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Everything posted by DuckimusPrime

  1. A typo repeated on multiple occasions. I suggest you go and look up what a typo actually is. I'm sorry, did I say anything about what a patch is... nope nothing in my post at all. So umm, who is the foolish one? EDIT: And who actually made the typo? The time traveller or the player who for some reason was talking about 2.0?
  2. What are you talking about? 2.0 had nothing to do with Cathar, they weren't released until 2.1. 2.0 was the big update that crippled your ability to play the game to all (available at launch) levels unless you bought the expansion pack. Ownt indeed... Could you please tell what the lotto numbers for Saturday June 15 are? Since you're clearly from the future. Just so no one else feels bad about you giving this information to me, I'll use my winnings to pay for APAC servers to continue indefinitely, the development and testing costs of the extremely difficult to implement hood toggle for robes, and the introduction of cross server queuing. For the rest of us non time travellers 2.2 still hasn't been released.
  3. That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
  4. Gems are purchasable with in-game currency, thus Guild Wars 2 transfers are effectively free.
  5. Is there actually going to be an official announcement made about these server shutdowns? Still run into players who have no idea this is even going on.
  6. The seeker droid scans lead to seeds (in the appropriate corrupted areas and "interesting objects", not greens and greys.
  7. Gambled correctly? I must've missed it where the server shutdown has already occurred and it was shown to be the right decision by their player base. And we've still been given none of the information needed for that preparation. What is going to happen with character name clashes? Will people be given a refund if they've paid for name changes that they'll lose when they shift servers?
  8. For getting what done? The third post after Eric's asks the exact same questions people have been asking since they announced this unwanted solution to a problem that most APAC players haven't been experiencing. The facts are as follows. EA refused to sell SWTOR in the Asian Pacific Region until after the release of local servers, as they stated that playing on US West servers would not provide an adequate play experience. Now they have decided to move us to US West servers to provide an improved play experience. What's changed? Well one of the things that helped higher ping players was the global cooldown. It provided a set block on all players that was larger than the latency most players would experience. Now they've changed alacrity to reduce that cooldown, making it harder to compete with a higher ping rate. Since launch they've added more end game content, where enemies have shorter cast times and shorter interrupt windows. Hard Mode Toborro's Courtyard, the cast time for the big laser drops to 2 seconds. With a 300ms ping I lose a significant portion of that window, making playing that content even harder. How the hell is a APAC player going to work with any Nightmare mode content? The reason stated by Eric for the transfers to the US, was that server type was the most important thing to people. Hence why they couldn't just try an single APAC server. Now based on feedback, they're allowing people to transfer to whatever server type they want. Its clearly something that wasn't important. People were limited to US West servers only. As some people may be in locations that get better connections to European servers, they're now allowing transfers to whatever server you want. So based on feedback, this forced shutdown of the APAC servers has gone from people being forced to transfer from to one specific US West Server of the same type they are already on, to being a completely free transfer to US or European server. So why wouldn't we keep asking about a single APAC super server? Its the only restriction on their original, unwanted solution that hasn't been removed.
  9. This annoys me. Turning off the flag should turn off the flag, not flag you as "flag will go away if you spend 5 minutes doing nothing in the base." Its just stupid and gets in the way of people playing the game.
  10. Suggesting a waterworld in Star Wars and its not Dac/Mon Calamari?
  11. That interesting, because I was a fair distance away from the ship when I found the Taris piece. Another player ran through while I was searching, and said his guild mates had all found their pieces on Taris in the middle of the water. It wasn't in there for me either. The only useful thing that guides online provide you with are letting you know which map you need to be on.
  12. Wow thats so useful when the instances on Fleet are limited to quite a bit less than 500, and you can't communicate across instances on Fleet. Most of those people might as well not be there.
  13. The GUI pane for collections is already an unreadable mess. And I've got the advantage of seeing it on a 30 inch 2560x1600 screen. If adding more items made the GUI an unreadable mess, shouldn't this have been taken as an indication that the GUI design is bad, and should be redone? After all, its going to have to keep track of more items new things are added to the Cartel Market anyway.
  14. And now people can pay money to change their toons name. Good luck coming up with a solution when players are told they're going to lose a name that they paid additional money to have.
