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Everything posted by Rogozhi

  1. Rogozhi

    Covid 19

    I'd suspect they will be pushing hard to see those things implemented for sure. Thing is even the billionaires have to govern with the consent of the people, so it will be intresting to see what they do with people displaced by all of this.
  2. Rogozhi

    Covid 19

    If it was quite literally the seasonal flu they wouldn't shut down the nearly the entire world to deal with it. There is no secret conspiracy behind the scenes where they're doing this for some nefarious reason. While the powers that be might make questionable choices at time, they are not irrational fools, not to the degree that they would willingly tank the global economy. This is real life. Not a video game. There is no secret sith emperor or dark council pulling strings to advance an agenda.
  3. Rogozhi

    Covid 19

    My company has cleared out all but the most essentially positions to work from home. They literally purchased hundreds of new think pads to facilitate the change. As a transit user I'm pretty glad to be able to isolate. When I've been out it seems like a Sunday, even during rush hour. Some people might be downplaying the seriousness, or thinking the media is exaggerating things, but I'd strongly disagree. The virus is extremely contagious, airborne, and fatal in about 3-6 percent of patients. If contagion rates of 30 to 60 percent hold true, that translates into a number of fatalities first world westerners have never experienced. What's going to be really devastating though is the economic impact. There are a ton of people out of work and our modern economies are machine that need to operate continuously.
  4. I've noticed these things too and wonder what is there really going to be to do at level 75? It's not laid out like a typical mmo. However, I think BW knows the strength of the game is the story, so they've focused on that instead of typical mmo mechanics. I can't say that's all bad either. With less time to play now that I'm older it's kind of nice playing something easier, even though I'd strongly agree the story is too easy. But I like that I'll be able to gear to 306 without having to invest hours grinding or committing to routine raids. Plus I prefer PvP, so if I'm going to have to do some PvE for my gear, I'd rather it not be too tedious.
  5. I came back about 2 months ago. Spent most of my initial CC from the origin sub in cartel crates. From that 1k of crates j was able to sell around 15 million with of items. In turn I invested these in maxing crafting skills on a few toons. Now I run slicing missions on two toons for grade 11 missions, which I then run on other toons for embers. Right now I have roughly 20 million worth of embers. Augments are super expensive, so I levelled synthweaving to max, and craft them with the resource matrix from the conquest I complete on two toons minimum. Being in a guild means I snag at least 12 per week, which allows for at least 2 augments. I can also sell embers to buy for SRM if needed. I don't play excessive amounts (family man). Crafting is passive and you can do it while doing PvP or FPs. Or in the morning before work. While I agree there are lots of credit sinks, with the economy of the game being so inflated, it also means there are lots of ways to make huge amounts of credits. Just have to plan a bit and put some effort into it.
  6. In a sense any game with RNG mechanics, which would include all MMORPGs, are gambling. You invest your time to get a chance at a random reward. SWTOR isn't really doing anything the rest of the industry is already doing. In fact most video games rely on feeding the player dopamine hits of some sort to keep them playing. That's why people can develop unhealthy habits, addictions really, to gaming. Social media does the very same thing.
  7. I'm newly returning and run an OP and Merc healer as mains. OP has just hit 75 and is doing pretty well in PvP. Lots of mobility with rolls, lots of instant casts, and very strong AE heal. But poor burst and not much in the way of DcDs when I get pinned. My Merc is 62 now and I think I prefer them in many ways. Popping supercharged, emergency heal, proc'd rapid scan, then the double instant cast buff for two more rapid scans, can lead to huge burst healing. While we can't roll all over the place, rocket out is there to escape when needed, and we have a root cleanse with 30 percent speed buff. At 75 things get even better because rapid scan and progressive scan can be used while moving. Of course there are upcoming changes to merc that haven't been released and I have a feeling there will be a nerf incoming.
  8. Like I've said in other threads, an easy way to encourage objective play is to use the conquest system, which already exists to influence player behaviour towards specific areas. Have conquest objectives for defending and attacking, guarding, huttball scores, and WZ wins. It's something players will chase and will eventually change their behaviour. Just like KP being so lucrative for CP saw people chasing that night after night. Outside of something like this you won't change this behavior and truthfully with my suggestion it might not either. People ignoring objectives has been a problem in PvP for as long as I can remember. Back when I played warhammer online it was a hot topic in the forums. Fact is people like being the stone cold killer causing murder and mayhem. It's the same reason you see a lack of healers and tanks.
  9. Try warzones. On my recent toons I'm light IV before the end of chapter 1.
  10. Honestly this is a longtime problem with PvP. People used to complain about this when I played warhammer online, which was a PvP focused game. The problem has less to do with map deisgn and more to do with players. Most don't realize if you try for the objective you'll get lots of combat as long as the other team is doing the same. As someone that plays healer I see the same when it comes to providing peels and defense. People don't realize if they focused on protecting me a bit they would find an endless supply of fights. They'd rather go solo and try to be a 1 man army. SWTOR does have a straightforward way to help fix the problem: conquest. They could tie rewards to behaviours that need encouraging. Some examples: Defend an objective X times Attack an objective X times Score X amount of protection points Score X amount of heals Score X amount of times in huttball Carry X amount of orbs Plant the bomb X amount of times Win X amount of matches The X value should be set to something that would take a day or week to achieve. I'd go further to suggest splitting the conquest objectives into PvP and PvE sections so people can play how they want. With a big enough carrot for some of these objectives players will start to chase them. Since you can PvP while leveling they could be a good way to help leveling characters hit their conquest goals and address the current problem of many objective goals being too focused on end game. By the time people reach 75, objective play will be like second nature.
  11. I'm wondering if they forgot the point too. Do people really need incentives to give companions gifts or send them on crafting missions? What about something to encourage objective play in PvP or help low level characters with some of the earlier flashpoints? Huttball hat trick - score three times in huttball Point defended - get 50,000 objective points in warzones Helping hand - finish black talon/essles with a group member under level 20
  12. Warzones give a large about. Believe it's about 1k each. I hit LS V in all my toons very quickly.
  13. I played for almost a year after launch and then left for other games. After which I took a long break from the genre. I honestly don't think there is anything the Devs could have done to satisfy the player base back then. The game was always being compared to WoW, which had years of development, and had already made lifetime subs of many people. Everyone I played with back the were Wow players that eventually went back there. They'd all leave WoW for the newest MMO and they'd all end up back with Wow after a month or two. I've been back to SWTOR for a couple of months now and so far it's pretty good. I'd agree some of the changes are disappointing, like gear not really mattering except for top level content, but overall it's still loads of fun. Maybe I'll change my tune when I've leveled all 8 classes. Frankly I kind of like the idea of a MMORPG that is more focused on the RPG rather than the MMO.
  14. Biochem is pretty good, particularly on a main, since you can use the reusables or self craft the consumables. Just be ready for a heafty grind to unlock the reusable because you need a ton of mats. Synthweaving isn't a bad choice either for the critical augments. Unless you're a healer, you'll likely only be using these, and on Star Forge they sell for about 5 million each. It's cheaper to craft them yourself with gathered mats.
  15. I've just come back to the game after years away and when I left I was sure I set up a security key. I hadn't, so when I got back, I had a measly amount of cartel coins. I reached out to customer service (if you can call it that) and asked for all the cartel coins I would have got if the key was in fact active. Needless to say I defecated in my own pants when they refused. Outrageous! Sure, I didn't set up the security key, but the main thing is I thought I did and I deserve the coins regardless. They didn't even email or call to let me know the let wasn't set up! All this being said, OP I'm with you 100 percent, but I won't be leaving because I'll be spending my game time whining about it in Gen chat and playing really poorly in FPs/PvP. I'm on SF and I would encourage you OP to send me your stuff, so I can devote my days to educating the player base on the terrible injustice we've suffered. Please send to Rogo Zhi, Rogo Zhin, or Rogo Zhia.
  16. As someone that has just returned, and is leveling toons, I don't understand the change to rewards. What they were giving was 100 percent relevant and if their data was showing sub 70 toons were not chasigg conquest, it's because of the objectives, not the rewards. Getting 2-6 of those mats a week has given me enough money to max out some crafting skills, buy some nice cosmetic gear, and catch up a bit. Now that I'm getting closer to max level I need to start saving them since I'll need 5 per augment for my eventual end game gear. Honestly exp boosts, gear, low level mats, etc are all pointless. Leveling is super fast, gear is pointless since content is bolstered, pre endgame crafting is pointless.
  17. I'm not totally familiar with sniper, but I play a medicine OP, and I'm assuming by movement you're referring to using roll/holotraverse. Personally I have these binded to T and Ctrl T. For targeting friendly targets I use '~', which you could bind to target nearest target if you're having problems with DPS. In general you should be binding 'a' and 'd' to strafe then moving your camera while holding down the right button. For keybinds I use Q, e, r, t, f, G, z, x, c, v, and 1-6 with all also mapped with ctrl modified binds. I also have a few modified with alt. Ability bloat is real in this game so you need a few dozen binds. I'll likely be posting a short guide on keybinding in the next few days, so keep an eye out! Hope this helps!
  18. Tie it into conquest rewards. Something like obtain 250k objective points for a nice 10k conquest reward. Maybe a second reward for winning a WZ. Although I could see some people just sitting on the point guarding the entire match when they don't need to.
  19. I played the game in beta and then for about a year after. Back then there were constant rumours the game was going to go into maintenance mode or shutdown. Here we are almost a decade later. Unless the game started losing money, it's not going anywhere, and they'll continue to develop bit by bit to keep people subbing. With how much SW content we're getting elsewhere I'm sure there is a steady stream of people playing and paying enough to keep the game going for years.
  20. Rogozhi

