bonuses. They are still in game so there is no reason this can't actually happen.

  12. Some of my comments may have been a little harsh per say, being lazy or trash, but let's be honest it is trueful. I took a day to think about my comments and came up with something a little easier to swallow. Level 70 came out Dec 2016, almost 3 years ago. We have been at level 70 for almost 3 years now and you want to stretch out the disciplines. We have been playing with these disciplines for almost 3 years as is and when this new expansion comes out we have to level up to get passives that we have had for about 3 years. Come on you guys could have either added some of the new set bonuses as new passivies or come up with new ones. Now onto set bonuses. Please DO NOT change these to what is current on the PTS. The new ones are not or should be considered set bonuses. The 6 piece set gives 2 stat boosts and 1 actual bonus. How about you take the new set bonuses and make those bonuses tactical items. That way we get more tactical items and we don't lose the current set bonuses. Utilities need to stay as 4 tier system and we need some more options in each tier then. Maybe take some of the new set bonuses too and make them new utilities.
  13. This is just my input on some of the new stuff.


    Set bonuses - All the new ones are plain trash!!! Why add in these set bonuses with stats now instead of actual bonuses? Your justification for this is Tactical Items? It is just plain laziness and no thought process involved. Leave the 6 piece set bonus as is. I could see the class set bonuses being stats, but not the advance class/spec set bonuses.


    Tactical Item - This is suppose to be something that gives us an edge in our play style, yet in actuality it is just a solo set bonus. Come on Devs, really. Once again leave set bonuses as is and let the tactical items actually be something that gives us an edge. Not just a 1 piece set bonus that should be part of actual set bonus.


    New power - Great idea. With raising the level cap we all needed a new ability, but did it need to be Advance class specific? Why not make it make it advance class spec specific? I like the idea of new ability, but once again it being something for all 3 specs just screams laziness to me.


    Combat Proficiencies - Once again great you raised the level cap, but yet another thing that screams laziness. Lets just spread out what they currently have. People have been at 70 for how long now? Now you want to spread it out so when this new expansion drops we are pushed back on this since you decided to lengthen it out. So hard to maybe come up with 1 or 2 more passive abilities per spec?


    Utilities - Currently we have 4 tiers, this happened when we got some newer ones added. Great idea. Now with new expansion we are going back to 3 with the current utilities we have. Once again LAZY!!! Come up with some new ones.

  14. So I have been thinking about these things for a bit now and figured was time to put them here.


    1.) Alliance Crates - The RNG is a horrible idea for these, plain and simple. Gives us a vendor to turn in the crates that we gave to the contacts. That way we can choose what armor we want. On top of this maybe add the Nightmare version to the vendor. For like five of the open crates we can get Nightmare Version.


    2.) Onslaught - You guys are stating that it is about HOW WE WANT TO PLAY. Well then gives us back vendors on fleet or new worlds that will allow this. That way we can min/max or play how we want to. By buying the armorings, hilts, barrels, mods, and enhancements that we want.


    3.) Outdated Cartel Armors - We all know that there is still some armors that are on the Cartel Market that come with stats. Well how about just making them shells now so we can unlock them in our legacy and use them on all characters. (I know this is one that a lot of people would like and also second time I have mentioned it)

  15. Now I am sure some of these have been suggested before, but these are my thoughts on some ideas.


    1.) A paid expansion to do some major upgrades to the game. Last one we had was back in 2014. Make it a disc to so we can get some kind of Engine upgrade to the game. Now before anyone chimes in was built and changed/upgraded for the game. Explain to me then why they would do that and not allow it to be able to be upgraded? They could do it.


    2.) Some new races and removal of one. The removal would be Cyborg. Let's be honest here it really isn't a race. It was a last ditch effort to add something. You aren't born a Cyborg. You become a Cyborg. Make it so the Cyborg options can be added to Humans, Chiss, and Mirialan races and an upgrade. Also make all human face tattoos able to be used on all human classes. Add Nautolan to the Republic and Devaronian to the Empire.


    3.) Make some of the older armor sets in Collections that have Armors/Mods/Enhancements in them be able to be unlocked as shells. As of current we can't unlock for Legacy and kind of lame that they are shown in our Collections.

  16. Highlighting this as it correctly describes what we fixed. In short, the armorings that were missing the set bonus after yesterday will now have it.




    Sorry Eric but that is not true. I had 2 sets of legacy armor in my legacy cargo hold still not showing set bonuses


    I retract what I said. Tool tip was not showing, logged out with it on then back in and it is there

  17. So I watched SWTOR Centrals interview video with Eric and Charles. One thing that stuck out in my mind was them talking about locking out people in PvP matches that bail on them. Personally all fine and good . Only one thing though is to make it fair then they would need to guarantee match balance. Without that people shouldn't be punished when they leave a match.
  18. Personally the revamp wasn't something the people asked for. This revamp was a waste of time from you guys. Time and money put into something that wasn't broken. You screwed over so many casual players by revamping the conquest. I use to be able to PvP for a few days and hit conquest, now I can't. It also screwed over all lower level characters. Please reverse this craptastic thing you guys so thought we wanted and needed.
  19. This is that whole XP armor bolster exploit that happened awhile back when Command Crates came out. The change to XP armor that made it so the armor pieces could be removed and bolster wouldn't work with it anymore
  20. So I have a question regarding the Legacy name with the server merge. I understand that the higher level legacy will take priority over the lower, but what if both legacy are level 50? Which will be the one that takes over, or will we be able to rename the legacy in that case?
  21. Rain is requested, rain is received. These are all unique codes (1 redeem per person), and I know there are concerns about bots. I am gonna put them into spoiler tags so that should there be bots (which I haven't seen evidence of, just fast people) they can't scrape them as easily.




    450 CC











    TaunFawn Mini-pet
















    M8-3R Mini-pet














    Good luck!



    Really 25 codes total? What a crock of ****. How about 1 of each code to every subscriber? Just another slap in the face to use by the dev team. Community manger my ***, only thing you manger is to piss people off with lame bandages like this.

  22. Nothing concrete yet! I know we have a few different things we are exploring. The issue is fairly complex and it seems to be affecting our BitRaider and SSN clients differently (although both have issues). This may be why some of you saw quick patches, or no patches at all. The team is still hard at work to determine what happened and how best to proceed forward.


    I will pass on info as I have it, along with any kind of ETA when one becomes available. Thank you for your patience today.




    How about this, You guys actually test a hot-fix first before actually releasing it? I know its a crazy concept but stranger things have happened.

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