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Everything posted by ehtom

  1. Good vid. Nice to see someone kiting well instead of keyboard turning.
  2. There is almost no stats difference between battlemaster and warhero gear. One biochem stim makes more of a difference than upgrading all your gear from bm to warhero (trololol). It's maybe a 5% difference. I do not understand why people keep saying things like "OMG GEAR > SKILL" when battlemaster is very easy to get and it doesnt even really take a week to go from fresh 50 to full bm, even if you only play a few hours a day. You can even still be quite useful in recruit gear (though it is noticably weaker)! So... why does a small fraction of the community post something about gear in literally every single thread, I just don't understand?
  3. ehtom

    overpowered melee

    When ranked comes out, merc healers will be the best (very difficult to focus down, because of their uninteruptable shield). Madness sorc/balance sage will also be necessary to have on a team for their ridiculous control/dots. Both those classes are going to be more than viable... It goes without saying that ranked is going to be mostly about focus fire. If you think teams are going to be all melee or something, I believe you are very mistaken. I imagine it will actually be one of each class. There will be little benifit, for example, to having 2 mara's - if they both focus the same target they can both be peeled with the same spell (aoe stun/knockback/root). Assassin tank isnt that great in teamfights but having one for carrying ball/defending node will be essential. Maybe people could take 3 pyrotechs or something and just go for bursting someone down in half a second (peeling multiple powertechs will be very difficult to do), but thats really the only situation I can think of where it could be benificial to stack multiples of the same class.
  4. If you want a PvP game with no progression, there are literally HUNDREDS of them e.g. Counter Strike, Starcraft, DotA, LoL, etc. Your character getting stronger the more you play is a KEY FEATURE of an RPG. GW2 will be a drop in the ocean compared to the games I just listed.
  5. I agree entirely and absolutely.
  6. Why is this guy important and why should I care about his opinions on balance? From his "Gaming History" page it looks like he has played mmos for about 20 years as a PvPer, yet never been a top level player (or even high level). For anyone to claim they know absolutely what is balanced and what is not, especially when there is not currently any ranked so we can see what the best do best with is arrogant at best.
  7. Unless they have a lv50 with at least 1000 expertise on a PvP server. The number of threads by clickers/keyboardturners (just look at their youtube pvp vids) who "dabble" in PvP from PvE servers is getting ridiculous, and they are usually the ones calling for nerfs to classes that are fine, or buffs to classes that are borderline overpowered. Of course this will by no means solve all the problems with ridiculous threads on this forum, but I think it would help a lot. Alternatively they should create a "Hardcore PvP" forum for people where there is some sort of weak criteria like I suggested in order to post.
  8. This isn't WoW. Bubble makes you immune to cc, UR does not.
  9. Rofl... The people on these forums have probably never had any competitive level experience in multiplayer games before. The whine about sentinels can pretty much be summed up as "he did a lot of damage to me then he did some stuff that make him not die... this is clearly OP", which is not a sensible thought process when trying to balance classes. Sentinels are fine where they are, and probably need to be buffed actually, since any competent ranged kiter can completely shut them down. Also, people seem to completely gloss over some ridiculous imbalances which will probably break ranked for the first month or so (like operative being able to cap vs one non-stealther no matter what). Unfortunately though, I am well aware that this incessent crying about sents is gonna get them nerfed, which is why I am currently leveling a powertech & sage.
  10. These posts have gotten completely out of control. You guys may as well just say "DELETE MARAUDERS OMG!!!1111".
  11. What happens to my current augmented gear? Will it all break because it is now too low level to accept lv49 augments??
  12. ehtom

    I love CCWTOR!!

