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Everything posted by Sarova

  1. My lightning hands Sith Inquisitor main Story, especially class stories Aric Jorgan! Vector Hyllus! Malavai Quinn! Companions and the saga of their return (yes, as I expected they've got me by my money until my companions return) Drunken datacron hunting with a couple of my rl friends (how we got the 2nd Makeb one I will never know) Because its Star Wars and
  2. I plan something similar, though I do like the Aric Jorgan class story, romance and KotFE chapter (disavowed) so I expect I will be levelling a lot of troopers! I can't see me lasting much longer than a couple of months after KOTET waiting for them to decide how to write our companions back in - they really underestimated how much many people enjoyed their companions. I expect we'll be waiting until 2018 which is unacceptable; they never should have reneged on returning companions as part of the KOTFE/KOTET story.
  3. You realise you've given away the title of whatever fail expansion follows KOTET? You've ruined it for everyone!
  4. Your crude paraphrasing is more-or-less correct, however I'm not alone in thinking this; it's been said in other people's posts too - search the forums (when playing the game from a woman's perspective there is a lot you have to ignore, though at least they let us kill off Skadge). Some have suggested that they really have no clue where they are going with the game. It seems they have pulled or wrecked most of the things that would keep people subbing and playing (depending on your preference that will be removing original companions/ops/gearing/pvp/kotfe-kotet style of story/altering & nerfing the game without notice). It makes me think this is the end for SWTOR - I can't see it lasting after uprisings without them hiring some really good story creators.
  5. I was pessimistic in another thread but having now seen the whole of Charles Boyd's reply from the Livestream I think its quite positive news. Being Senorita-Must-Know I already knew companions would not be returning in KOTET from stuff seen elsewhere. It would have been nice but there really wasn't anyway they could do it in only 9 chapters. It makes sense for them to wrap it (KOTET) up as quickly as possible, then add in some new stuff to do while they work on stories/content that allows for our much loved companions to return, even maybe returning to the epic format of class stories. If we each got our class companions back through individual class stories it would be fantastic! The one-fits-all companion story was silly & limited. I see no reason for my Smuggler to need Khem Val and no reason for my Sith Inquisitor to need Corso. People here have some really good non-KotET/KotFE ideas for the return LIs & favourite companions (*cough* Lord Scourge *cough*) - could be useful for Charles & Co to start taking notice of them This is the best bit of honest feedback they have given as far as I'm concerned. Thanks Mr Boyd!
  6. What you suggested has already been said in recent "where are our companions" threads though they have slipped a few pages back now so you probably missed them. The only thing you missed out was the theory that no effort will be put into giving back our favourite (e.g. Scourge, Khem Val) & love interest companions as those who most want them are women and we don't fit BW/EA's chief demographic (so basically middle finger to us). Someone also suggested that since they have in effect run out of story (no new story for at least a year was said) / have a strike to contend with / generally don't care what we prefer, it's a strong possibility that rather than dedicate any story to the MIA companions, they will just kill them off en masse or at the very least remove them as active companions for good without any choice. There will be no official announcement that companions will not be returning since BW/EA have probably reasoned that they would rather see a trickle of unhappy people not seeing any news of MIA companions un-sub over time as they will be replaced with new players fired up by the Rogue One release and general SW hype. An official "no more companion returns" announcement before Dec/Jan will result in one mass exodus of subs & BW/EA have to wait a while for revenues (subs) to go back up, risking the game being pulled altogether. For those of us who got into the story of many of our companions, the reality of having them removed from the story for no reason and not getting them back through a return story is disappointing as well as game ending. For those who never bothered with companion stories then yes the terminal is there but its not the same for the rest of us who have invested so much time (not to mention gifts) into them as well as really enjoying their development as your companion. It's a huge shame that one of the best parts of this game has been lost (and confirmed during a livestream you say) but it is not unexpected.
  7. Who cares!? My warrior is so dark side she would expect nothing less! And In fact, I would literally throw money at EA if they return Quinn, Khem Val, Vector, Elara, Doc, Corso, Scourge, Andronikos, Iresso and Zenith with their own side stories (no black-tab-select-from-this-line-of-text crap). Do not make me resort to writing terrible fan fiction or playing the trooper story repeatedly for some missing LI companion closure!
  8. Prove this, especially that part about returning companions.
  9. I've been doing it wrong all this time alts & crafting are my enemies... Good job Sir!
  10. This made me laugh so much I'm taking it as a sign I should return to WoW!
  11. Shareholders returns matter not our opinions, however I sure they're always up for using some good ideas that don't conflict with their profit margin. I returned to the game last year after 2 years away as I heard there had been many quality of life improvements and wanted to try Ilum, Makeb, SoR and Strongholds. I enjoyed all of it - levelled all 8 classes and thought many of the companion interactions and stories were excellent. I was planning on doing all the various specs when KotFE happened. The biggest issue I have with KotFE is the the PROMISE that our companions would return through the story (there are also too many other inconsistency issues to list here). Most of companions never materialised. Despite numerous threads, EA/BW heads are just head-stuck-in-the-sand ignoring us. At this point the only thing that will keep me playing and subscribing is honest and solid news about whether or not our companions will return and whether there will be a return to class related story, rather than the one story fits all (but doesn't really - Trooper being the best example). I will sub to do KOTET on my main then, if no news, I'm out.
  12. This came up in a thread in general and is yet another of their inconsistencies since they went down the cheap chapter route. If you make a certain choice, then Valkorian's line makes complete sense: Any other choice and the line is utterly rubbish and adds to overall poorness of the chapter.
