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Everything posted by Rogozhi

  1. Because the insider you're quoting wrote that as an anonymous comment on a SWTOR article and is not really an insider at all.
  2. And if they were shutting the threads down people would be saying that just show how true it is. So: Shut threads = It's true Leave threads = It's true
  3. Yes. I tried posting a thread about it, with links to all the articles, but it got closed. All based on a comment.
  4. I've noticed lately that the everyday F2P doom and gloom threads have included a few articles quoting a real BW insider. He reveals the game will be going F2P, Cathar will need to be purchased, fans ruined the games, and SWTOR killed SWG. All very revealing--and very troll worthy, stuff. Here's links to two of the articles: http://blogs.bettor.com/Anonymous-Bi...Update-a173317 http://www.gamertechtv.com/2012/biow...r-swtors-woes/ Crazy stuff eh? Almost so crazy that you wonder: Is it a pile of BS? To figure that out you need to go to the source: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/07...yoffs-rumored/ Scroll down to the comment below the article to see the original comment that has warranted at least two articles on gaming sites. Now before I post the actual comments, and before you defend their content, I would like you to answer a single questions about them. 1) What makes comment A anymore authentic than comment B? Or even comment C? Comment A Quote: auto34058432 I know many won't believe me. but, I work at Bioware. best part for me is coming here to read fans replies. I won't tell you much and I don't care if you believe me. So here is "what's" going on were I work. If you havent noticed the interviews we had given sometime back had been removed. mainly, the interviews that gave it "away" that we are looking at adding F2P model. we are indeed adding free to play to the game. now the best part for me is anonymity I have that allows me to be open. We will have mainly have a "fluff" shop for the new direction with F2P. but much of the legacy system will have the option to purchase those "perk's" (the main reason credit cost are high to slow progression until we patch F2P) as well many parts of the game will have new content that requires you purchase are type of "coinage" from the cash shop so you can buy the access to "special" content/quest. now new companions will also be in the shop. but due to us getting down sized and the staff changes a small team is working on these F2P changes. I don't want anyone to be upset by this. but many of these changes had been in the "planning stages" for many months since the sharp drop in subscribers. many parts of the game will cost money to access. for example you can unlock the new "cathar" race in your legacy. but buying the unlock, it will cost 10$ US So we are all pretty upset here. we know Daniel and Jimmy many more are next round of layoffs. EA blames us and to some extent they're right to. but it was fan feedback from the day we opened the forums that encouraged us to design it for the fans the way it is and that included making it more like Kotor then an MMO like Wow. Also from what I have heard in the halls, Starwars Galaxies was shut down due to the fact are talks with LA,EA suits ecouraged the new guy at LA to increase the licensing fee at renewal time. it was a move to remove any direct competiton to TOR. Sorry guys gotta go but be good to each other. Comment B Quote: ben5099 Hey guys i'm a bioware employee and I don't expect anyone here to believe me but I just wanted to let you know all this doomsaying is just a load of bull. The truth is there are no plans to go F2P anytime soon. Yes we have a contigincy plan if subs managed to drop well below 200k. But after looking at the trends there isn't any signs that will happen. Our plans our to keep rolling out content with 1.4 planning to come out in late September and 1.5 in December. We still have more then enough developers to keep this game alive and well. So fear not. Comment C Quote: Sean10 Hi Guys, An other Bioware developer here, just wanted to let you all know that the new super secret legacy companion is Mint-Berry Crunch, and he will cost $9.99 every time he is summoned. Also, we are getting ready to fire Ray Muzyka tomorrow, because doctors have no business making games. Like the other devs here I am not concerned about my strict NDA with a company that has a history of enforcing them harshly and has ties with the major gaming sites to prevent actual developers from posting. As such, I will continue to show no professional etiquette by continually leaking things to online gaming sites. So fear not, this is all true!
