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Everything posted by Rogozhi

  1. I just got to wondering how many of you cleanse DoTs and other negative effects?
  2. I wonder: How often do people cleanse DoTs?
  3. Rapid Scan is a 25 Heat cast, and when you have a pool out of 100, I would not advise trying to spam 14 of them.
  4. You're exactly the type of tank I love! Honestly, as a Merc, guard isn't something I require unless under some very serious FF. I would rather see it sitting on a DPS so I can conserve resources for emergency healing.
  5. I play a Merc BG and I've gotten over not being guarded in PUGs. Instead what gets me is complete lack of guard or taunts from DPS tanks. Hell, even the idea of a DPS tank makes me angry. If you're going in deep with a Marauder at your side GUARD THE GUY! If you trouble yourself with peeling DPS off a healer GUARD THE GUY! And TAUNT! The worst of these tanks have got to be Sins. I can see they are in their tank stance, yet stacked with DPS gear and ending the game with 0 protection points. If there were multiple tanks in the team I could understand--sometimes I switch to majority DPSing if there is no one to heal. But if you're the only tank you would be more useful as a tank than 2nd rate DPS. Honestly I think being a tank is the hardest, and most useful, role to play in PvP. The thing that I thin dissuades most people is that the usefulness can't be quantified like a healer or DPS. Protection numbers don't show a tank's full contribution.
  6. I have to say, as a Merc, that powertechs seem a little over the top. Surviving the focus of a Marauder isn't easy and puts me out of the game, but it is nothing like trying to escape a geared Powertech. Their burst hits so hard and fast I think I would need to be sitting at 1k alacrity just to get off a heal before I drop (okay, that's hyperbole, but I hope you get the picture). The thing that initially drew me to SWTOR's PvP over other games I've played was the higher TTK. I like when A DPS gets on me and I have the time to do something about it: either LoS, run into guard range, or whatever the situation requires. Powertechs tend to upset the balance and need to be toned down a little.
  7. Just to get this out of the way: I think my head is going to explode if I hear another reference to how SWG did such and such better than any other MMO ever. Anyways, you can transfer your normal comms to ranked at a rate of 30:10, and yes, it will take forever and a day to get that shiny WH set. I'm currently 4/7 WH since I couldn't do PvP on my last server without smashing a keyboard in frustration over pugging against premades all day and night. I've done a few ranked games in groups I've found in the fleet, but honestly it's quicker to just grind the regulars. By the time you find the group, get everyone on voice, and inevitably replace the dude whose dog puked on his kid, you could have knocked off 3 regular games. I'm not sure what server you're on, but on The Bastion I've only been turned down once for not being geared enough and that was after I played a match with one of the group members.
  8. It's as instant as any other instant in the game.
  9. First I want to say that overall I think PvP in SWTOR is pretty balanced. Marauders and Powertechs do seem a little OP, but nothing as gamebreaking as a lot of people make it out to be. In fact, if I'm on a decent team, I sort of enjoy the challenge they bring to the table. However, last night I ran into PT that seemed to be doing an inexplicable amount of damage. I'll start by saying I'm a Merc BG healer in 4/7 WH gear with everything augmented. I'm not fully geared, but I'm no recruit wearing noob either. Anyways, it was a CW game, and I headed to snow with 3 other people. It was empty, we capped, and the other 3 left to help grass which was under heavy fire. Though defending a node isn't the best place for the healer I figured I could hold off an inc until helped arrived. About a minute later a PT and Sin showed up. I called inc and got ready to hold them off until the cavalry arrived. Expectantly I only survived for a short time, but it was enough for 3 teammates to show up. I hopped on the speeder back to the node and got ready to keep my people alive. Almost immediately both enemies switched to target me and burned me down to 10% in one GCD. The rapid scan, 1.7 sec cast without pushback, I had pre-casted couldn't even finish before I was dead. I've played lots of WZs, even ranked, and I've never seen that type of damage. When I went back again and tried healing my teammates they were taking 25-40% damage every hit. It was literally impossible to heal them no matter what I tried. Has anyone else ever run into a situation like this where you just can't explain how people are doing the damage they are?
  10. Here you go: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-0UJFx31TqZlZt66qxnBN9MTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink I use a Naga, so that's what the box to the right is for.
  11. My character's name: Nastasya After transfer: Nastasyà (ALT+133) Do this. EDIT: My main's name is Rogozhin. It was open. Had it not of been I would have either used an alt code or went with Rogozhi, Rogozen, or something similar. My last name, Karamazov, was taken. I went with Karmazov. The reference is still apt to me, so who cares.