  13. Me too, however given what disappointments they've thrown at us so far, if they did what JKDGSGDKJA suggested I would not be surprised.
  14. Depends on the choices you made. On at least two of my many alts I expect since it's unlikely we are getting any of our missing LIs back in KotET, we will all be given the option to romance Arcann and have him as a companion as a compromise, but to appease the Arcann haters, we will also be given the option to kill him and his whole remaining family. I bet even Thexan gets a look in somewhere. As for Arcann getting healed - that seems a bit lame and if he is given his face back it will be done for the sake of a romance option (no kissing to be done without a mouth)! I cannot believe Arcann would have gone all this time without having his face healed up though. According to Kaliyo the Zakuulans wanted for nothing and droids immediately repaired all their injuries. Surely the "best" empire in the galaxy had expert plastic surgeon droids?
  15. Prepare to be disappointed, based on their penchant for over-hyping the KotET, DvL event and other stuff. As for our favourite companions and LIs - the aforementioned strike may well explain why they haven't returned however, all they had to do was tell us that (they could solve this problem by coming to Britain - give me a voice acting job for the extra cash - my bathroom needs fixing)!. Seriously, giving us that level of honesty would go a really long way; something like "there will be delays due to X happening" would have been all I needed. As it is, there isn't any sign of returning companions for the foreseeable future, especially if comment about "no new story for a year" is true. So no, XiamaraSimi - I will not mock you for unsubbing - I will join you. ETA: I was just thinking they are giving us who romance male companions (read: women) the middle finger. And as for your second comment
  16. If you're not adverse to spoilers - which is why I've said that unless they are planning a significant re-write, as it stands companions will not be returning in KOTET, especially as they have not even hinted about them in any announcements. They tend to do things like that when a decision is not going to be popular (like when they sneak an nerf into a patch but omit it from the patchnotes). I'm really hoping that they've read Last_Hearth's idea in this thread, realised its brilliant and are implementing it as quickly as possible in time for KotET. If missing companions are never returning I, like many others, will be finished with this game. How can they even consider denying us Vector and Malavai? especially after the and never returning Khem Val? There isn't even a insult insulting enough for that!
  17. So yours is a theory like everyone else's with no basis in reality/fact, as well as being very unlikely to happen during KotET without a significant rewrite? I thought so, otherwise the Mods would not have allowed this thread to continue. It was nice to have our hopes up for a couple of days however, I guess we can all return to our original thoughts that favourite companions WON'T be returning during KotET and Personally the lack of info relating to LIs and other missing favourite companions is starting to turning me off the game. Those who aren't into the companion stories / LIs won't care less, but those of us who are - well we will only wait/sub for so long.
  18. In answer to your spoilered response to me - yes it did make sense As for Last_Hearth's theory - I looked at all the sources of info (including every available spoiler) and found nothing to support what he/she said so like you I'm not expecting it. Plus if it was true, I'm sure the BW forum mods would have deleted his post and banned him by now for breaching one of their sticky threads.
  19. If Last_Hearth is right (and not trolling us to get our hopes up) I think it's brilliant. The idea of having all companions on every character was not a good idea - it was companion overload. The only story of KofFE that fit well was the but even that did not require us to keep either of them unless they were our original companions. Getting my LIs back via a part of a dedicated chapter in KotET and the rest through alerts is fine with me, though as I said earlier I can't see it happening without a significant rewrite of one of the 9 chapters.
  20. You do realise you got 5 million swtor shippers hopes up - me included If your idea happens I would literally throw a years worth of sub money at Bioware and buy hundreds of pounds worth of even more Cartel market items I don't need
  21. THIS. The change in no way effects the solo player or those who do small group stuff (spouses who play together, 2-3 rl friends) who enjoy the story focus. I expect their (BW/EA) data significantly favours these players (meaning they form the highest group of subscribers). Large group focus is no longer what this game is about, so people who are into this (raiders, large group PvP) might want to consider whether this game is for them. The forums and those participating in livestreams do not represent the largest group of players so whilst the devs might have a look at what's being said (and may incorporate some of the better ideas), the feedback most likely does not represent the largest subscriber group, meaning they don't have to listen. Only if subs drop significantly will they do a u-turn on the RNG.
  22. Unless they are planning a huge rewrite before launch I can't see this happening. Pretty good idea though.
  23. I think you'll find that Tanno At this point, my theory is BW/EA's refusal to give us any info on missing companions means that they will not be returning but if they are honest about this it may well result in more players than they are willing to lose cancelling their subs. If my theory is utter rubbish (and I hope it is) then I reckon we will have to wait until they announce what's coming after KotET.
  24. Due to the XP boost, I hit level 65 on an alt very early. I noticed that once I hit level 65, the bonus quests on all worlds & in Flashpoints (e.g. Manaan, Ilum) became worthless (no reward, not even credits). Is this intended? Are they for XP only?
  25. Agreed. The only reason I took all 8 classes through KotFE is the fact that we were told ALL companions would return through the story. This has not happened and there has been no mention of companions in any of the info for KotET. I don't care about group content/end-game-gearing that seems to be the focus since I am a solo player. I want to see the companions I've invested masses of time into returning VIA THE STORY. Based on the info available this is not going to happen during the 9 chapters of KotET however they need to consider adding meaningful get-our-companions-back alerts where we properly interact with our missing companions immediately after these 9 chapters, especially since some of the recruitment options before were such a let down (Dr Lokin deserved more and Torian's return for those who have him as a LI was a complete let down).
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