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Everything posted by jbuschell

  1. What the op wants is a 300m range shot that ignores los, hits for 20k, can be used out of cover and its an insta cast that after impact does an aoe that's hits everyone in the wz for 14000 Dmg each
  2. Are you knocking back? Are you kiting with leg shot and using flashbang, dirty kick etc? Do you know your rotations and specs? Snipers are fine and only getting better its a l2p issue
  3. I'm a balance shadow the mirror of a madness sin and love every minute of it, I was a gladiator frost mage so the point and click aspect of death field is nothing since its just like pet frost nova, I wreck warzones its a nice mix of melee, proc watching and dots and opportunities of some nice burst with recklessness and death field and shock. Essentially it may not be op like darkness but its a lot more fun if you can get the play style down. Darkness is op yes however it is terribly boring to level untill you get wither, its painfully boring its just thrash and wait for proc then shock its dull. Once you get wither along with harnessed shadows or whayever you imps call it then it gets better
  4. This is clearly a l2p issue, I have a 50 Marauder and a 21 sent I'm leveling right now so I have ample experience and leveling is a breeze. Are you not using all of the tools given to you? Are you rebuking and using saber ward? Are you watchman specced? Watchman spec is so easy to level as, force jump - overload saber in mid air - cauterize - zealotry strike - throw in a master strike and then slash, pop Zen on 30 centering. It's easy mode. Edit : that rotation is for a level 20 sentinel it obviously changes when you get merciless slash regardless leveling a sent is easy
  5. Meh op can say whatever he wants, not like devs will change anything based on something 1 person wants
  6. Good sages will still be good, balance is the way to go, if you think balance is garbage then you're garbage even with TkThrow getting nerfed by 6%, its called dot and kite, pop FP and relics and adrenals and blow something up.
  7. First off i wouldn't go darkness Untill 40 its dreadfully boring untill you get wither and harnessed shadows or whatever it is called for you sins, I'm a shadow. Me personally being a balance shadow will be impartial to the madness tree for sins its an awesome spec and it works well during leveling and is a blast in warzones. But thts my personal preference. And yes use surging charge when you get it
  8. I believe at the time of this fight I was a 33 or 34 balance shadow with a geared qyzen fess, I burned her easily and mind snapped her casts, I'm a biochem as well, first thing I did was adrenal + force potency force in balance and a project and kept my dots rolling, she was pretty easy, qyzen died but I got her with me being at 80% health, just interrupt and dps your ballsies off
  9. My idea for balance: Retool Twin Discipline, instead of the weak buff that we get when we project make it a shield comparable to sorc bubble that absorbs the same amount of Dmg that a lvl 50 sorc bubble absorbs and upon it breaking you absorb 15%/30% of the damage it took to break the bubble, and put it on a 15 second icd. You would still project to activate This would help with balance survivability and would work well with our other self heals.
  10. I didnt even read a single word you said because my gs wrecks face and is a blast, what are you SS and just sitting there in cover with people beating your face? Flashbang dirty kick and stay on the move, marauder running towards you? Aimed shot then leg shot then melt faces. Gs aren't teh suck and theyre getting better 1.2
  11. From the different parses I have seen we seem to be somewhere between the 3rd to 7th best dps for balance spec. Sentinels and marauders are consistently parsing at the top I've seen numbers between 1400 to 1600 dps, I've seen concealment ops and scrapper scoundrels parsing at 1450 of course their numbers are skewed due to lack of gap closets in an actual raid setting and I see snipers/slingers, commandos/mercs, dps vangaurds/pyrotechs and balance shadows parsing in the mid 1300's with sorcs in the 1200s. So were competitve for sure.
  12. As a balance shadow my first priority is finding a merc, pop force potency with force in balance and a upheaval project on the merc, then force breach and a double saber, mind snap the first TM, I get a mind crush there already at 50%, second tm, I hit them with the knockback and then at 30% its execute time, I might get hit with a TM but probabaly not, I actually feel bad for commandos, to me they were one of my least threathening advisaries
  13. One thing to keep in mind is despite what the description says about shadows you definitly do not do anything involving espionage in fact the story was very much geared toward the sage as its about jedi spiritualism and unraveling a mystery, its slow and drab and doesnt fit the shadow at all, go jedi knight and I wouldn't call the sentinel a melee glass cannon since it has plenty of defensive cds
  14. I was going to laugh if he just forgot to use the holoprojector on the ship, i always do when I go to a planet the first time
  15. This is pretty simple if never want to tank just go sentinel, they have more defensive cooldowns and they hit harder go sentinel and profit
  16. Also realize you wont be the only person with dots and cleanse does have a small cooldown, annihilation mara with a lethality sniper and madness sorc focusing a Target good luck cleansing all of that
  17. If you wanna be the best 1v1 character roll an inquisitor get to level 10 pick assasin ac, around 25 respeccec madness at 40 respeccec darkness and then profit. Darkness sins have solid dmg with on demand burst with force potency force lightning w/ 3 stacks of harnessed shadows its crazy Dmg like 2k a tick so you can bust out some big time on dmg on a self heal move. Just go tank spec and wear dps gear and you ll profit
  18. 8/31/6 is to many talent points, 41 is how many we all get jus sayin
  19. So are you trying to take on 40 strong mobs at the same time or something and then comming on the forums and complaining after getting rocked? Or are you an idiot and ran into a group of 5 imps solo and wondered why you couldn't 1 shot them with 1 aoe? You say you know all your abilities but do you realize how many defensive cds sents get? Guarded by the force, force camo, rebuke, saber ward along with a plethora of interrupts. Are you some poop hybrid spec? Are you watchman specced and if you are do you know how to play? Do you keyboard turn and click your abilities? Are you terrible?
  20. Whats really wierd is consulars get
  21. Bye don't think anyone cares, have fun with bright wizards and the less then 30k population
  22. edit: looked at combat tree and i saw nothing to back up my statement so im removing it
  23. I quitz thiz gamez nowz cuz I can't shoot lazerz and zomgwtfpwn thingz in one shot
  24. I wouldn't call powertech a underdog class
  25. Yes along with shadows/assassins, powertechs/vanguards, dirty fighting and lethality gunslinger/sniper
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