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Posts posted by BallisticKaine

  1. lockout + win requirement is fine.


    Premades are not an issue either. The game already matches groups with groups most of the time. Try it yourself one day. Solo queue and you'll see you only run into them sometimes. Run in a group and you'll run onto other teams frequently.


    LOL, that is all I can say about your comment of groups vs groups. That is complete and udder BS.

  2. No lockout would just have people go back to queue hopping trying to find a carry while they blame every bad game on a "premade." I've lost track of how many times I've seen someone in chat cry about a premade and then I look through the tags of the enemy team and everyone is a random.


    You know people que together without having the same tag right? Your point there is invalid. To think friends from different guilds for PvP won't group up and be on seem team just cause they aren't guilded together or no guild at all.

  3. No, the win condition came about because people were afking in games. Yes, pvp needs better rewards, no the win condition does not need to change. Like I said before, if they ever revert that change then pvp is going to turn back into whats happening to GSF right now which is people idling and suiciding.


    If anything, GSF needs the same win requirements to resolve the issue of people idling and suiciding.


    Wrong, Sorry Raansu but it had nothing to do with AFKers in regs. It was 100% the Ranked Community CRYING about loses counting towards the dailies and weeklies in RANKED. Heck I see more AFKers in regs now then I EVER did before the win requirement. Lets not forget the lockout needs to be removed to. Two reasons is that the match balance is completely BROKEN right now, more so than in 6.0. I had a match with 3 healers on one side and no healer on the other, or in lower level one team was all 30+ while another was all under 20. And the system can't tell if your game crashes or not. If they game crashes while in PvP match and you get back in you get SCREWED with the lockout. If they can't manage to balance teams, then they need to remove the lockout. That breeds just as much toxic hate as the AFKers. No one should be forced to stay in a match or multiple unbalanced matches due to the poor game design.

  4. Because if wins were not required players like you would be doing what people are doing in GSF right now which is idling or suiciding over and over to end the match quicker.


    Also, in no way are you required to pvp to get gear....Literally all the pve methods are faster.


    Double also, a weekly is called a weekly for a reason. I don't understand why people feel like they should be able to finish a weekly in a single day.


    Well GSF weeklies can be finished in a day (all 3 that you are allowed), so why is regular PvP treated differently? Technically it is all PvP so they need to be treated equally. Either wins to progress or completions. There should be no difference between the two different versions of regs PvP.

  5. Just go do PVE or GSF. I’m almost full 326, and I didn’t even get conquest the first week. Gearing so super easy.


    Unless you have the bug of opening Cache Crates from GSF and get nothing. So for some even GSF isn't rewarding gear. And before you ask, yes I have a specific discipline selected, and yes I have the Auto Equip unchecked. I still get nothing from the crates from multiple characters.

  6. So until Bioware can learn to balance teams in PvP. They need to remove the lockout for regs! Yesterday had a level 80 PvP match 3 healers 1 team, no healer on the other. Today in lowbies, all 30+ leveled players 1 team. Multiple under level 20 players on the other. So either balance teams properly or remove the lame lockout for regs.
  7. 2 Weeks and no bug fixes. The game is a joke more so then ever. Cache crates not rewarding gear even if you have a discipline selected. Preview window still screwed since the PTS. Personally you should refund all the monthly subscriptions for the past month and take servers down till you can release a proper working game. It is so f******* that we are two weeks past release and still no fix to issues. What did you guys thing since you launched it was time to take another vacation? The lack of communication regarding any of this and the unwilling to even address these issues is a slap to the player base's face.
  8. To be fair, Operative actually got gutted pretty hard, too. Dodge chance on roll got nerfed down to 30%, Countermeasures (their threat drop/movement impairment cleanse) was straight up taken away, their ranged root is now a choice you have to make that alters Crippling Slice, if you want Flashbang you have to give up Hololocate and vice versa, and if you want the cooldown reduction on Evasion you have to give up the 150% reflect damage on Evasion. All in all, Agent/Smuggler in general was broken down pretty hard. Not as hard as Jugg/Guardian, but still…


    Yeah but we lost hard stun, ballistic dampeners, teleport, ballistic shield, hunker down reduction all to decisions. We straight up lost flash bang, heal in cover, heal to roll, and evasion. At least operatives still have hard stun, sleep dart, heals, roll on a 6 sec cooldown, stealth out. Sorry but what happened to operatives/scoundrels is no way any comparison to sniper/slinger

  9. Honestly very disappointed in marksman sniper in 7.0. They are putting the emphasis on Ambush, but its activation time is still too long. Removing the sub 35% ability really hurts for that reason, we definitely lost on mobility...




    The instant cast ambush tactical is were it at though. On regular I am hitting 75K and above every match of PvP biggest hit.

  10. Why did Snipers/Gunslingers get s**t on regarding defensive cooldowns? No evasion anymore, Ballistic Dampeners or cooldown on Hunker Down, No flashbang, no hard stun? Why in the name of Satan's B******e did they do this? they screwed the class up beyond belief
  11. For what it's worth, I got 5/8 after doing Depths of Manaan solo on my Jedi Guardian. I don't want to do that one again...


    But seriously, they delayed for two months, on top of all the issues with Galactic Seasons 1 when it first came out, and they still have the same types of issues?


    I just did Manaan Solo also and it gave me the 5 points. Blew threw it with Companion set to DPS and the robot.

