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Posts posted by BallisticKaine

  1. The deco should have been sent to your in-game mail almost immediately. If you still have not received it after redeeming it, feel free to submit a ticket in-game to support.


    Thank you for the quick response Jackie

  2. I'm sure I will get flack for this but Skank Tank Juggernaut/Guardian needs to be on par with other tank classes for Damage output. If I am correct all tank spec classes are suppose to have a 10% damage decrease while in tank spec. Here is the problem with Tank Spec Juggernaut/Guardian. Sure they get the 10% decrease but do to a passive ability in Juggernaut/Guardian tree called Single Saber Mastery. They get a 20% weapon damage increase. So even if they are in Tank Spec they still get a 10% weapon damage increase. Single Saber Mastery needs to be reworked for Tank Spec Juggernaut/Guardian
  3. Why single out the skank tanks when ranged classes have had slows roots teleports and gap close immunity for years? Did you complain about those too before force bound and grit teeth or do you really just have it out for skank tanks and "broken" jugg tactical users because you can't kite and laugh at them as much anymore?


    Here is the problem with Skank Tank Jugg as is. They get Single Saber Mastery which increases you weapon dam by 20%. If I am correct when you play any tank spec it is a 10% decrease in damage that you deal. So Skank Tank Juggs actually get 10% increase due to Single Saber Mastery while all other classes get a 10% damage decrease. This should not be the case and should be reworked for tank spec Juggs.

  4. Maybe they haven't released the Deco yet, but I redeemed the code. Said I redeemed the code, but nothing was sent to my mailbox in game. Is this working as intended or will we have to wait till the 15 of July or release of the expansion?
  5. I was in a 4 man Guild group this afternoon. Matches together we had all 10-42. Once I hit 43 and que'd up as group I got a different pop then them. My solo pop put me in a PvP match with 43 and up. They got a 42 and lower match. Maybe when enough people are on they actually group up levels to make it fair? Was just strange that we got seperated pops once i hit 43
  6. You're not forced to do anything. The galactic stuff is completely optional.


    Well I want to do the galactic season because 9+ years of playing I have nothing else to do. Like I said if they gave us the option to reroll those till we get what we wanted this wouldn't be a problem. But since we don't get unlimited rolls I am forced to do what comes up. If that means 4 matches of GSF and I just self destruct into objects till its done so be it. The Dev team is forcing players to do these things since we don't have unlimited rerolls. Don't get mad at the players when this falls on the Dev team for poorly executed system. I would gladly stay away from GSF weeklies and dailies if I had unlimited rerolls with the PO objectives, but I don't. I am forced to play the game the Dev team wants, not how I want to play. They force people to play aspects of the game that are horrible. This is the DvL event all over again at the 5 year anniversary.

  7. And people wonder why I'm in favor of only wins counting towards dailies. People are suiciding to complete the PO as fast as possible. Change it to require a win and they will either not queue or be forced to try and win.


    But see that goes completely against their play as you want that they rolled out. The win to complete is a joke. Plain and simple. Force people to play a mode that they don't want to is complete and utterly stupid. Now if they gave unlimited rerolls on the Galactic Seasons weeklies and dailies then sure. You can have your cake and eat it too.

  8. Not sure how else to put it other than that.


    Every time I get into GSF these days, there's several players who either keep self destructing or do nothing. I have a few ideas on how to solve this one actually, besides reporting them for harassment and all that.


    One is that if they keep self destructing/do not contribute: They get an automatic kick and no points to either GSF daily's/weekly's and PO's. I know it sounds like a bit of work but it can be done.


    The other is just better kicking power. if anyone else has suggestions/further ideas, please reply away.


    Welcome to the life of PvP. With Galactic Season introduced not much you can do about it. PvP has had this for a while now and we have had to live with it. It is now your turn.