  12. First: Tanks would become imbalanced. Second: BW has been trying to increase TTK. Refer to: Relic Changes 1.3
  13. First: The primary incentive for a tank to guard his healers is to keep the healer alive and see his team to a win. Unfortunately people don't seem to grasp this concept very well and instead play the tank as a very tough DPS while neglecting their role of meat shield and peeler. My experience playing tanks, unfortunately not in SWTOR yet, is that it is a playstyle between DPS and healer. You have to remain aware of your teammates health and react when FF starts to happen. I don't see this happening very often. Second: Some of the best teams I've seen in ranked on my server run with a sorc healer. Further, some of the best WZs I've played have been with me as my BG Merc paired with a Sorc healer. I set them as my focus target and make sure they stay alive, while they in turn pump out way more healing to the entire group than I could ever manage. Of course all of this falls apart if the tanks and DPS are neglecting to peel for us. My Merc may be able to stand toe to toe with a fully geared Marauder, but doing so takes me out of the game, and unless a DPS comes around to attack the Marauder, completely useless. This is a team game and as people have said previously it is balanced around team play---AS IT SHOULD BE. Third: If you're having trouble with a bad team say something about it. When I'm in a WZ where I'm spending more time running back from spawn than I am healing I tell the team to start getting their act together. Sometimes all it takes is reminding the DPS to peel or the tank to guard SOMEONE. Lastly: These forums are rife with really bad players. Take a stroll over to the Merc forums and you'll see they wrote off Merc healers as the worst in the game after 1.2. Now I see requests for them in RWZ teams in general chat. A lot of the people posting in forums are just baddies that need to L2P.
  14. There was an error. I keep a back-up of my SWTOR just for those types of circumstances. And now you will too.....
  15. I play a Merc healer and if I'm paired with a sorc in WZ they become my focus target over anyone else. My priority is always to keep them alive and pumping out heals to the entire group. One healer is never enough for a WZ and being put in that situation is a lot of what I think makes things so frustrating for people.
  16. I think when talking about ranked people should be sure to post their server of origin. Most of the complaints I've seen about RWZs (long queues, ranked teams in regular, a few teams dominating, etc), come from PvE servers. Personally I'm on The Bastion and I've noticed a big difference in regular WZs since ranked was released. Mainly they are a lot easier. I rarely see the full WH w/ augment geared players I used to. It feels much more like WZs did pre-50. A good place to hone your game.
  17. I'm on The Bastion. RWZ queue the last I checked, about two days ago, was 5-10 minutes max. Make's a big difference being on a PvP server where a majority of the population spends a majority of their time PvPing.
  18. I've been think of doing a UI overhaul, but wanted to see what people out there are using. I'll start by posting what I'm using now: https://picasaweb.google.com/113109353829981406903/RogoSUI#5762877654160159442 My raid frames show up just over my left shoulder and the bottom right hand corner box is for my Naga. Let's see what you're using!
  19. Leveling in SWTOR is awesome. It's the first MMO where I feel a very strong connection to my character and feel like they are a CHARACTER and not just an avatar to slap gear on. That being said reaching 50 can be a little of a let down. You go from having so much to do and see to really just standing on the fleet dazed and wondering what next? For me what's next is: 1) Dailies. 1.3 kind of made those 200 comm relics useless, but the Rakata stuff is nice. I mostly do them for the cash which I use for.... 2) Gear customization. My Merc Healer has had his eye on a nice RD-15b set and I'm working towards getting the WH mods to make it happen. It's a damn long grind, but I don't mind the BALANCED PvP to get there. 3) PvP - Ranked and otherwise. Despite the QQ claiming PvP is an unbalanced mess I find it top notch. My Merc can outheal anything except the best geared Maras/Sents and 1v1 any tank class if need be. Getting into ranked games with a good team is just amazing and the class balance that exists when playing with a well-oiled group starts is great. 4) PvE Ops. I raid twice a week for 1.5-2.5 hours. It's the perfect length that I can get the kids to bed and finish a raid without having to sacrifice sleep. Our guild is filled with retired hardcore players and we all find it refreshing to be playing a game instead of having a second job. 5) Level my alts. If I don't feel like spending my 2-3 hours of nightly playtime doing 1-4 I can return to the excellent leveling experience. Maybe eventually I'll get bored once I'm on my 3rd or 4th 50, but I find it hard to be disappointed in a game that gives you 500-700 hours of playtime. And if I do I'll just play something else and log on twice a week to hang out with the guild and raid.
  20. Run level 1 missions for 95 cr. Get 4-6 mats. Sell for 100 each mat. Make 305-505 cr profit every 3 minutes. That's a very simple way to make quite a bit of credits. Once you get more companions and access to more mats you can really start bringing in the cash. In fact when leveling a toon I almost always end up with 300-400k by the time I'm buying my first speeder.
  21. They are not in game yet and I believe the referral's first "free" month needs to be up, and a paid on started, before you get it. Much the same as how you can't refer a friend until you're in your first paid month. There is a thread already showing the mount and the announcement they will be coming soon.
  22. I dunno. I can run around fine on my Merc without a constant guard. It's all about positioning.
  23. If healers were useless in WZs, people wouldn't be focus firing you down so quickly. This is likely one of the most absurd threads I've ever read. The only reason you are having trouble is the rest of your team isn't doing the work to keep you alive that they should be.
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