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Everything posted by Ghost_Spectre

  1. I couldn't agree more. Tonight, I was chain stunned to death, not one, but three times. Each time my resolve bar only filled up 90%. The last one, I couldn't wait any longer so I used my CC breaker, bam, stunned again, dead. The 2 previous times, stun locked, dead. The Devs really fracked this one up. Three things would fix this issue. 1. Return the resolve system back to what it was in 1.4 2. When resolve bar is filled, the use of the CC breaker will give you a full minute of immunity from all stuns, mezzes, roots, and slows for a full minute while the CC is on a 1.5 minute cool down. After 1 minute, you are vulnerable to stuns, mezzes, roots, and slowed for 30 seconds. Note: This immunity will only come after using the CC breaker when a resolve bar is filled. If used before a full resolve bar, you are slap out of luck. 3. CC breaker resets on respawn. This is supposed to be Star Wars, not Stun Wars. You cannot defend yourself or take any actions with how broken the current system is. Being immune from stuns, mezzes, roots, and slows for a full minute will place more emphasis on promoting faster game play and actions on everyone's part. Conversely, players will depend less on stunning and more on using their chosen AC's talents and skills. Anyone can use/abuse stuns, mezzes, roots, and slows much like all the LOLSmash Monkeys running around all the WZs now. This is how I see fixing this broken system.
  2. You know, they really don't need HB WZ to prove who's better. They could go to Tatooine and battle it in the PvP area. There you could have all types of spectators enjoying the bloodshed. However, this is a very cool idea. I'd love to see this happen.
  3. Ahahaha...I can see it now...the shockwave would buckle the ground for miles around, tripping off circuit breakers in power stations and causing mass panic!
  4. I've noticed that pure spec'd Jugg Tanks are becoming a rare quality too. However, I remain true to my Immortal spec'd tank. Unlike others, I use 36/3(Single Saber Mastery)/2(Decimate) for my Jugg. I may not do a lot of damage compared to those who have gone the hybrid route; however, I do have staying power, can stand up too and tie up 3 or 4 opponents while my team mates burn them down or take the objective. I defend my healer to my last breath and a node. I enjoy playing him and very satisfied with how I have geared (all in augmented (fortitude) WH). I know there will be those who condemn me for speccing out the way I have, but the tree in its entirety gives my Jugg the ability to stand in the middle of a hot warzone taking a pounding, soaking up damage whereas my team mates are not. Thus is the life of a true tank.
  5. You're correct, it is a choice that I made and have always played that way. I wasn't speaking for the whole class, just mine. However, the Sorcerer is the weakest class of all of them. We'll have to agree to disagree. After using all three spec's on my Marauder, Annihilation produces more damage overall when used properly. I used Carnage and Rage properly, I did not like the performance compared to Annihilation. Bleeding someone to death along with the other benefits of this spec produces a better outcome in the field. Until I retired her, my Marauder was wearing fully augmented BM gear with WH belt & bracers (augmented too). Without a dedicated healer, a Marauder/Sentinel does not have the legs to stand in drawn out fight. I've proven that with my Jugg tank against a Sentinel. However, our opinions differ, let's leave it at that. If I were a bad player, yes the team would have to carry me. However, I am not. I play my Sorcerer smart. I shoot & scoot. I know when to stand and fight or flee. However, I do support the team with my abilities through focusing through our tank and use my AOE's to help kill the enemy. If that means I am defeated, so be it. I have no delusions about what I can and cannot do. Supporting the team is what my Lightning Sorcerer does and does well. Oh, I'm not just 31 points deep into Lightning, I'm all in it with 2 points in Madness for Will of the Sith, just my preference and choice.
  6. Why, because Sorcerers & Sages are easy kills for them to farm for medals. They'd rather go after the weakest opponent because they fear the strong ones in single combat. They shy away from a challenge because they lack the confidence in defeating someone who would offer them a slug fest smash mouth fight. When they do take on those types, they do so with numbers on their side, 2, 3, or 4. It's the Wolf Pack mentality. That's why I love having my Juggernaut Tank in the middle of 4 or more of them hitting all my CDs, force scream my sonic barrier, and popping my Medpac making them pound on me. That means less of them to face my team mates. I'll quickly take one for the team if it affords us a cap or score a goal.
