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Everything posted by HolyFrogx

  1. Since 1.4, I have found it very difficult to walk from mid to goal in huttball, as I'm often stunlocked to death - even in watchman spec. Please un-nerf me asap. Yours truly, Sentinel
  2. Since 1.4, I have found it very difficult to roll into a group of 4 players at a node and kill one of them, as I'm stunlocked to death - even in watchman spec. Please un-nerf me asap. Yours truly, Sentinel
  3. I get the emote thing and you are correct. But why no bubble?
  4. I just write a number in chat and hope people are watching their minimaps. If I have time, I might type a direction. It works like its on an RNG with pugs. Back on topic - there are dozens of outstanding players. Too many to mention and I agree with almost all posted names. Nezz, Nexz and Nasheara are names not mentioned anywhere near enough. Celo and Taneuil are two notable new players that are definitely quality.
  5. Yes. Please come across now. Don't wait. Current status: picked up 1100 Ranked WZ comms from 6pm to 12am on Saturday, but we could use 100 more pvpers on the server. During the weekend daytime sub 50s pvp was incessant popping, 50s pvp is a around 2 warzones an hour during the day, with lulls.
  6. I have the direct link: its not there. Google has no cache of it either. So - was it announced that they would be wiping the forums? If I have known, I would have copy and pasted the main page and kept it alive. I'm in a bit of disbelief about this and am staying positive that it will be accessible from somewhere.
  7. Yes we are getting the extra slots.
  8. I need to be able to repost the forum that was keeping track of Sentinel and Marauder Records. The server merge subsequent forum change has wiped out or moved the old threads. How can I access these old forums?
  9. 1: Leave the existing huttball as it is - I love it when its good and hate it when its bad. 2: I love the idea of a different map that randomly affects the middle with a drop away bridge or other obstacle. One thing that happens often with matches loaded with WarHero-Warlords, that they tend to end up a 6-0 or 0-6 depending on what happens early in the middle. It can sometimes be too hard to break that rhythm. A new map could/should better allow players to not get caught in that unbreakable rhythm. Putting the ball in the middle of a falling away bridge over a 35m radius sarlac pit would do it. Nice idea. 3: I very much dislike the idea of buying consumables specifically for a WZ - jetpacks or other boosters. That takes the game in the wrong direction imho. 4: I also love the idea of spectator mode. I'd love to place my camera in Giradda's box and watch ranked huttball when I'm eating lunch or dinner, or otherwise distracted. 5: As for the vertical platforms version. I see one ideal place for this - Kashyyyk, heading up one of their trees.
  10. In PVP, I have to say there are probably 4, maybe 5 powertechs on Dalborra that are a huge pain in the arse, that can occasionally cause me to want to pound my monitor into oblivion. There are probably 20 that can cause trouble or can put me in a bad mood. There are probably 100 or more that can do higher damage that I wouldn't remember the names of. OP? No. Nerf it? There is absolutely no need. To everyone who thinks they are op, have a really close look at the situation they are in. For example did you run into a 1v1 against one after he/she spotted you first? Did you run solo into a 2v1? Did you happen to notice the healer or other other protection that PT is getting? Did you fail to execute your rotation correctly? Did the PT happen to crit nicely? The entire commentary above is to same for Operatives Gunslingers Maras Sorcs Assassins... oh wait - its every class! On both imp and pub side, if the opposing player is hitting their rotations correctly and has the jump on you, they will frustrate you. Anyone can beat anyone, but you need to pay attention, and be prepared to die. When you do get pwned, brush it off and go again. Or call for backup. I recall a recent incident where I ran into an elite Shadow 1v1 and got toasted - I took barely 5k off the guy. As I ran back in I went to the other side and ran into another War Hero+ ranked Shadow, again a 1v1 and destroyed him in a few seconds with him barely taking a few grand off me. The point is the above can happen for fights with every class, PTs as well. It depends on the player and depends on the situation. I'm happy to leave things as they are.
  11. I have won a tonne and lost a tonne of huttball. One thing that I see with certain players is what appears to be a lag spike that allows the ball carrier to disappear/stealth for around 3 seconds. They then reappear still holding the ball. The player drops targetting and is unable to be targetted during this time. They are not teleporting or anything, simply not visible. I have no screenshots or video, and so have not yet cried about it in game or in forums yet. I reserve the right to be proven wrong on this one, as I have only seen this 3-4 times and wont call anyone out on it yet.
