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Everything posted by Daethorz

  1. Games arent that restricted. No acres of land issue. EA is giving up on swtor because its not stable, and they wont put in the work to make it stable, and they simply lack any form of creativity. Swtor has the same endgame as WoW, and thats why people left WoW in the First place.
  2. Same! short fun life followed by liver failure
  3. Return to fleet, because we need to do nothing but sit there and que for our endgame! Time to add a endgame bioware, people need to be bugging them about this.
  4. I agree just from the first few sentances. A little rage: I'm *********** sick of being re-selected as a tank EVEN AFTER i click it off.
  5. Player Housing: Because we need new scenery to sit and que from. our ships are our homes. Add a endgame, this game has no endgame.
  6. Lol Hopefully when they stop flinging their **** they will add a ACCEPTABLE ENDGAME. Groups i have gotten into proactively move him to the edge at like 25%
  7. Why would the outrageously rich play swtor? heck id be driving 150 down the interstate in my 1 mill lambo flipping cops off because i can afford the ticket tons of fun things i could do if i was a rich mofo, and not many of them include swtor.
  8. Like anything with a endgame different than WoW. Anyone know where can i get one?
  9. U STOLDED TWO HOURS FROM ME WHEN I WAS SLEEPING, ME ANGRY! lol I want swtor to shut down for HALF A YEAR and implement everything on my suggestion list and fix their engine to not suck.
  10. |---------------| / Bioware HQ \ |----------------| o <---- Tumbleweed o <------ Tumbleweed I think they layed everyone off
  11. Bioware, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. The Vast majority of posts the last month have been negative, even for this forums standard. This game is now hanging by a thread. If You(Bioware), do not act immediately, you will be shunned. I have given Extremely over-thought suggestions, so have many other people, Listen to us. Most of us are SICK OF WoW's Endgame, and thats exactly what we got with swtor.
  12. Easiest way to not win Re-election: Not doing Anything the people want. Bioware is NOT doing Anything the people want, and they are not communicating with us at all. Thus they will be destroyed.
  13. Unfortunately we will all be leaving SWTOR in large flocks soon. The Endgame of this game leaves too much to be desired, many of us expected KOTOR, only with standard MMO features added. Instead we ended up getting WoW, in space with voice-acting and a space battle system that not very many people like. Many, many of us have given bioware our constructive criticism, suggestions and flat out demands for new features that would set this game apart from World of Warcraft, yet they have appeared to do nothing, and have not acknowledged any of us. I will be quitting just like you in a month or so and i will be buying GW2, not because it will be "Amazing!", but because it will be F2P without damaging the overall play of the game with "P2W(Pay 2 Win)" content, and because It has new content that I have not experienced yet. Bioware can fix their game, I have tried my hardest to shoot detailed suggestions at them, with no result, if they do the things i have suggested or even better things I haven't thought of, I may return. But until then, I fear for this game, if they do not act immediately this game will lose population so rapidly it may actually stop making profit, and with the worst company in america at the helm, P2W dosent seem that far away, and if that happens, no amount of content will ever bring me back. And Peoples quitting comments are important, not because of their storys, but because of the sheer amount of them, and every player who unsubs right now, punches EA & Bioware in the face.
  14. MMO's are controlled by investors, and the snowball effect is now enabled. Bioware has their feet locked in and appears to be starving to death.
  15. How many people usually image themselfs as a big ol person running around with a sabre? The only people i have seen use body type 4 have been people like a character named Santa that i saw on swiftsure back in the day. The majority of people like to live in a fantasy world where weight is no issue and rarely crosses your mind.
  16. Swtor will most likely end up going Full Blown Pay 2 Win, and then i will full blown forget this game ever existed.
  17. Rational thought almost guarantees ea Will go p2w.
  18. If this game goes p2w, i go too. id rather play WoW than sit on a ****** p2w mmo.
  19. I agree it is only because small rushed patches usually break more than they fix.
  20. The only way to get as much revenue as 500k players spending $15/mo, Do the math, its in the millions. Is it implement a cash shop people would actually use. Thus P2W, Thus Worst MMO on the market.
  21. Cross-Server ruins the feeling of a community. Everything else i agree with, swoop racing more than others. Space battles are mind numbingly boring in swtor, id rather log out and sleep than play them.
  22. Yeah, i for one do not like male body type 4, its to large. Sorry, but a body type 4 person would run out of breath when running around, and would be kinda difficult to jump really far and fast at someone. Its unrealistic, and honestly i would limit body type 4 to smugglers/operatives/bountyhunters/troopers Only.
  23. If swtor goes P2W i will expect it to become nonexistant within 6 months of that time.
  24. So many people complaining about the Warzone Comm Max, i Suggest they make a Low-Level Commendation (1-49) That trades at a 50:10 Ratio and has no max, but still keep the warzone commendation max. The Point is pvping a ton at low level would destroy the incentive of pvping at high level since u already have all the gear, this way it wouldent really be worth it, but still possible.
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