  5. All of this speculation is such a stinking pile of crap I am honestly baffled that anyone would believe any of it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=509819
  6. I've noticed lately that the everyday F2P doom and gloom threads have included a few articles quoting a real BW insider. He reveals the game will be going F2P, Cathar will need to be purchased, fans ruined the games, and SWTOR killed SWG. All very revealing--and very troll worthy, stuff. Here's links to two of the articles: http://blogs.bettor.com/Anonymous-Bioware-Insider-blames-fans-for-SWTOR-Video-Games-Update-a173317 http://www.gamertechtv.com/2012/bioware-insider-blames-fans-for-swtors-woes/ Crazy stuff eh? Almost so crazy that you wonder: Is it a pile of BS? To figure that out you need to go to the source: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/07/17/swtor-executive-producer-leaves-bioware-new-layoffs-rumored/ Scroll down to the comment below the article to see the original comment that has warranted at least two articles on gaming sites. Now before I post the actual comments, and before you defend their content, I would like you to answer a single questions about them. 1) What makes comment A anymore authentic than comment B? Or even comment C? Comment A Comment B Comment C
  7. Rogozhi

    ranked comms

  8. Not even the same type of game. I prefer SWTOR's 3rd person hotkey interface to FPS. Apples and oranges.
  9. I'm a BG Merc. If I watch my heat, use my CC, and play smart I can survive 2 DPS long enough to get back to my DPS.
  10. I think as people are coming from other games they suppose this game should work the same. I play SWTOR as SWTOR and try to forget anything I've done in other games. Mechanics are objective. If you have a problem with them, you need to move on.
  11. I'm sure engaging a target with full or almost full resolve would not turn out the same as one with empty resolve. I guess I should have said that I was a healer. If it took one DPS 12 minutes, two DPS 6, or three DPS 3 minutes to down me things would be unbalanced. The thought of TTK being 6-10 times longer is just absurd. I would literally never die.
  12. Rogozhi


    I have two toons: Level 50/66 BG Merc and level 41/41 Madness Sin. I receive the lion's share of a team's CC on my merc and I can tell you I have NEVER been effected by a resolve respecting CC EVER. I've been rooted and spiked, but never Electro-darted or Whirlwinded. Here's a pro-tip for you: When your bar goes full white it's time to use your CC breaker and GET THE F OUTTA THERE! When there is that much CC coming your way you've been focused and are now on the defensive. Stop fighting and run. On my Sin I give the majority of the CC and I can tell you I have NEVER effected someone with a resolve respecting CC while their bar is white EVER. If you are playing a sneaky class and finding yourself stunned to death it's the FOCUS FIRE, not the stun, that's doing you in so quick. If three people are focusing you there is a good chance you're looking at taking 5-10k a GCD depending on the attackers CD usage and crits.
  13. 6-10 times slower than right now? Right now I can survive 1v1 with a Marauder in WH gear for around 2 minutes (the CD on my CC). You honestly think 12 to 20 minutes would be a better amount of time?
  14. On to do other things. Don't make it seem like the PvP was the #1 reason people quit the game. That's so simplistic it's idiotic. If you've played any MMO from launch you would know subs always drop off. Not everyone likes the game. I don't like WoW, never have, never will, yet millions have very fond memories of it. I don't. You might not agree game mechanics are the best they could be, but at the end of the day THOSE ARE THE MECHANICS. If you would put 100% of the energy you use raging over the apparent imbalance trying to learn why and how it works you would adapt.