    OP Healing in Pvp

    I'm newly returning, mainly do PvP, and decided to roll an OP healer to complement my Fury Mara. I'm just hitting level 42 and thus far I'm finding it underwhelming. It doesn't seem like my heals do very much, I can't seem to match HPS to a single DPS, and I feel very squishy. Does this get better in the higher bracket? Is the class itself viable for 75 or ranked? Any tips would be appreciated. As a side note it's also quite the thankless role. Nobody peels or guards, nobody tosses MVPs, and once the enemy team realizes I'm not concealment it's dogpile after dogpile.
  21. I have Swtor on two systems. My newer system, with a fancy SSD stick drive, installed the patch in maybe 5 minutes. My old system has been at it the last 10 minutes and is at a whopping 4%. Same network, router, and modem, but two entirely different hard drives. I'd speculate the drive that is doing the reorganizing plays a big part in it and might limit the download speed if it can't patch quick enough.
  22. Actually the Sims sold around 100 million copies. So, if SWTOR manages to turn into the sims-with-lightsabers, things are looking pretty good.
  23. STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP USING THAT POS LINK! That "insider" info is from a comment made on an article on another gaming site. It lacks any type of grammar and is clearly a troll post, well, unless you really want to believe it or use it troll a bit yourself. I myself could of been the one to post it for all you know. SO PLEASE STOP MAKING YOURSELF LOOK DAFT AND FORGET ABOUT THE INSIDER LEAK.
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