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Everything posted by Kaedusz

  1. So you basically confirm my point? Either that or you deny there are some objective means to measure things.
  2. Quality is not a democracy. McDolands is not quality food if millions of people are fans of it and it is profitable.
  3. Let me say what many of us are thinking here. this is a l2p issue. or wrong genre issue
  4. There is still pre kotor 1 EU, kotor 1,2, swtor, post swtor EU and the Bane and Plagueis novels. That's where the true SW is now. At least for me.
  5. I don't like this idea because if this is implemented i cba to use it which means other people will get advantage over me in regards to crew skills and everything related to them. So no pls. Also more people won't bother to even log in properly, because many do, just so they can do whatever it is this mobile app is gonna allow them to do. Less people walking around = deader game. If you wanna do activities, log in the game. That's the deal. Not to mention that we need their energy to be focused on actual content, not things like this.
  6. Women get to keep Arcann and where the hell is my Vaylin. Ever since she appeared i want her to be my character's waifu but noooo, let's save the bald ***** , instead of the pretty Vaylin.
  7. I am kinda of a fleet/DK troll and nuisance sometimes, so i used to laugh at such threads and call people oversensitive and such. However after visiting the american servers some time ago i can confirm that the situation is terrible there. And yes this is an american thing. In Europe(Darth Malgus) there are imbeciles and trolls sometimes but nothing as bad as what i saw there. The situation is sometimes so bad that you can't say 2 words before being burried instantly by an endless drivel. I am not talking about the content of the drivel, but its quantity. For example, Darth Malgus DK chat stuff is bad and i like bad, but in the US it's something else entirely.
  8. Actually the problem is only when these things happen as an end in itself, not because that's just the plot or the narrative. In other words when the goal is clearly to make a political statement for some reason. People can sense when that happens and hence threads like these. When strong women appear naturally people don't have problems, as mentioned by that guy that showed a list of characters.
  9. More than doomsayers think, less than it should. In any case i don't think they will shut it in the foreseeable future. EA has an interesting reputation among players... If garbage like Wildstar and a so-so game like AoC is alive, then SWTOR should go on, as long as the EA have the license at least.
  10. Some people want to make classes similar to heroes in BF. This is a RPG, let it stay that way.
  11. In relation to the previous posts i wrote, in regard to some of the people in the thread, sorry about that. I wasn't sober when i wrote them. Now that i am less unsober i feel a cringe about them(the posts) but oh well... I'll just let myself out.
  12. I don't remember saying it is easy to just *poof* fix oneself.
  13. I was talking mostly about anxiety, not depression, even if it is depression born out of long years of anxiety. Depression is more brain chemistry based. In any case one of the conclusion of most therapies for anxiety is what i mentioned above. The difficult part is how to get there, in your mind.
  14. This might be insensitive but i have to say, it's all in your head guys. The key to most of the problems you people mentioned is realizing that you are truly not that important to the people that you presume are judging you. The root of most the problems you mentioned is the internal war in your mind, not the outside world. Once you truly realize that with your whole being, you can move forward. Also remember that life is too short to worry about such things, in 150 years nobody is going to remember both you and the people you fantasize are judging you.
  15. This made me crack up in RL. When i hear someone saying ''benefits of slavery'' i view it as if a comic is doing a comedic sketch in front of an audience. Comedy often happens when you push limits. It's not like someone that is running for office is talking about it with a straight face or it's a random guy in a serious TV program. This just confirms my suspicions, you guys are entirely too serious about life.
  16. I did make a char on Satale Shan just so i can hear the fleet chat. The ongoing discussion about the pros and cons of circumcision. Found it amusing. I will visit again soon for a longer period of time to see what's up.
  17. ''Constant stream'' is overexagerated and too strong a word for the situation we have. On Darth Malgus at least the banter can be at full force during a few particular times of the day. Some days, nobody trolls at all. Who knows, maybe you can be right, if you are talking about Satale Shan, but i doubt it. You people make it sound like the Fleet chat is a gathering spot for all the scum on planet Earth lol. And it's bad for morale honestly, for potentially new players browsing the forums. And no, not nearly as bad as new players being scared from the chat itself, cus as i said above, you guys as overexagerating.
  18. For example, a friend plays EVE and i have heard horror stories about elitism, bullying and scams.
  19. ^ Those other games you mentioned have other types of toxicity, compared to which the trolls in general chat are nothing. Can't speak for Pathfinder though.
  20. The right comparison is between this game and other games, not with a restaurant. Since trolling and messing around is bigger or the same in other games(all the games), then this is a common thing with games. Since it has existed forever,exists and it will exist, it's fair to say it's the norm. That's just the way games and gamers are. It's the nature of the thing. You can't break its nature. You can only punish the worst offenders and hope for the best. You make it sound like the vaunted Terms of Use should tell people when to blink. Not everything is purely clinical and strict and rules are constantly bent and broken, sometimes more, sometimes less. Most of the time it is harmless. And the General chat is different because the environment is not personal, you have nothing to do with the people you are talking to, other than being in the same room. People that are personally harrased should report, but if someone sees a random message not directed at someone else, that is offensive in some kind of way, for example sexually, racially or politically then sorry but that is a case of being too sensitive for this type of environment. The Devs can't start punishing every single person with clinical precision for random comments in chat, or the game would become lifeless in a negative amount of time. What you are saying essentially here is the equivalent of creating a perfect society in which nobody is greedy, corrupt, and all live like monks. Not gonna happen. This is not a case of following the Terms by the players or not, or the devs enforcing the ''rules''. The real issue here is how things really work in practice and making your peace with reality. All people can do is develop thicker skin. The General chat is like the noise cars make in a big city, you just learn to deal with it. Sure, a more effective report and punishment system may be needed for the worst offenders, but that is immaterial in our current context.
  21. The current classes need all kinds of fixing and balance changes. For example the retarded 10 m range for PTs and Vanguards + fix the squishiness. New classes would mess up the balance to an even bigger extreme. Not to mention that if they create a new advanced class they will have to do it for every class, not just 1. And if they create a whole new class from scratch they will have to pay a whole bunch of new voice actors and design a lot of other **** that comes with it. It's hardly happening any time soon if ever. I would rather them focus on new mmo content and balance.
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