  12. 3 bits of advice. 1: You need to practice fighting Ops and snipers - eventually you will start beating them. At 14 you have simply not put in enough hours to know how to rollover other classes. 2: You will gain more skills to help deal with them later. 3: Stay away from Ops and snipers. Don't get involved or get away. When you get to 50 you will go through the exact same pain again. You need to learn to avoid them, and not get caught up in a fight with one, unless you have the upperhand. Work with teammates ftw. And btw, sents can easily roll every other class so don't complain too loudly about having 1 nemesis.
  13. I was suffering this until I rig ht clicked on the .exe and selected properties, compatibility, and chose run as xp service pack 3
  14. As Watchman spec Sentinel I have 27 skills at "need them now" binding. (3 rows of 10; with Droid Stun, Companion Buff and a single spare slot leftover.)
  15. I started responding with a , " cmon its not that overpowerd - its only 5 miserable little seconds of survivability". Until I thought about 1v1s, and 1v2s that have been won off the back off it. As a Sent, I would be ok with No heals from external sources for the 5 seconds. Or alternatively, the old favourite from LOTRO's undying rage - make it a guaranteed death at the end of the duration, but allow +100% run speed, and extend it to 8 seconds.
  16. So I tend to end up quite high on the republic side (sub 50 pvp) scoreboards, but quite often on the losing side. Without flame, will I be earning a high rank or low rank?
  17. This is why I believe no class needs to be nerfed. I hate all other classes that I'm not playing at that particular point in time. Just play what you have. BW, please don't nerf anything. Give everyone a chance to learn their class. Im yet to figure my classes out.
  18. I think if you look closely at the rest of the Republic stats - in particular objectives - we were not doing well. Its definitely feasible that this guy was simply left unhindered for the duration of the fights. I didn't notice anything unusual about the guy until I saw the scoreboard. But as most people seem to be agreeing to: against poor opposition, large a number is in the realm of possibility for a PT, so I'll concede l33t, not cheat. Thanks for the tips Kayse. It'll be an imp feeding frenzy on me when I hit 50, so I'm looking forward to overcoming that.
  19. So the consensus is: this is fine. I've seen people top 300k all of 2 or 3 times in a shidtonne of sub level-50 pvp. If its normal for the pros, then so be it. But I am certain, seeing over 400k in Bolstered pvp is definitely not normal. If its a player just being exceptionally good, then I'll take it and thanks for the input. I should learn to lift my game if that's the case.
  20. I'm one of these players who regularly cries to himself at how hard it is to pvp against well organised group of imps. As a disorganised knight, I can be taken out of the game pretty easily -> knock back, root, pull in, root, stun, root, knock back, root, pull in, root, stun. I normally keep the whinges to myself about that. But the below, is surely just cheating. http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj376/twolny/Screenshot_2012-05-13_16_54_09_788366.jpg 462,726 damage in one round of Voidstar.
  21. That's actually very bad business. It proves Bioware do not have an adequate test mechanism in place. They should know everything they are changing, run it in beta or a pilot for a period of time (during which they can play with patch notes.) then publish confirmed patch notes and then publish the patch. Its not hard, but clearly there is a gap in resourcing and/or management. Is it worth pissing customers off?
  22. I have been at my level cap for Valor since level 19. Being a level 22 now, I am again at my Valor cap of 22. It does appear to me that while you are at valor cap, the valor points you earn do in fact carry across into your next rank. e.g. I expect to almost instantly be at my level 23 valor cap, when I hit level 23.
  23. Its all just pixels. PVP has no meaning in any game. That said... I like to kill things.... *seethe*
  24. 1: The camera is the biggest issue in the PVP game, imho. If you like to have your camera zoomed all the way out, like I do, the camera should adjust against the terrain, and then return back to the position you scrolled to. The way it gets closer to you when it hits terrain and doesn't return is an abomination, and I cant believe there isn't more noise about it. 2:I don't suffer any lag - ever, but clicking on players is frustrating. Machine gunning Tab waiting for the little red highlight to appear is sporadically successful. 3: Targets should glow brighter. 4: Target Assist. **** where is it? Not a showstopper but seriously.... 5: See my targets target. **** where is it? Not a showstopper but seriously.... 6: Finally, you know the other side faces exactly the same grievances you face = fair fight.
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