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Everything posted by thebigdoubleu

  1. You're just stretching chaodefined's post to make his point sound invalid. You can do research and find out, in your example, a sorcerer and an assassin play differently. You might think, based on research, you would enjoy an assassin's melee DPS. But when you actually play it, you don't like it. You still like the core mechanics of the inquisitor though, and want to give the other AC a try. Theory and practice is different. Not that hard to understand.
  2. True that. I did a LOT of research when trying to decide between a Jedi Guardian or a Jedi Sentinel, and finally decided to play Sentinel. After 5 levels of actually playing, I felt it didn't suit my play style so I switched to a Guardian. This entailed levelling from 1-10 all over again before picking my AC. I think it will be helpful to allow one AC respec before level 20. This gives people a chance to explore the two AC's before making a final decision. This is especially useful for new players who are still learning the game mechanics and haven't grouped much with others before to see how other classes function.
  3. I too noticed that it's basically guaranteed to bug out after 1.2 For Kira anyway, the weapon drawn bug seems to be related to her "combat stances." I forgot their names, but it's the armor pen. one and DOT one. So long as either one is selected, Kira would be stuck with weapon drawn. The best thing to do is to disable the combat stance, dismiss, and resummon her. Just remember to reactivate one of the stances before starting combat. It's a drag.
  4. Good job OP on a well thought out thread. I feel that there's some kind of disconnect between what BioWare artists are designing versus what we feel Star Wars looks like.
  5. I always find it amusing that hitting someone with the pommel can potentially do insane burst damage vs hitting someone with, oh, the blade of the weapon.
  6. From the SWTOR website: Will I be able to order Star Wars: The Old Republic through other third party digital download sources? Digital copies of Star Wars: The Old Republic are available exclusively through Origin.com. You still have to buy it from Origin. So the OP's question is valid.
  7. Kudos. I absolutely agree with this mindset. My personal bias against Origins asides, I really feel it will benefit SWTOR by expanding digital distribution beyond Origins. The more people that are given the option to purchase over their chosen platform, the more subscriptions we can hope to see. And the more subscription we get, in theory, SWTOR gets more money to develop new content, players get more people to play the game with, and EA gets a long term profit so long as they keep SWTOR up to par. That's why I feel, in my earlier post, that Origins digital exclusivity is short sighted.
  8. I haven't reached 50 yet (soon!), but from what I hear, it sounds like there's nothing else to do except dailies, PvP, and instances. Is that true? Are there no more individual quest lines? That's what I'm most interested in. I'm not talking about class quests either, but just some quest lines driven by an individual story. I remember enjoying how WoW offered quite a bit of such quest lines for players who reached the highest level.
  9. Origin exclusivity is really short sighted. Sure, cross platform distribution allows, for example, Steam to dig into EA profits. But at the same time, it opens up SWTOR to a larger market. And never forget: SWTOR is a subscription based game. That's where the majority of profits should come from, subscriptions not the initial sale. This is why I feel it's a rather short sighted approach to not open the game to Steam.
  10. When Kira is wearing an actual hat, her voice bugs out. I find with circlets it is okay. My understanding is this started happening after 1.2
  11. Typically, people disagree and debate over all sorts of issues with SWTOR. Bad artwork for armor seems to be one of the few things everyone can agree on. I hope BioWare will actually listen to feedback.
  12. Yeah, it seems DNA samples are so easy to get in Fleet now at the "cuddle circle" that selling the samples have proven quite hard lately. In the first few days of the event, it was a total seller's market.
  13. Seriously, the cosmetic/appearance/wardrobe function (forget exactly what LOTRO called it) is absolutely amazing. Frankly, it is so good it should be standard in any new MMO. It's really fun, and it makes players immersed in their characters. The shared storage function is also good. I think this will fit well with the Legacy concept BioWare wants to work out.
  14. As a Jedi Knight player, I've been really hoping for a heavy armour social set that I can mod as a way to stop wearing robes with permanent hoods up. I was pretty disappointed when the Republic Containment Officer Armor set wasn't heavy, even though it sorta has the look. Guess I'll have to find trooper armour.
