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Everything posted by Zataos

  1. How is this fair to the lvl 10-30s that are in with lvl 49s in full purple gear? It would be like sending you in to warzones against Elite War Hero geared players in green lvl 50 gear, not fun. Now if low lvl pvp had a matchmaker, say match up lvl 10-20s 20-30s 30s-40s and 40s-50s then I would be ok with it, maybe.
  2. bla bla bla, whine fest, on Shadowlands the Pubs have a pretty big advantage, nothing but Bubble Stun Healers, smash Monkey Warriors. The root of this, at least on my original server was that early on the Pubs suffered from a major population imbalance and even greater pvper imbalance, so a large percentage of Imp pvpers rerolled to the Pub side in order to get insta-queues (at the time Imp queues could be 15-30 mins and longer outside of primetime. I imagine similar things played out on all servers, BW screwed the game up on release, by not developing cross server queues and improper server distribution, along with being too slow to consolidate or allow server transfers
  3. That works in theory but without any type of a matchmaking system it falls apart in practice. You can tell about 75% of the time whether its a win or loss in pvp just based on the class mix and the warzone, thats without delving into gear and premades..
  4. If you have learned anything about the way the SWTOR devs work it should be they don't really care what the players want, they do or say what they have to in order get complainers off their back but ultimately seek little to no input and the direction of most content/patches/fixes reflects this.
  5. Zataos

    Importance of PVP

    Well the obvious "loss" isn't credits or inventory but is points on your gear, but you just can't do that with this game with how the pvp mechanics are, too much dps, so many stuns, in most pvp games you can't go from 100% life to death without being able to move the entire time in the space of 5 secs.
  6. Shieldtech spec with DPS gear is great for pvp, Ive played both Pyro and ST DPS and love Shield tech, you will do less damage overall but you have so much more toughness and mobility yet I'll still be 2nd or 3rd in damage. If you like a Darkness Assassin with DPS gear this build fells very similar.
  7. This game will continue to do the cycle of "have broken stuff that makes people leave", don't fix the issues, but instead create a whole other set of new shiny things to get more people in, till they discover/rediscover all of the broken stuff and leave, rinse and repeat. Solution: prioritize issues that come up on the forum and in game over and over again, stop dying old armor and charging $12 for it, start adding side stuff that people can do "games, make use of customizing your starship", make the planets usable, PVP, GTN and Flashpoint terminals on all planets.
  8. Sorcs and Mercs aren't good 1v1s, we know, it sucks half the time it's great the other.
  9. Yes, I strongly believe that Valor should be maintained Legacy wide as it reflects the PLAYER'S experience not the TOONS gear, I have 9 50s all in the mid 60s to 70 range and have much more experience than someone with 75 valor on a single toon but its just not reflected.
  10. With all gear, now the WH piece will be the negative version of the EWH equivalent piece, so if your WH Force Mystic Hand has Crit/Surge, your EWH Hand with have Power/Alcrity, same with Accuracy/Crit and Power/Surge.
  11. I believe that you are dead wrong on EA being the issue, Bioware has clung to this Mickey Mouse role player nonsense mentality of "building community" and X-server ques somehow hurting community. In every instance Bioware and its single player, baby game roots have hurt its MMO endeavor.
  12. Come on Bioware, implement a fricking matchmaker already, if you queue with a 2 man premade you will be matched up against a 2 man premade, 4 man with 4 man 8 with 8, 90% of your imbalance problems solved.
  13. As a Madness Sorc, I make sure to go into the fights using my lightning a lot so that I don't get marked right away then I switch to using more my force abilities because if I go in casting things I'm targeted and chased around the rest of the match haha.
  14. This game would have never been made just to satisfy "fanboys", it was made to appeal to the masses and still needs to in order to be "successful" unfortunately the Devs listened to people like the OP and closed their eyes to the complaints of the masses, now the masses have all left and SWTOR is desperately trying to bring them back with a FTP scheme, and unfortuanatly, will probably still continue to listen to the "move on no problem here" such as the OP and further this games decline, the only hope we have is that all those original Devs are now gone and the new guys learn to take fanboy's praise with a grain of salt and listen to its paying customer base.
  15. You will never win because you are arguing against a objective opinion. I can't count how many huttball games I've fought and struggled to score and stop scores just to get zero votes, no big deal, people don't pay attention, in fact I was in a match and every single player on both sides received one vote, everyones a winner I guess. Just as a side note, I usually vote on objective points, unless there's a real standout in dmg, healing or protection.
  16. I miss when my Merc didn't have pray I don't get singled out in PVP, the Arsenal spec should be what the Merc is all about but instead it was nerfed into irrelevancy, for those of you that don't know the history of it, early on, the Merc appeared to be pretty OP in warzones, forum rage ensued and they were nerfed, mainly tracer missile and its benefits. The problem was that early on most players did not know how or didn't think it worthy to interrupt channeled abilities, well around the time the Merc was nerfed most players started to use interrupt on a regular basis further nerfing the Arsenal tree which is based around tracer missile (a 2 sec or so channel ability). My initial suggestion is to make tracer missile a instant ability with a short 2 sec cooldown, or however you can keep it from being a interruptable skill. any other suggestion on how to make Arsenal relevant in pvp again.
  17. Zataos

    Imma Rage Jugg

    Stay far enough away to not get 6k smashed or 5k ravage and not too far away or get force lept to, rooted then smashed for a instant 6k, pull the Force Choke/Enraged Shockwave buff and the auto crits would be fine.
  18. I hope you guys all play on a RP server cause if not leave the rest of us the hell alone, with if what we like fits your little Star Wars fantasy or not.
  19. Remove or Replace Shockwave, thats it, Juggs and Maras are fine, rage is even fine, but shockwave has got to go altogether, instead maybe buff force choke or something, or cause smash to give a melee boost for 20secs, anything but Rage is just too OP atm. I have 3 speced into Rage just because I would be dumb to spec anything else for pvp. Hopefully Bioware, you don't ruin Juggs or Maras other trees based on biased numbers from Rage speced chars.
  20. I spend much of my pvp matches "holding up" the opposing team, I believe in the "chase me, chase me" strat, do whatever you can to piss off one or two of them then you have 3 or 4 chasing you in a pack, if we get the objective while Im holding them I make sure to get off a quick /lol haha
  21. Zataos

    Class Balance in WZ?

    haha, too funny coming from a Vanguard, let me guess Pyro speced? Bioware does need to have a matchmaker in place and soon, first order of business is group size balance, so 2 man squads get matched up against another 2 man squad same with 3 or 4, this will mitigate the effect of premades and yet still let you queue with friends. Second is to address gear rating and matchup for that as well, although now with WH and EWH that point may be moot.
  22. That's nonsense, bolster certainly does scale these crystals, I have 2 on my Mara, at lvl 20is it gave my a 4.5% dmg boost in pvp, by lvl 40 it is 2.3% boost, no different than if they were power or crit at your max lvl (lvl 23 crystal when your lvl 23).
  23. CTRL+ U never hurts to try, hopefully you already quit game and relogged.
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