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Everything posted by SNEAKYSIX

  1. theres a video on game info or new 7 updates showing the new UI customising your screen as well as info on legacy. I viewed it when i watched every single video before buying game
  2. LOL, you must be careful, I to started on D2 and D3 this year will be the circle complete. Online games cost me a relationship or two. Now I just try to play casual but introduced new girlfriend to the Sims now I can play in peace. Wish there was more to my life lol.... On a gaming site it says this GAMES ARE ADDICTIVE, IF YOU ANSWER YES I DO THAT TO THESE 4 STATEMENTS YOU MAY HAVE A PROBLEM. 1) I sometimes play games for many hours and when I need the toilet I hold it for as long as possible. 2) I look at the clock and justify playing longer by telling myself just another hour. 3) I look at the clock after an hour knowing I have to get up in the morning and say, just another 30mins. 4) I find myself looking at my lifes schedule and think, maybe if I do this job first then that and then I will have longer to play.
  3. 1) Star Wars Ewok Punt field goal challenge (a 3rd person mini game the objective to kick the annoying bear between two large trees and a horizontal cross bar. furthest wins.) 2) Star Wars Smugglers Run (A smugglers/freelancer style space game where you upgrade your ships guns, hyper drive, shields and cargo sapce. concept to nagivate a massive universe finding best refueling space stations and who gives best price for your loot. Game would be consstantly evolving with multiplayer optional pirating of other smugglers. 3) As an above post stated the Obvilion, Fall Out, Skyrim concept of open world jedi or Sith path would be amazing. Love those RPGs. I did enjoy Jedi Academy even with its flaws. 4) Wookie Barber Stylist (As a young aspiring babrer you must try and shave your wookie candidate to resemble a poodle without your arms being ripped off)
  4. there are a few free online STAR WARS name generator websites, just type it into a search engine and away you go.....
  5. I work for a renouned computer and hardware company. Im a customer service agent by day. Sith and Jedi by night. Escapism is my hobby. Some drink, smoke, do drugs my addiction is escapism into gaming.
  6. edited it for you, not a kid either, but would like to be. I type as I think and sometimes the message does not come across the way I desired. Sorry. My point was not perhaps made clear. I am only saying Im not used to using the keyboard and many gamers who do the cross over to PC from console have similar problems using the controls. I was only offering a suggestion. Sorry Also im new to this and more than likely posted this in wrong thread, sorry.
  7. As im no where near level 50 I cant really validate how it will be in regards to boredom. But surely putting the higher level to good use, helping out those lower levels in need adds game play element. In that i dont mean being a power noob only helping others to show off your wonder skills and making them agree you are the best (EGO Noobs I dislike but use on a regualar basis to get passed certain point, "Oh you're chr is amazing love your powers"...... as a i laugh to myself inflate the ego and suddlenly he does 2 more quests for me, muwhahahaah oops turned to darkside)
  8. I would like,, 1) Endor Ewok skinned jackets, preferrably killed teddies by me. Chief Churper Hoody 2) Would like to see combat blade holsters attached to boots on IA, Troopers, BH and Smugglers. 3) More a facial then clothing, I know the comlexion feature has a stubble but its not thick enough, I wish there was a stubble almost beard option in character creation
  9. thx for input, will check it out tonight when i get home. Shame ther server options isnt auto and when we log in it takes us to the next populated server if one is already full. Maybe this will change on later date. DC universe managed to merge servers then give an option to change from PvE to PvP at any point by entering a booth. That addition here would also be great. also I could join your server with one character to help out if required
  10. Hi, Although this sounds obvious and for some gamers this is probably a given and common knowledge. Im a console gamer and until recently have not played MMO since GW a few years ago. So when I encounter laggy or frame rate problems I get frustrated and feel disappointed. I own 6gig ram and 2 1gig graphics cards my pc is way above game specs yet I suffered frame rate issues. So I went into the graphics settings in game and simply reduced shadows from high to low and wow the game runs brilliantly. So thought Id pass this probably obvious knowledge on to other gamers who dont use PCs as much Also recommend to those who like me are used to playing console games and find using the keyboard alien. Maybe you can try a Trooper. I started game as a sith then tried a jedi and found turning and going to next target clunky. My fingers just could not adapt to the combat system quick enough. I tried the trooper, killing from range and loved it found it gave me time to adapt to the controls. Then I went back to my jedi and wow my fingers have caught up and now ive mastered it. LOL time young padawon to learn the force.