  7. Really? Need to relook at my fully augmented WH gear? Surely you must be joking. Yes, I've been hit by a 7k smash. Luckily, that didn't kill me because I have damn near 20k hit points. However, regardless of what you claim, 6k+ is too much damage by anyone. What other class can hit with that much damage excluding the Jedi/Sith Warrior spec'd using that build? And do it in an AOE too against 5 people? If the Jedi/Warriors have that type of damage output, then by Yoda, everyone else should have an AOE that can generate that kind of damage. I'm sure that would get the get in your face smashers whining about being OP. They already cry about a small 3 second stun from a bursting Static Barrier. Imagine if my Sorcerer’s Lightning Storm or a Sage’s Earthquake generated 6k+ damage to everyone in the affected area! Would that be cool with you?
  8. That is really...insane. No AC should have the ability to generate that type of damage in a single attack, no one. And people are complaining that my Static Barrier is OP?
  9. Wow, so this is what a rage quit looks like. The change in gear was necessary to increase the competitiveness in PvP between players. Getting new gear in some shape, form, or fashion is an ever present dynamic in a MMO game. The mistake they made, in my opinion, was removing Battlemaster gear. They should have replaced MK 2 Recruit gear with BM gear instead. RG cannot stand up to WH gear long enough to make a difference, whereas BM gear can make a difference. This is what they should've done from the outset with the change they made in 1.6. Hopefully, they'll realize this and correct it. Right now, I'll take my time getting EWH gear. My fully augmented WH gear with modable belt & bracers allow me to be competitive against someone in EWH gear. Hopefully, they'll correct the stats issue with EWH gear too.
  10. Naw, I enjoy the challenge of running a true spec'd character that has to work for his/her WZ comms, not given through the Monty Hall method of FOTM specs. Besides, it takes no imagination, ingenuity, or learning ability to use a spec that does nothing but run around juming up and down screaming 'Hulk Smash.' I'll leave that to those enjoy riding the short bus.
  11. No, I shelved my Marauder infavor of my Jugg Tank.
  12. Foxmob, I'm a pure Lightning Spec'd Sorcerer. I abhor using hybrids. To use one dilutes my abilities, namely using Thundering Blast and having the ability to generate a lot of damage from Forked Lightning and Conduction. This also includes losing Reverberating Force which increases critical damage of Affliction, Chain Lightning, and Thundering Blast by 50%. A Hybrid build does not allow me this. So the use of my Static Barrier is essential to my survival. They nerf it in a manner that it does not do what it does now without a solid buff for increasing DPS, then my Sorcerer is unusable for anything other than being a target for some Jedi /Shadow/Trooper/Smuggler's medal farming. As for my Marauder, she is nothing more than a glass cannon. Without a dedicated healer, I cannot last long enough to get though my rotation in Annihilation. I use that because I find it generates far more damage than using Carnage. Case in point, while attempting to burn down an equally geared healing Sage while spec'd Carnage (I was in fully augmented BM gear), I could not generate enough DPS to kill the sage, even with Bloodthirst up! That was the final straw for me using Carnage. With Annihilation, I could kill a healing Sage if I had a healer behind me. However, having a healer on the Imperial side on Jedi Covenant is a rare commodity. Unlike the Pubs who have 3 or 4 healers on average in a warzone. So now my Marauder is retired from PvP and I only use for crafting (Artifice) and running Ops and dailies for credits, nothing more nothing less.
  13. Well...I hope when they do decide to nerf the Static Barrier...they do something to make my sorcerer a viable AC or otherwise, there's no more need for me to play in PvP with her again. Simple as that. I'll retire my sorcerer from PvP just as I did my Marauder since its useless to use in PvP now since 1.4.
  14. Yes, welcome back to the new Stun Wars v2.0
  15. I believe if your character is at the appropriate level, your companion should be able to wear it. What I am hoping to happen is they'll remove the requirements for Battlemaster and War Hero gear for valor ratings. It stands to reason since BM gear is gone, there should be no requirement for them. Alternatively, War Hero gear does not require us to have any valor rating to wear them now. So why have crafted gear retain these requirements then? Maybe they'll make a change and allow us those of us who have the BM crafting ability to remove the valor requirements.