  9. So I was queueing for PvP with 3 guildmates. Accepted the queue pop, but didn't get into the match. My guildmates inform me that my spot hasn't been filled and the system is acting as if I am in the match. I tried to leave queue but the system still showed that I was queue for PvP. So I opted to log out. I log back in and the system tells me I left a match early and am locked out for 15 minutes. HOW the F*** DO I GET A LOCKOUT IF I NEVER GOT INTO THE MATCH???? This right here is why the lockout is so SCREWED up and needs to be removed. The system can't tell when it bugs or a disconnect. REMOVE THIS POS SYSTEM THAT WAS IMPLEMENTED NOW!!!!
  10. Are you saying he admitted to you that he doesn’t read the forums?


    No, just that the fact is I got a quicker response through the discord than I ever did on here. You can come to your own conclusion and put 2 and 2 together.

  11. Bioware still don’t get it and Chris is still asking questions on Discord that have already been answered in full with detailed reasoning here on the forums.


    Im 99.99% sure he doesn’t read the forum feed back and only takes feed back from the ranked guys on the discord channel. Which is skewed because many don’t care about regs and he gets no real feed back or the question is ignored.


    Discord is good for quick questions, but not to have a deep dive discussion that needs to be detailed and backed up with reasoning. The format doesn’t allow for big posts like the forums and sadly, that’s where Chris goes to get feed back.

    Maybe if he had some open two way discussions on the forums like he does on Discord, they could avoid many of the issues or mistakes they seemingly keep making or revisiting old ones.


    This right here is true, I tried for months to get replies regarding the lockout on the forums. No one answered except other players. I didn't even get a response from the Community Manager regarding it. Tried private messages on forums too with no luck. Joined that discord server and within 24 hours of a private message to Chris I got a response from him. He doesn't use the forums, he only listens to select handful of players, and he was in my opinion the worst thing to happen to SWTOR.


    Heck it has been almost a week since he put up the post on the forums about they bracket change and that he was sorry about not communicating it beforehand. Just the original post is it from him. No other response.

  12. No, the existence of set bonuses and tacticals and knowledge how they impact your abilities is exactly the part of knowing your own class and it's a skill itself, removing them would be a step back to simplify the complexity of play and it's similar to removing abilities themselves. Think about set bonuses and tacticals as an enhancement of your discipline path that further alters it, not as gear.


    If you want to remove gear, just remove gear level and augments so players can enter PvP with empty shells and have same stats, but even then I consider min-maxing stats as part of knowledge of your class so I am not for it. And bolster exists for this very reason - to ensure some common ground but to allow players to still utilize their stats.


    And if the difficulty to obtain set bonuses, tacticals and correct stats is your real problem then try to fix it instead of removing them. Make them easily obtainable for new players rather than remove them. Perhaps just give them free for PvP environment but disable the free ones in PvE or anything else that ensures new players can have everything needed in PvP right from start without grind while the grind for PvE still remains.


    So by your statement that bolster covers the difference of set gear bonus/tacticals and no gear bonus. Sorry but that is complete BS. Let alone bolster has never worked properly plain and simple. Sounds to me that your thought on set gear bonus/tacticals is that it is a crutch and you couldn't play without them. Don't know how to manage your heat/energy as a merc/mando? Or do you spam AoE too much as a sniper/gunslinger and can't figure out why you can't use other abilities? And FYI I don't have a problem getting set bonuses/tacticals.

  13. Honestly at this point they just need to do away with brackets and just have everyone be level 75 and have all their skills unlocked in pvp and just remove gear from pvp. They can do what FFXIV does and have a pvp zone where you can duel and have the pvp specific training dummies and that zone switches to a pvp template to set your hotbars for pvp.


    This right here, remove gear/tacticals from PvP. My understanding of PvP is that it is about knowing your class, how the abilities work and your skill level. Not needing a boost from set bonuses or tacticals.

  14. Well they didnt say it wasn't fun or they weren't having fun, they simply stated they stopped participating. To me that sounded like someone who expected to lose the majority of the time and realized they wouldn't be rewarded for it so they just stopped playing.