  11. Hi community,As a new member and recent proud owner of a lightsabre at level 10, I have been disappointed that I chose a server at the start which has only an average population of about 30. Making groups is tough and Ive had to solo most of it. Which at the start isnt bad as its a tutorial phase. Now that Im on the fleet I feel there isnt enough people to do flashpoints. So, 1) is it possible to switch to a new server? 2) Ive created about 6 characters now and they all create on same server is their on option im missing at the start to select a different server for new character starts? 3) Where is the server name Im on, I cant remember which server I joined it was a STANDARD one and PvE is all I noticed. Loving game so far
  12. Noob question... Legacy names to carry on family line and given perhaps skills passed down? Is that in next patch or does it exist now Also im only level 10 now on the ship.. where is the legacy surname option? sorry to ask also another site http://insectdissection.com/save-curtis/swname/ is a star wars random name generator
  13. The original is still the best. has to be, the only thing thats dated are the hair cuts. My girlsfriends son wouldnt watch movies that didnt have CGI he is 15. He didnt want to watch the original clash of the titans for poor effects. Yet these movies we grew up knowing, the effects in star wars were fantastic for their time and era. The added CGI later just completes them. The acting was far better with less wooden dialogue. A certain Anakin actor destroyed the last 2 movies and watched the last one to see him get a beating. Its just a matter of era choice not fact. I enjoyed the originals far better. (days before health and safety and beating each other in back garden with garden canes,,,, you will turn to the dark side)
  14. Thx Pheebe, appreciate the info.. Now to stop spamming F key in combat and get killed, time to get on with it lol.. trouble with game there is so much to do i dont know where to start. learning any new mmorpg format is always slow at start.
  15. Noob question.. I try to take cover with a few of my characters and nothing happens.. I take it only a few certain classes can take cover? If not what am i doing wrong when just pressing F key
  16. As ive jsut started Im not sure of server numbers, I cant remeber even what server im on. If the server gets to low does it close? If it does do you lose your characters and coinage? How can I tell what server i chose? Lol...... NOOB ALERT:cool:
  17. Before I bought this game I viewed online and saw what people had to say about it. On a popular search engine a website number 6 in most views stated its flaws and how this game will die and go free play like all the others. Personally I hate paying for online games but after my first experience of online gaming back in the 56k dail up era playing Diablo 2 and people cheating, using hacks and pindlebots so on to get the ultimate drops. Really bugged me. When I pay for a game I pay for a constant updated bug fix and a removal of hack cheaters. Playing fair and equal is only way to play. Then getting owned is down to my lack of skill and needs of improvement. This game so far offers the thrills I want. I ignored the bad reviews just so i can hold a lightsabre. Some love affairs with Star Wars die hard. May the force be with me and my wallet
  18. I am yet to start this class its on my noob to do list. So far only got on chr above level 10. There is so much choice I got a headache thinking about what i want to do next. Before a I play an hour ive logged out and started a diff class. TO MUCH to do lol. But defo will build the sniper next or a trooper or a ....... lol Is the agent and smuggler only classes that can use cover?
  19. Hi, Im new and consider myself Noobi Wan lol.. I tried making a few classes and then on home worlds tried leveling up. I played another non subscrition MMO before this and really loved that. I came here for the Star Wars love affair. So far Im far from disapointed. I have only encountered the usual abuse of mild banter when a noob like me asks questions on a server instead of doing research. Therefor by asking for help i know I run the risk of sarcasm. But then someone offeres help and advice then a buddy is formed. This is how MMOs generally run for me. I do play solo as much as I can to learn the hard way on every new MMO. I really like this game so far and all it has to offer. When I first got my lightsabre I felt a little pride. LOL sad but true even went to the large dock window to look at stars when I first got on fleet. Its a rich experience for me and its only enhanced my Star Wars joy. thumbs up. I appreciate the lag issue and FPS is a pain sometimes but it passes and the force is with me.
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