  16. Maybe the reason we're seeing such huge numbers is because players weren't aware of what they could do with smash/sweep until after the fix in animation. I'm constantly hit with 6.3K+ crits on my Sorcerer. I can take one or two with Static Barrier, after that...I have to hope my bubble burst stunning them so I can flee around a corner for cover. Otherwise, I'm dead meat. Likewise, now that we're seeing these kind of numbers, they may want to look at reducing the amount of damage. If I were to offer a suggestion it would be something like this. - The target receives the full amount of damage from the first person who lands their smash/sweep. However, the others that hit do not critical against the target or only do 50% critical damage or less. - Those who are within the AOE and NOT targeted, do not receive the full damage, they only receive 50% non-critical damage. Minor tweaks that would not reduce the damage from the original attacker inasmuch as it does reduce the effectiveness of multiple smash/sweeps against a single or multiple targets. I think by adjusting the damage against those who are not specifically targeted will make this a little more acceptable and playable. Just a suggestion...I play a Jugg Tank, a pure tank and geared as such. I don't like how this is working either. Just my two cents worth. Take it for what it is meant for.
  17. IceHawk, thank you for your constructive points. I am fully aware of the weaknesses and limitations of my chosen spec. I have no delusions of what I can and cannot do. This was a personal choice. I don't like using hybreds, never have. I work with what I have and around by compensating the best I can. I am not making this out to be something it is not. It is what it is; a support spec with limitations. However, I can still contribute in achieving objectives and aid the team. That's what playing a support role is all about. If what is written is true that BioWare will address the Sorcerer dps, then on that day, I should be able to contribute more in way of DPS in the role this spec is, in my humble opinion, meant to be. Thank you again.
  18. You are correct. Casting requires standing still. That's why I use the advantage of range. If I'm attacked by Jedi, I use what meager defenses I have (overload that roots them) and try to run away to another location. I accept that. If I hadn't, I'd not chosen to play this class. However, in the support role that I play my sorcerer in, what I contribute to in the way of damage, does what it supposed to do. Therein lies the difference.
  19. I knew from the beginning that a Sorcerer was not a frontline assault unit. My Sage taught me that. Therefore, I play in a support role for the team either in FP, Op, and PvP. That's the role and my character excels in that role. Likewise, if they do give the DPS Sorcerer some love, I hope it is not at the cost of something else, specifically Static Barrier. I would offer this concerning the barrier. Nerf the ability to detonate when clicked off. Keep it as it is, but disallow it to do what it is intended to do when people make it go off. Problem solved. One thing for sure, I cannot spam that on anyone in the team with its CD. If defending a node with another, I put it on them and myself and keep it up.
  20. That's your opinion. I do not accept it. I see the results of how I play my sorcerer. It is only broken in respect to those who want to do mega dps and rack up umpteen medals. PvP is about team play. There is no ‘I’ in team. As for trolling...have you looked in the mirror lately? Offering one's opinion supported with quantifiable information does not make one a troll. It’s adding to the discussion. I surmise that if one does not agree with you and your opinion, they are, in your eyes, a troll. Good to know. I'll not bother responding to such an arrogant narcissist anymore.
  21. It would be nice if we could pass on to those of our characters within our legacy those Rakata items we are able to craft without those restrictions of 'bind on pick up' save those that require a crafting skill to use them, i.e.: BioChem for Rakata Stims. I have a Cybertech that crafts the grenades, a Synthweaver that can crafts belts and bracers, and an artifice crafting relics. These I can only use for these toons and companions, but no one else. Being able to supply them to those within our legacy would be great in helping gearing them up. Will BioWare ever consider allowing this? Thanks.
