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Everything posted by CheechMacho

  1. The Evasion buff that snipers got where they are immune to everything for 3 secs (maybe more with set bonus) would be nice for operatives since we need that survivability buff. The problem becomes with Op Healers having that ability being OP. If it was high up in the concealment tree it might work. When we open on a target with Hidden Strike, we are going to be dead in the water immediately. This would be an acceptable replacement IMO. Most Snipers don't even want the ability as they don't really need another defensive cooldown. I have one and I wont complain about it but I honestly think it should go to DPS operatives instead.
  2. Hex, I love your passion. Makes me want to log onto my Operative right now! But this sums it up pretty neatly... Operatives will never be viable in ranked unless it gets survivability.
  3. I disagree with you completely. Nothing has really changed for us Operatives with 2.6 and it looks like it will be worse in 2.7. If you are a good player and know what you are doing, an operative is an easy kill assuming you have full health. You survive the initial burst and react. If I catch you with no CD and low HP, you are dead. If your in PVE gear, your dead. Same as it was pre 2.6. Now your dead 1 shiv sooner. If you noticed, all the QQ threads about Operatives have gone to the wayside after 2 weeks because everyone knows they overacted. And now with Hidden Strike knockdown being removed next patch, its one and only ICONIC move since launch is gone. Tell me how our fellow Assassin class gets to keep its knockdown and have more survivability. The gap widens between the 2 stealth classes. No way is concealment operative OP.
  4. he's saying add 2 damage and 75 heath for every single Obroan piece and it adds up. not so meaningless IMO.
  5. That was going to be my question.... Rage or Carnage for pvp if these changes go live?
  6. So Hidden Strike will no longer stun for 1.5 sec.... Brutal in PVP. I can see me opening with Hidden Strike and immobilizing the target. Target can just root me back or just hard stun me for 4 secs. Since we are so squishy... what do you think the chances are we can win a dps race from that point? How does this not make us 10 times worse than the Assassin which still has their knockdown and better survivability? Talk about making the gap wider between the two stealth classes or what? I'm hoping they bring back the stun part even if we don't have the knockdown animation anymore. As someone else mentioned... that is such an iconic animation that we have had since inception that we are losing because "players panic" Thoughts?
  7. I barely ever post but its good to see a constructive thread in the pvp forums!
  8. why did anyone, myself included respond to this misinformed thread. gunslingers can not get pulled in cover. lol
  9. Bioware hasn't done a thing with the Nerf cries for Smash. I'm hoping they ignore these premature QQ as well.
  10. Send Allup, Dauktor, or Machoman a whisper in game. Thanks.
  11. [quote A d/c should not be counted... ever.. but to make sure that it isn't, someone should SS the Ops frame when someone D/cs. I disagree. Either get players with reliable computers/internet and if they are constantly DCing than replace them. And if it is just a 1 off here and there it should be pretty even across the board and wash out at the end because everyone has an occasional DCer. If not, everyone will use the DC as an excuse. JMO.
  12. Cheechie here. Death to the Republic picked me up for RWZ yesterday and we went 2-1. 2 wins against Empire of Taw and 1 loss to I Am Legend. <Play> will be joining the ranked scene too. Peace.
  13. Can we take out the 5 pages of BS in the middle of this thread? Almost gave up...
  14. This is the thread to post on. Assasins/Shadows can Phase Walk thru walls? Is that working as intended? Let's not even talk about the only ability in the game that covers 60m.... Shouldn't there be LOS to Phasewalk?
  15. Why are operatives magnets for the nerf cry? I still can't believe that Sins/Shadows can 1v5 and survive 1356651 seconds and kill at least 3 of the 5 and NOBODY complains? They also have stealth just like the Operatives. Everyone admits they would never bring an Operative to a Ranked WZ because anything an Operative can do, a Sin can do better. Now they get a SIXTY meter Phase Walk and... NOBODY complains. But the little operative gets a move and its nerf them to hell. Give the Scoundrel/Operative some love. They can now affect the outcome of a Hutball match. Nobody is disputing that but isnt that the point? Every class now has the ability to help win the match. Name any other class that wasn't effective in Hutball. You cant.
  16. It will get crazy once everyone is in augmented Conqueror gear. Right now these 8-9k smashes are with half partisan/half EWH gear. lol
  17. I wonder if its a known bug... How do we check?
  18. nicely explained and helpful. One thing I try to do for survivability is hit resurgence and drop down revivication prior to having to use my Force Barrier for the obvious reason of healing up while immune to everything. Then your unnatural preservation and shield should be off CD when its over.
  19. Has anyone else noticed this? It clearly states immune to interrupts for 10 secs and I am interupted immediately after using it. I'm not talking about stunned either. Interrupted. Anyone else confirm this is broken?
  20. This is perfect and logical. /threadclosed
  21. I want to keep my 2 piece pve set bonus for my operative. Backstab Crit. What is the thought process for those wanting to keep those bonuses? I am hearing that you: A. Can't keep them because the expertise loss is too big and its not worth it. B. Can keep them because the armoring now has the bonus. So get my Conqueror gear and just move the armoring into it? C. PVE gear in WZ is bad and Bolster will be messed up D. Crit has DR now so does that affect the set bonus? I'm so confused and before I start moving things around or wasting coms to get new gear I want to be sure of what I am doing. I know I can't be the only one with uncertainty. Thanks in advance for those with helpful replies.
  22. My point is that the operatives got something somewhat useful and its the end of the world. Keep shots in your own face please. lol
  23. I agree with everyone that this is a bad idea. Really? Buff DPS? But no need to be so mean about it. Damn.
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