  15. That's a good point. I do intend playing through all the classes. Maybe I'll start a Jedi Consular since artificer seems to have good synergy with the Force users.
  16. Hi everyone, My main is a level 39 Jedi Guardian who is a synthweaver, archaeologist, and underworld trader. I also have a level 15 Jedi Sentinel that I stopped play when I was trying to decided between the two advanced classes. Now, I wonder if I should put him to good use as a crafting alt. I am getting a lot of crafting materials from my guardian, especially colour crystals which I don't use. I plan on making my sentinel an artificer to craft lightsaber and mods. Before I do so, I want to make sure if there's no level cap on crafting skills. I.E. Do I need to be a certain character level before I can unlock new crew skill levels? Can I potentially craft level 50 gear on my 15 sentinel? Thanks in advance!
  17. I respect your opinion, but I want to bring up the flip side of the coin. Wouldn't an LFG tool actually bring people together? People will be socializing and chatting once they are grouped together, and it's generally a more personable chat since people are actually connecting to each other while working together. Without an LFG tool, many players simply won't have the opportunity to do this in a group setting. In my MMO experience, I have met most of my friends over small group settings. I think an LFG tool will greatly facilitate the social aspect of an MMO rather than, as a few suggest, take away from it. I know some players have said people can use general chat to LFG instead and that adds to the social atmosphere of SWTOR. A lively general chat does make for a good social atmosphere, but I think many players simply don't have the time to hang out at fleet essentially repeating LFG messages. Repeated LFG messages in general chat, in fact, doesn't actually reflect a healthy server because it means there's not enough people to actually run things together (or they are spread out over instances). This is especially true of players who are levelling. When people are faced with a choice to spend their limited playtime actually playing versus spending time in a fleeting HOPING to get a group to play, the choice is obvious.
  18. I have always thought about this issue and recognized it is a matter of game mechanics. Still, I get pretty excited if I can live up to my Jedi Knight "lore power" when I get lucky with crits. Just last night, I was doing a quest. Jumped into a group of enemy NPCs and took them all done without taking any damage due to the Force Sweep stun and a series of very lucky back to back crits. I thought to myself: "Man, now I feel like a Jedi Knight!"
  19. If the mess that Warhammer Online has become is being kept alive, I wouldn't worry about TOR.
  20. I am definitely going to keep an eye on this thread since I've been curious too. In PvP, I am almost always in Soresu form. It's almost unthinkable why I would give up all the advantages of Soresu form for only a DPS increase offered by Shien. Focus generation in PvP is rarely a problem because you tend to be taking damage very frequently, so the focus generation offered by Shien also feels a bit moot. And like others have mentioned in different threads, the damage by Soresu stance guardians isn't that bad if they are still spec for damage. I am, however, curious about Shien vs Soresu in PvE, especially for levelling. Shien definitely downs mobs way faster, and Soresu is useful for elites and champions, but seem to lag for focus generation since mobs don't hit as much vs what happens in PvP. That said, I am Vigil spec, so maybe picking up the sundering strike talent in Defense may help with focus.
  21. Companions should be part of the player's legacy because babies come from somewhere. All my characters are men. A shared Legacy bank would be useful. LOTRO has a shared bank for characters, and it makes perfect sense for Legacy.
  22. Yeah, I am one of the MANY Jedi Knight players who are waiting for BioWare to implement the hood down option.
  23. I agree, and I ended up using 2 because it looks the most human even though it looks so lanky. Two does look better once you start putting armor on. Three is just ridiculous. It's like an oversized goon from Team Fortress. I'm surprised that we are limited to four body types. Both Lord of the Rings Online and Star Trek Online really allow you to customize through a sliding scale the size and height of your avatar. It feels like lazy implementation in BioWare's part.
  24. I've read in various forum posts and guides that we can sell the Rakghoul DNA Samples. Is that incorrect? I tried selling over the market kiosks, but a message came up stating the samples cannot be sold. Is this the same case for trading directly with other players? I'm not really interested in the rewards, so I figured I might as well sell the samples.
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