    The CC in this game is pretty much fine, apart from operative stuns being a bit too long.
  13. All of the 3 classes you play are absolutely overpowered in the right hands. Just fortunately 90% of players of those classes are bad. Just wait for ranked, teams are gonna be pretty much all tanksin/operative with maybe 1-2 sages thrown in for control.
  14. The OP genuinely cannot see that his suggestions are equivalent to "remove UR from the game". UR is not there to "prolong death for 5 seconds while doing no damage", it is in the game as a survival tool for a melee class that is easily kited. A marauder without a defensive cooldown up is useless. Marauders have no ranged attacks whatsoever (except dispatch), use this to your advantage instead of face tanking melees all day then complaining that you die. No offence, but you're on a PvE server. Stop suggesting balance changes based on your experiences playing with other pve bads.
  15. Ya OPs/Scoundrels are beyond ridiculous.
  16. Also another very key point is that maras are probably the most vulnerable to cc in the whole game (no immunities, roots and even some slows are hard cc vs mara). This means that versus a couple of decent ranged players you can be controlled and killed without really being able to do anything other than blow your cooldowns in succession to escape/die slower. All the other classes either have some form of immunity, multiple hard cc's, or a couple of decent ranged attacks.
  17. The thing is, this argument of "nerf whatever the bads cry about" just doesnt work. Bad players cry for nerfs because they lose and they want to believe it was some reason other than their own badness that they got owned. If bioware did listen exactly to what the forums say, every couple of weeks a class would get nerfed into the ground, resulting in a horribly imbalanced joke of a game. Then the bads would still be mad, and we would be back where we started...
  18. Rly? Lets see: Fight 1 - Sorc, tanks you, doesnt have his root specced, etc. 2k less hp than you (bad & undergeared). Fight 2 - 6k crit... PvE gear and he pretty much let you kill him. Fight 3,4,5,6 - 13k,15k,13k,15k hp guy. All horribly undergeared compared to you. Fight 7 - 2v1. Sage with 16k hp (mediocre gear) facetanks you while u pop relic adrenal. Guardian does nothing and hes wearing full pve gear. Could go on, but there's really no point...
  19. All I saw was you critting a ton of undergeared scrubs.
  20. ehtom

    Ohlen on PvP Balance

    I really don't see the problem. At the current time. Killing a healer 1v1 is very difficult, killing a healer through guard is practically impossible (assuming the healer is not terrible and tries to tank multiple melee dps). If healers were any better than they are now, nobody would ever die in warzones with a couple competent healer/tank combos. As it is, if the enemy has 2 tanks and 2 healers, its ridiculously hard to kill even one healer (who then respawns almost instantly). Bioware have also openly stated that when ranked comes out they will be able to better use their current metrics, which seems like an eminently sensible approach - see what team compositions are the best for WINNING GAMES at the very highest level of play then nerf/buff accordingly until every AC is viable at top level play.
  21. ehtom

    I like 1.2 PvP overall

    1. They are probably the best healers right now. 2. Being able to stun someone for 6 seconds while taking 2/3 of their life with them unable to react is not "gimp". Just because you cannot one shot people doesnt mean the class is terrible.
  22. Pretty much all classes have a role. Well played healers are difficult but not impossible to kill with focus fire (almost impossible to solo though, in any reasonable length of time) - i think healers are still a very important part of warzones. Tanks often go un-noticed, but their peeling/cc coupled with their survivability is extremely strong. Most dps classes have a niche - pt pyro's have extremely high damage/burst, but no utility; sorcs have extreme utility (kiting), great aoe and huge range but are otherwise squishy; snipers are very good at locking down melees and doing high damage from range but pretty helpless if people are in melee range of them; marauders have high sustained damage but poor burst and are susceptable to kiting; guardians have good aoe and are quite difficult to peel due to cc immunity; . Only real problems I have are with stealth classes (OPs/Tanksin) because stealth gives them such a massive advantage when trying to capture objectives and they are probably the best 1v1 classes to top it all off. Commando dps seems a little bit low to me though, given that they are poor kiters. Who else thinks the PvP in 1.2 is actually pretty decent?
  23. Um, it seems a bit much for you to call this guy a jerk when you are personally insulting him. The worst he did in this thread was say that other people are wrong (unless I missed something) and then you go and resort to multiple personal insults... Besides, I think at the current time it is extremely difficult/impossible for any melee class to kill a properly played sage (except maybe Guardian, though I dont think 4 seconds is long enough to gib a sage), for the reasons posted in this thread. Sages have possibly the best kiting in the whole game. Its irrelevant that they are otherwise a bit squishy, unless a melee kills them in a single stun or while cc immunity is up, a melee cannot hit them.
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