  22. Is it? That's news to me. I am fully spec'd Lightning with 2 points in madness for Will of the Sith granting 6% willpower increase. So is Rincewind as he posted (#48) in this thread. I'm not alone, either. 7 other sorcerers in my guild are spec'd lightning. I've run with a number of people in EoT whose Sorcerer were spec'd Lightning. While this spec may not be as glorious as the smashers, brawling champion smugglers, or stealth spec'd Shadows/Assassins, I can do a lot of damage to multiple targets in a matter of seconds thanks to Lightning Storm, Chain Lightning, Forked lightning, and Conduction. Using Thundering Blast after hitting someone with Affliction (100% automatic critical) is a devastating attack as well. With Reverberating Force (+50% increase in critical damage by Affliction, Chain Lightning, and Thundering Blast) gives a Lightning spec’d Sorcerer a 150% increase in automatic critical damage with Thundering Blast. Knowing when to use Lightning Storm on a crowd of engaged enemies that are melee range of my teammates can make the difference in a fight. When Chain Lightning procs, 5 targets are about to receive a whole lot of hurt. I may not get many solo kills; however, I do get a large number of killing blows thanks to knowing how to use my Sorcerer's powers. It's not extinct, it's just not popular to use because people believe going hybrid Lightning/Madness is the best way to obtain high DPS for a higher kill ratio. I disagree with this thought. My Sorcerer is there to support the team, not take the lead in an assault. I play it that way. If I'm left alone I can generate an average of 270k in damage. Harassed, I that is reduced to 150k with 100k in healing...mostly on myself. You may disagree, that's alright. However, your disagreement will not change my opinion in any way, shape, form or fashion. But to say, "spec'ing lightning for PvP is extinct," is misleading and wrong. Extinct means no longer alive, gone forever, erased from existence. Lightning Spec'd Sorcerers are playing in PvP, there aren't alot of us because of the hybrids because Lightning Spec lacks the glorious offensive punch. However, when used in a support role, it is a very effective spec in aiding the melee and range players.
  23. While they are at it nerfing our Sorcerers again (Overload because of the QQers), let the developers go ahead and nerf the Stealther's ability to reenter stealth when their health is down to less than 10%. Go ahead and nerf the smuggler's punching ability to do a quarter of the damage they do now, making their use of the shotgun a cast ability instead of instant cast. Make the Trooper/BH's 360 degree knockback the same as the Sage/Sorcerer's. Oh, remove the ability of the Guardian/Jugg's after the jump to be invulnerable to any knockback, stun, or anything else that inhibits their ability to do damage. Lastly, make any and all CC's, roots, and anything else that inhibits a player's ability to move affect the broken resolve bar system. Let's not just do one class, nail them all. It's only fair. You want it balanced right? The Sorcerer/Sage is the weakest class in terms of staying power. They are a support unit for the group. You remove even one aspect of their ability like you want, you further diminish their usefulness. So what if they can click off on their Static Barrier/Force Shield and have it detonate. It's part of the game. So you are blinded for 3 seconds. That allows the sorcerer/sage to get away or anyone else who has it to pop a heal or clear an area. It's a defensive power. When you start screaming for "removing" certain abilities, it has consequences. Like how they have nerfed Annihilation spec for Marauders for their healing abilities. Now Marauders and Sentinels healing ability of their respective trees cannot heal the group or themselves effectively. This further diminished both classes in my opinion. This is why I haven't played my Marauder in PvP since before 1.4 and won't. I've sold off all my PvP gear because these classes have glass jaws and no legs without a healer keeping them alive and cleansed. The more people complain about this, that, or the other, the more BW screws up the entire game system in PvP. They may get tired of all of it in the next patch and give everyone fully augmented Elite War Hero gear and tell us to have at it. I'm sure that would enthrall everyone!
  24. This just happened to me in the Coast. I waited on two to crest the hill at the east node and nothing happened. Not once, but twice while they were engaging us. The third time I hit it, it worked. I've noticed this happening a few times in each WZ. For a socerer, not being able to use Overload leads to a very quick and brutal death.
  25. It wouldn't be any different from what is happening today with all the stuns, roots, slows, CC, and other means to keep a player from functioning in a Warzone. However, you neglected to read the fact that for 30 seconds, everyone is vulnerable to being stunned, rooted, slowed, CC, and otherwise inhibited from acting. In anything there is a tradeoff. However, in its current form, the resolve system along with the plethora of abilities to stop players from having any actions is simply broken in its current form. You may disagree, that's fine. But I would venture a guess that you have had your share of stun locked deaths to the point of frustration too.
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