  15. I have two toons: Level 50/66 BG Merc and level 41/41 Madness Sin. I receive the lion's share of a team's CC on my merc and I can tell you I have NEVER been effected by a resolve respecting CC EVER. I've been rooted and spiked, but never Electro-darted or Whirlwinded. Here's a pro-tip for you: When your bar goes full white it's time to use your CC breaker and GET THE F OUTTA THERE! When there is that much CC coming your way you've been focused and are now on the defensive. Stop fighting and run. On my Sin I give the majority of the CC and I can tell you I have NEVER effected someone with a resolve respecting CC while their bar is white EVER. If you are playing a sneaky class and finding yourself stunned to death it's the FOCUS FIRE, not the stun, that's doing you in so quick. If three people are focusing you there is a good chance you're looking at taking 5-10k a GCD depending on the attackers CD usage and crits. To the OP about Shadow play: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Part and parcel of playing a stealth class is getting CC and ***** when you breach their lines. Any decent team will FF you into oblivion when you pop up to attack the healer. YOU are doing something wrong if this keeps happening. You need to wait for that golden moment when people are deeply engaged with targets and you can sneak in to break their attention. If you start to get CC'd you need to escape. Force Speed, Force Shroud, or vanish. Live to fight again.
  16. I have to ask: What mistake could you possibly of made that would require scrapping the entire character? You can re-spec you know.
  17. There will be a new planet, companion, level cap increase, solo queue ranked WZs, a new WZ, and more in the expansion. If at this moment you are finding yourself bored in the game I would suggest trying something else for a while instead of stubbornly increasing your own displeasure. If however you are still enjoying your experience I would question why it matters when you'll get more when you haven't finished with what you have.
  18. Have you people ever even written a SINGLE line of code in your lives? Let's say you want to make a calendar for a productivity program that handles stuff like fetching your e-mail and To-Do lists. Making a calendar is pretty simple and straightforward programming: something you would do in high school. You figure it will take 2 days of coding to finish. You get to work, it takes exactly 2 days, and runs fine on its own. Then you patch it into the main program and, OH NOES, the entire thing doesn't work properly. There's a conflict, maybe with how it access the stored data, that's now causing a bug in the e-mail client. Takes you two more days to fix the issue. Now imagine just how complex things get when you try to program something as complex as a MMO. We've already seen that patching one aspect of the program can effect something entirely unrelated such as the disappearing heads on certain companions. So telling people a specific date is NEVER a good idea and it would be doing yourself good to have the insight and intelligence to understand this. Just think back to the recent features that were released and imagine if those features had have been delayed. What would the community reaction been had group finder been promised June 1st but released weeks later? Judging by threads like this I'm certain it would have been a flood of QQ and /unsubbery.
  19. A university educated adult does not write that poorly. Even in America.
  20. Wow. I really hope no one believes this stuff. The passage the OP quoted is quite obviously a troll by someone who needs to take a refresher on basic grammar and usage. There is absolutely no way the person who wrote that made it through 4 years of university and landed a job at a desirable company like Bioware. Just no way. I would really like to believe: But I have my doubts. However, it makes a whole lot more sense than the notion that a game with 500k+ subs, in a market where 250k is considered lucrative, would go free to play. Particularly when the parent company owns three other subscription MMOs with far less subs. WAR had 750k subs at launch, dropped to 300k, continued to decline, and still retains a subscription. UO and DaOC are old enough to be considered classics in the genre and retain subscriptions. It is only logical that SWTOR will follow exactly the same route as these other three games.
  21. MMO forums have always, and will always, be filled with people QQing about everything. Honestly, do yourself a favor, and don't bother reading all the crap. It'll end up convincing you the game is a sinking ship. Also, most of the doom comes from articles that people stretch to mean what they want them to mean. Someone working on the game mentions F2P is a possible option at some point is read as the game is going F2P very soon. New content being released, "in the next year or so", is read as meaning a year from now--instead of the proper meaning of within a year.
  22. ^ This. 120 minute Bioware directed Star Wars movie. It would be bigger than the Final Fantasy movie!
  23. Wow man. I honestly LoL'd at the CW story. Must have been quite the situation. I'm wondering: Did you PvP at all from 1-49? And if so, how would rank yourself from your scoreboard results? Because not be able to win a single medal, even in recruit, borders on the absurd. Personally I've had it happen when I come in on the last few minutes of a tripled capped CW type of situation, but never, ever, ever from the get go. Even one self heal for 2.5k and you're good.
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