  12. So back in August I was charged for 6 months subscription and with that my monthly cartel coins for that should be 600. Well Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan I received the amount I should have in the form of 600. Well come this month in Feb. since I noticed I switched to month to month that I was only awarded 500 cartel coins. I am missing 100 cartel coins from my 6 month subscription that was purchased. Please award me the missing 100 cartel coins that is owed to me from my 6 month subscription.
  13. Hi folks,


    Thanks for the reports about the 'Legacies of the Force' Season Objective not progressing when completing Flashpoints.


    Our team is aware of this bug and is currently looking into it. I'll update you when I have more information.


    In the meantime, I'm adding this bug to the known issues list:

    • The Story and Veteran mode of some flashpoints does not progress the 'Legacies of the Force' Season Objective for republic players.



    So how about completing the objective for us then that have ran into this bug? There is no other weekly I can do that I like that gives as many season points and underworld pieces.

  14. So I have completed this season two objective over a few times with out it getting completed. I have proof of when I have started a flashpoint and ended it. The objective didn't increase except for when I did solo flashpoint from the new content. So I have been sitting at 1 of 8 completed even though I have done Korriban Incursion twice through Group Finder and once solo. So according to that I should now have 16 of 8. So now I have completed it twice without it being completed. Sucks that this is a weekly and that last weeklies I have left I do not want to do due to fact I HATE these systems/aspects of the game. So kindly finish the objective for me and award me my Season 2 objective points.
  15. If I had to guess it was to not repeat what happened december 2014 when there was a big bug that couldnt be patched due to the devs being on holyday break.

    Imagine they dropped this patch and then it had to be as is on live for like a month without fixing anything.


    Have you not seen the Bug report list???? Get off that. This build that went live is identical to the last PTS build minus the weapon stamp for outfits.

  16. I would love to hear from JackieKo, DavidStaats, BiyantWood, EricMusco, KeithKannig, or even ChrisShcmidt. Why was 7.0 really delayed. Other than the weapon stamp being removed from the last PTS build that we could play, what went live to servers is identical to that PTS build. Seems like nothing was fixed in that 2 month delay. Was it delayed all for that CGI trailer? In all honesty that is what it is seeming like to me at this point.
  17. Then turn it into a token that can be traded in for a tactical on a temporary vendor. Turn it into another tactical for the same class. Give the refund as a cache of Tech Fragment instead of credits. Etcetera.


    There were options here other than "basically nothing", especially when some classes just get to keep their tacticals with no hassle or fuss. It's unevenly punishing because Bioware decided to remove these instead of reworking them (which we know they can do, as seen by Andeddu's Malevolence being completely redesigned).


    So yeah. I 100% expected them to make up for this being so uneven by actually easing the blow on the players that are losing their tacticals. I believe they're smart enough to come up with that kind of solution, and the fact that they haven't and we're being told "Take your 100 credits and feel lucky you got that" is ridiculous.


    Lets not forget Grit Teeth. But it is so much easier on coding just do give credits than what you suggested. BIOFAIL doesn't care.

  18. For 100 credits?! Are you kidding me?! The tacticals we spent millions of credits on? Items that we can exchange for stuff that is worth more than 100 credits? This is so stupid... Can you guys please at least recognize how the economy is when you remove stuff? -.-


    That is why it is only get replaced for 100 credits. They feel there is too many credits currently in game

  19. To be quite honest: the devs SHOULDN'T listen to everybodys feedback, some people just have idea about balancing and just complain they lose maddash or reflect all day and say how it is unfair, while it is an absolutely fine change. Everybody wants their personal class to be strong! Furthermore non modable gear won't be a problem for anyone, its not like the theory crafters calculated the stat distribution correctly until new augs came - but that is a different story.

    All I am saying is that for the large majority of players, most things won't change and that things change for a new expansion is good, it keeps the game fresh. I wouldn't disagree that the expansion will be disappointing at most since there is 'only' balance changes coming. People seem to forget that they scaled all ops to 80 which already takes great efford and listening to feedback is not as easy as it sounds.


    Anyway, if you are mad about 7.0 CLASS changes (not weapon designer literally everybody dislikes it being delayed or if you're a merc) you really have no reason to complain, however a right to do so :)


    Sure you may think the changes to the classes are fine, let alone the ONLY tactical to get changed in game was Grit Teeth. BUT GOD FRICKING FORBID THEY TOUCH THE OPERATIVE! Heck they even boosted both DPS specs of Operative. Talk about unwarranted unbalance. Only reason Juggernaut/Guardian was touched was because of Grit Teeth and Force Bound, then they decided to slap us even more with the changes to survivability to the class and specs.

  20. *thumb up*


    Seriously though, so much negativity when clearly they DID listen to at least some of the feedback.


    Is it perfect? Definitely not but gosh, I'll take the changes at least.


    Also, it's annoying to see actual feedback lost in pages of insults. Then you wonder why they don't seem to listen.


    But they really didn't listen. Look at the feed back they got when first PTS came out on how they butchered Guardian/Juggernaut and Sentinel/Marauder. They didn't adjust anything for those classes. We told them that non moddable gear was a mistake. They didn't listen. Sometime they need to be put in their place with HARSH and negative comments. If they can't take it then maybe they need to change professions. Granted some people are beyond harsh, and those comments should be removed. But generally speaking it comes with the territory. Heck toddlers listen better on feedback better then the DEVs have here on the current PTS builds.

  21. Because most PvP maps require your whole team to care about winning in order to win. Think of GSF like if every map was huttball, you don't care about most teammates being along for the ride since a few good players can carry.


    But then if I am always stuck with those players that don't give a flying **** about winning I am screwed. No advance on daily, no advance on weekly, and if I choose to leave the match I get a 15 *********** minute lockout. Sorry but your comparison is null and void. GSF should work the same as unranked PvP or vis versa

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