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Everything posted by SWGEvictee

  1. Oh quit being such a negative nancy. I tell you of a way to get better than Tionese and Columi level gear and your fussing cause you might have to do something to earn it.
  2. I meant components as good as. Not the shell.
  3. Which just begs the question. Why did you blow that much cash on an AC you had no idea you would like?
  4. At one point I believe it was said they were discussing it but never said they were gonna do it.
  5. The 50 comm limit is only how many you can hold at any one time. There is no weekly limit. Rerun low level heroics anytime you need to get more.
  6. It won't be that bad. There is no weekly cap on planetary comms just the 50 max limit to work under. A couple of days of soloing low level heroics will have you fully geared in those mods.
  7. The Legacy should continue to accrue now unless your at legacy 50 already. The regular xp is gone. You will start accruing more on Sunday.
  8. With 2.0 they ended the half off they offered in recompense for the brief period where repair prices glitched way high. The current price should be the new norm.
  9. The infos been out there since 2.0 hit the test sever.
  10. Because they aren't needed. As I understand it you can buy Rakata level armors and mods from the planetary comms vendor on Makeb. That will take you into the 50 FPs and OPs while you do your last 5 levels and start working on the new end game gear. Gear handouts are no longer necessary.
  11. Yes the mission has been removed. There are no more gear handouts.
  12. You can always roll an alt, gather resources and craft, or do OPs n FPs for the sheer hell of doin them.
  13. WE'RE ALL DOO......... oh...the servers are coming back up. We're good. I'm glad no one panicked.
  14. Actually if we were talkin about solo play a case could be made for using a shield on a DPS toon to give an alternative to full boom glass cannon. But as we're talkin about group play, you're right there's no reason for a DPS with a shield.
  15. This is where you are wrong. There is no unfair advantage because everyone was given the same opportunity to get the early access.
  16. I don't know why people are fussing about the space travel costs. Sure they're more than they used to be but they are still marginal compared to the credit income possibilities available.
  17. The only change that is needed is to have the final quest on the starter planet sending them to fleet to update when they arrive and tell them to speak with so and so. No way to skip it then unless deliberately dropped.
  18. They're there. I did Kaon twice last night and saw 2 chest pieces a belt and various implants and so forth drop.
  19. Get used to this. Cartel armor will always look better than what's earnable in game or no one will pay money for it.
  20. Nothing wrong with the way Early access was handled this time. Except for those who met the deadlibe and can't access the content. Other than that glitch those who wanted early access dud what it took to get it. Those who didn't care to do what it took to earn early access will get the content on it's release date.
  21. I have never defended bugs not being fixed. I will never defend promises not being delivered on. I will also never support attempting to get something your not entitled to. Plain and simple, if you pre ordered before Jan 7th you are entitled to access Makeb and its content on the 9th of Apr. If you pre ordered after that time you are entitled to access that content starting on the 14th and no amount of whining, moaning, complaining, or calling others BW apologists is going to change that. If you feel that offering early access was a lousy thing to do thats fine. You are entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to disagree with you. To claim you or others are being disenfranchised because they made a choice not to accept an offer is dishonest.
  22. They couldn't even extend current class stories into Makeb. I can't see them going through the expense of getting new voice talent and making video to accommodate an entirely new class through the current content. As much as I truly hate to say it I doubt we well ever see a new class added to the game.
  23. OP as much as I would dearly love to see this in game I doubt it will. As long as players keep throwin money at them every time they offer a re-skinned version of an in game armor on the Market it simply won't be profitable for them to do anything else.
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