  15. Well a subscriber's opinion is more valued... can non subscribers even bring up their opinion here?
  16. Multiple servers were needed at the launch of the Oceanic servers. My friends and I only ended up rolling on Gav Daragon because we couldn't get onto Dalborra. However, the population did drop significantly as Bioware sat on their hands and failed miserably at addressing problems and adding new content to keep people interested in the game. When they went through the server consolidation in North America and Europe it should've been done for the three APAC servers as well. Instead they continued to sit on their hands and do nothing as the population continued to dwindle, some people rerolling on NA servers, some just leaving. Bioware's claims that people want to keep their server type have been shown to be a joke, since on the announcement of the transfers, the first thing people asked for was to make it an open transfer to servers of their choice. So much for the PVPers wanting to stay on a PVP server, and the RPers wanting to stay on an RP server. And then we were thinking the decision to merge to the US is driven by the cost of running the servers in Australia. It clearly wasn't a year long contract they were waiting out... since we've already passed that. And if the servers were too expensive to run... well wouldn't it be cheaper to be running one server at the present moment?
  17. Yeah but as a subscriber I'm not prevented from making Chiss character. Of course I'm not going to complain about not having access to Chiss from the start, because I do have access to them. One of the advertised benefits of subscribing is that you get full access to the games character creation options. Someone who is not a subscriber does not have to creating a Chiss character. You cannot go and spend in game credits and remove the restrictions on them. The website says that as a subscriber I get full access to all character creation options. Therefore yes, as a subscriber I should be feel entitled to have access to all character creation options.
  18. That's called bait and switch advertising. Its illegal in most places where the Government actually care about its citizens. And the fact that people would defend a company for such deplorable behaviour tells you something about their status. But then again, you made it pretty obvious you're nothing but a shill long ago.
  19. Would this be on top of the monthly stipend of 500 that I pay for as part of my subscription?
  20. Currently prior to 2.1, I can select to play as any PC species in the game without levelling a character to 50 or paying a ton of credits. If I do these things, I can remove the class restriction on a species that I already had access to. No need to unlock them.
  21. Just because you failed to mouse over some options doesn't mean it isn't there. It specifically says that subscribers get full access to character creation options. And that the restrictions for character creation options are limited species choice and total number of characters. With this they are removing the subscription benefit of access to all character creation options. It is the equivalent of making subscribers have to pay cartel coins to access more than one crew skill, while advertising that you still access to upto three. Or having to spend cartel coins to access sprint at level 1, instead of level 15.
  22. Species isn't a character creation option? Really? http://www.swtor.com/free/features <- have you not visited this website before? Scroll down and check what it lists as the Character Creation restrictions for Preferred and Free, actually don't worry about it, I'll list them in case its too difficult for you. The character creation restrictions are the number of characters and limited to three species. Looks like Bioware's website specifically says that species is a character creation option. Also what please tell me what species a subscriber currently has to pay for to select? Playing a species through to level 50, or paying cartel coins, removes the class restrictions on the species. It doesn't give access to the species. Having to spend a few cartel coins is not maintaining the advertise feature for subscribers that they get access to "All Character Creation Options". If spending cartel coins counted as getting access then that wouldn't be a restriction for F2P players. After all they can access any race by spending a few cartel coins.
  23. I just clicked on the link and Amazon tells me thats its in stock. You didn't click on the link did you? Just made a stupid assumption. Only released in America? Hmm I bought my copy from my local Electronics Boutique here in Australia...
  24. Maybe the fact that you can only have 50 planetary commendations? The OPs post is about the fact that they don't need to buy anything at their current level, and they have hit the commendations cap. So they want to use comms to buy some more advanced gear, instead of just having commendations disappear into the aether because they're at cap. Also as for your exploit... what do you think everyone does with their alts. My main that has maxed artifice has a full list of purples for crystals, hilts and enhancements. so full sets of purples are mailed to any alts as they progress. And oh look, I don't have to buy anything with the commendations.
  25. So its the bonus missions credits that got the nerf? I thought it was referring to the actual space missions themselves. So you still get the credits for doing the daily mission, but you no longer get a second reward (couple 100 creds) for doing the individual space missions. Some clarification would be nice.
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