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Everything posted by DuckimusPrime

  1. Juyo stance has all the acrobatic moves. Leap at point blank range, Cauterise is another jumping flip attack.
  2. One of the worst changes 3.0 did for Carnage is to replace Force Scream. Force Scream is awesome. Its also a generic Sith Warrior ability, not a Marauder one so not really something you can remove.
  3. If you're topping dps while not playing Annihilation then the other dps in your ops group are slacking.
  4. Combat is not and has never been a sustained spec with low burst. Its never supposed to be the highest parsing spec. Out the sentinel specs that is Watchman. When it was the highest parsing spec, it was the result of an unintended mechanic and Watchman being underpowered.
  5. Except for the whole having to clip channeled attacks is just bad development. And all the other 3.0 changes they made to remove this.
  6. This would make sense... if you were releasing the PTS for 3.2.1 this weekend. Right now, its just a waste of time. Except for the fact that the Fury/Centering generation from this is basically required to play the specs. I mean sure, I can chose not to take it, just like I can choose not to use Merciless Strike as a Watchman. More information that should've been put to the community before testing on the PTS started. This makes me wonder if anyone at Bioware has even the most basic understanding of stakeholder interaction. At work we'd lose all of our support contracts if this is the way we treated our customers.
  7. Any semblance of a workable rotation for Watchman/Annihilation. The problem is that if changes go live, it'll be either the horrible focus starved rotation that we saw on the PTS or something that wasn't tested. And based on how bad the PTS builds were, why would you have any trust in Bioware's internal testing for the spec.
  8. Juggernauts get a guaranteed damage increase through through Single Saber Mastery. Marauders get the possibility of an increase through the offhand strike. Mathematically they're the same on average. But that only works out when you're looking at chances over time. The off hand missing is bad for burst.
  9. Really? What we've just read from Eric is really familiar, like in the lead up to 3.1.1 familiar. When they said they were going to be looking at the issues facing sentinels/marauders. And what we got was a couple of half arsed changes that didn't touch on any of the issues and a massive amount of feedback completely ignored. The devs then told us that they'd continue looking at Sentinels in the future. And then we get 3.2. With a focus on Concentration for Sentinels. You know, the only Sentinel spec that the community feels is already in a decent place. I'd call you naivete in your listening to the absolute rubbish that Eric is posting but then I read this.
  10. But you can argue plenty about the interpretation of raw data. And lots of people who don't specialise in statistics get that interpretation wrong a lot of the time. Based on the combat teams metrics... which appear to have absolutely nothing to do with classes being capable of clearing content.
  11. Right clicking on the buff icon will remove Juyo stance, like it does other things like sprint, stims, raid markers, etc.
  12. From what you've described, I'd suggest you check your buff bar and make sure that Juyo stance is active.
  13. Use the option to sort the debuffs on your target frame, then the dots you've applied will always be in the one place. But I completely agree on all this. Having to debuff watch is even more punishing when playing melee.
  14. Don't underestimate the value of straight up slave labour.
  15. The game is sold in many locations where English isn't the first language. Right so if you do something like ignoring surge completely then Force Melt works? Thats what you call working? Force Melt/Rend is clunky and does fit in the rotation very well at all. And its one of the major problems in making Watchman/Annihilation not fun to play after 3.0
  16. Utilities aren't unique to disciplines, they're unique to advanced classes, so these would be a whole bunch of wasted space for Combat and Concentration players.
  17. This is why. Stacking crit rating was actually a good idea at the time, so Watchman burns/Marauder bleeds would crit really often.
  18. After spending 30 minutes going through the random generated names, you've finally stumbled on one that you like. But you can't use that because Derpymcderperderps created a F2P character 12 months ago. They haven't logged in since then. Too bad.
  19. Its not even for that. Those things could've been patched in tonight. Its so they can add an indicator for 12x EXP. For those people too stupid to realise that the really big numbers mean they're getting it.
  20. Really? Most reports available seem to indicate that the game is thriving as a F2P game. But I guess you know better.
  21. Are you saying that you don't postpone parties and celebrations for when people are actually available to celebrate them?
  22. Why would Revan not being available at the login screen be relevant? The issue isn't that the Cartel Market robes are different to the NPCs robes. The issue is that they're both wrong. Revan's robes on both the player robes and the NPC have been changed from black to grey. That is the colouring bug, not that the robes are different to the NPC.
  23. You can recreate the crystals through the Collections system now.
  24. So to guarantee getting the rarest items in a pack you only have to buy a single hypercrate?
  25. Are these Pazaak cards, does this mean you're adding Pazaak to the game?
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