    Personally i am not a proponent of rewarding people for losing whether it be in real life or a game, thats just my attitude. I was brought up to work hard for what you want and for me, that hard work ethic carries over, even into games like this. You might might think thats silly, but thats me and my opinion. I'm not expecting anyone to see things my way, i just shoot from the hip.


    Problem with the no reward for losing is you can do all you can in your power to win, but if you get stuck with number farming, kill seeking, flex my e-peen teams over and over again what do you get for it? I big fat screwjob. If you play the match how it is supposed to be played and your team just doesn't care to win for the sake of the team. Then yeah I understand how people feel about the win to advance the daily/weekly. To top that off without being able to leave queue when you get stuck with teams like that is just down right stupid.

  15. Same here. Same repetitive grind as Conquests. Except 2x more.


    Can't come up with something new that is worth a darn, so they have us rehash the content from 9.5 years past. That is their MO right now and has been for the past 5 years. Only reason the game is still around is cause of the name and there is no other MMO out there that has it. If there was this game would be dead in 2 weeks or less

  16. I loved it. More the Imp than Pub side, but both are fun.


    I haven't enjoyed an update this much for a very very long time.


    I'm sure the absence of a character I dislike increased by enjoyment O:-)


    You really call 1 flashpoint an update? on top of that we all know what the Galactic Seasons is meant to be. Force us to rehash the same 10 year stuff over and over again, while they twiddle their thumbs to get us actual content. I stand by my statement of mediocre content with the new flashpoint.

  17. Wow, BW Really don't like anyone criticizing their PVP dev team do they. Got a warning and post deleted, for telling them how much they have neglected PVP development & we all know it, yet they do nothing about it. I stand by what I said, no amount of censorship will silence me, you will have to ban me.


    So here it is again PVP devs, why did you merge the PVP brackets? Do you realize what the consequences of this decision means for lower level players who want to have fun leveling through PVP? Did you even think about it first?

    Why don't you guys talk to your customers (Yes us your "Paying" customers) about anything PVP?


    We are treated like lepers, the forgotten. You won't even communicate with us. And when we get mad & frustrated, you send in the BW forum police to censor us. Its amazing, you can employ people to shut down our opinions, but no one to communicate with us about our concerns. When my sub ends I won't be back, I hope others who are unhappy will do the same. That's the reason nothing changes, because you are allowed to get away with it.


    Yeah and my post got removed also because I had quoted yours. WTH Community Support? DEV fragile egos are getting hurt by all the negative feedback they are getting regarding this new change. Way to go guys.

  18. How come JackieKo, KeithKanneg, ChrisSchmidt, or EricMusco have not chimed in on any of these changes and concerns that players have brought up? Granted it has only been a couple days, but still. Some of these items got brought up when the patch notes got released. These changes to low and mid pvp boggle the mind on them. Heck we have never really heard more about some of the pvp changes than they are still gathering info. And before we actually get more info on that they changed more things. Come on guys wake up!!!!
  19. So many disingenuous people pretending that they don't know exactly why the lockout timer exists. The lockout timer exists specifically to punish people who throw tantrums and leave a match as soon as anything goes wrong. Anything else anyone has to say about this is a lie. They know its a lie and they keep repeating it as if they think they can gaslight BioWare or something. LOL


    So you think matchmaking in PvP is balanced? Or that facing same number farming IDIOTS over and over again is fun? Or stuck with those number farming IDIOTS is fun? Come on there needs to be some give and take here. We know that there are groups of players that only care to put up those big numbers to flex their tiny E-peen, don't give a dang about objectives, and could care less about the rest of the PvP team as long as they get to flex the tiny E-peen.

  20. All the Galactic Season was intended to do was get players to rehash the old content since the are SO SLOW on getting out any content. Let alone when they do give us content it is MEDIOCRE at best. I highly doubt we will see much of updates the rest of the year, and the 10 year Anniversary isn't looking to sharp at this point.
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