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Everything posted by Zataos

  1. **** them, I undercut everyone and always sell to move things as fast as humanly possible and also do not believe in ripping people off. Sell them for what you want, there is no reason to create artificial inflation as it just makes the money sitting in your bank worth much much less.
  2. Zataos

    TIred of PVP

    I have been taking time off from PVP as well, my issue is lack of a matchmaker, I would say 75% of all my matches are either cake walks or slaughters, with very few "good" matches any longer, the gear gap has closed, for the most part, however the knowledge and performance gap is larger than ever. The resolver system is also a big turn off for most in pvp, they may express it in different ways (too many stuns, bubble stuns, roots etc), but it all comes down to a revamped resolve system as well. I simply want a cross server queue and a matchmaker, the deeper the matchmaker the better and a revamp on resolve, you do that and do it right, you will make millions in subs and not have to hock $12 recolored armors.
  3. There is the bug that make people spawn invisible and only their weapon showing, there is also the group Scoundrel/Agent group stealth buff, however you need to be out of combat for that I believe. That leaves teleport hacks and /stuck, I have seen plenty of classes teleport away, clearly using a hack, and very different from lag, especially when its repeated and only situational, but I would say that all other forms are the most likely and most frequent.
  4. Does it really matter, I'm as conservative as it gets, but its a open forum, its a video game and frankely its made up of a lot of childish people, there's no big deal in people naming themselves idiotic things so that other idiotic people find it funny. If your on a RP server, that's a different story, but it doesn't sound like it.
  5. Zataos

    Dying World PvP

    Well both ideas are excellent and to be honest not new, just for some reason the DEVS like to force everybody onto fleet as some kind of show of "high population", I honestly have come to hate fleet, but more than I hate fleet, I hate my ship, and all the other obstacles and loading screens between fleet and Illum. Put the bounty board/PVE terminals and vendors on every single planet, along with GTN terminals and as per your suggestion the bounty board terminals and pvp vendors in Illum bases. The game would instantly get better, and by a lot. too much forcing the players into places and situations that they dislike, after a while, people just quit, should have been lesson learned.
  6. Look no further than the PVP area of my "PVE" server, then go over to the PVE area, the only people that say "this is a PVE game, go PVP somewhere else" are the Carebears that can't stand that the player base doesn't want KOTR 3 and that everyone doesn't want to run around a fight the same computer characters ever day that do the exact same things every day and say the same things every single day . The DEVS to, seemed to have learned a hard lesson that they overspent and overdeveloped the gazillion voiced NPCs that they want you to listen to and the big bad NPCs they want you to fight but dropped the ball on the most important part of any MMO, the PVP (they did the same with the 2nd most important part of a MMO, the economy).
  7. You should be stocking up on medpacks and warzone adrenals until you hit lvl 40 (soonest you can get valor 40) then trade in for ranked comms, just make sure that you stop trading in soon enough so that when you ding 50 you have 2750 regular warzone and as much ranked as possible, you can live off of your accumulated medpacks and adrenals for a while until you get full War Hero.
  8. I'd just like to get some official word on this subject.... Is it intended that players be allowed to come into warzones with 11k health in sub 50 PVP or PVE armor in 50 warzones? Is it working as intended or an exploit when the team aimlessly runs around doing their own thing, doesn't pay attention and doesn't even try to focus on objectives? Is it working as intended when you spec as DPS and can't kill anything, spec as heal and can not heal or spec as a tank and refuse to defend objectives? Why is it that I have to spend the cash to keep well geared and time to learn the warzones, why must I sacrifice "fun" from time to time defending and the bad players don't? Is this something that you folks at Bioware intend on addressing? Otherwise if it's an exploit, when are you going to start penalizing people for doing it?
  9. Currently anytime "what profession should I pick" is asked it's usually met, with Cybertech, Biochem or Armstech based on Endgame crafting, usually Synth and Armormech are said to be garbage and "not worth it" at lvl 50. I have both and this is true, I use them to make kits and augments here and there but spend all of my time on the other 3 professions. I suggest that the purple advanced items be modable like the purple prototype ones are, this will open up some new armor looks and give them something desirable to sell, here a newsflash Bioware, people frankly don't want unmoddable garbage thats only good for a couple of lvls, let them make the good stuff and let them do it soon.
  10. I wonder if Bioware posted the "we are watching for hacks" just to muddy the waters with everyone and their brother calling hacks on everything. I pvp a lot, and until Bioware put out that message, I rarely ever heard hacks called in warzones, now I am constantly seeing it in pvp general chat, literally every few warzones. Bioware would have been wise to include a brief explanation of Combat Stealth and Predation, both of which get confused for teleport and speed hacks often, that being said I still see teleport and speed hacks myself, so, I don't know. More often than not, this game is just buggy and glitchy, I think between that and players naive to different AC skills accounts for 95% of all reported hacks.
  11. It's dumb, I agree 100%, too many things that Bioware does in this game are roadblocks meant to frustrate players with very little upside for game balance, in order to get the player to play the game in the way that BW wants us to. With that said, just buy a ton of medpacks and adrenals and save them for lvl 50 when you won't want to divert warzone comms away from gear purchases.
  12. All the Shadow/Assassin and Op/Gunslinger will throw their stupid LTPs out, but come on, how bad of a player do you have to be or what kind of garbage class is it that needs the other person to not be able to fight back, most of the time, a single stun will mean death. Stuns are badly done in this game and the entire system just needs to be reworked to improve pvp overall. The answer, short of a rework is for resolve to treat all movement impairing affects (slows, mezz, stun and roots) the same and give 100% resolve that decays at a very slow rate.
  13. People are greedy and will gouge their own mothers if left unchecked, in this game there is no checks against the free market like there is in the real world free market (regulations), most of these people are living out their little rich guy fantasy online and there's basically nothing you, the player can do, the onus is on Bioware to insure that there's a adequate supply of items to keep this runaway inflation in check. Unfortunately Bioware seems to care very little about developing a good player run economy in this game. There is one person in particular on my server that I was unfortunate enough to have on my origin server as well, who is one of these people, they have dozens of alts and will buy up everything of a semi-rare line, such as Saber Marshal, Sith Champion or Sith Archon and list these items at 1000% mark up from the original price. What can you do? not buy? They do this for hundreds of items and it then causes every other fool that gets that item to list theirs this high as well, when at that point this person just keeps undercutting by 1k completely creating a artificial market for a item that has almost no way around other than to give up on buying or do this same market manipulation in order to afford what you want to get, which is the path most have chosen and where we are today with runaway inflation.
  14. Yeah, stuns are out of control, stuns, roots, mezz, slows, whatever they are, there are way, way, too many in this game, if you want to keep them all in the game, then each and all of them need to give 100% resolve or you need a stun break on a 10 sec cooldown or something.
  15. The were already nerfed a while ago and brought into line, they are fine, Rage (Both) and Pyro (Power Tech) are really the only two trees/specs that need adjusting down atm, Arsenal Mercs could use a boost, and the bubble stun skill itself needs to be toned down.
  16. I don't want to PVE but if I want Black Hole looking gear I'm "forced" to, that's the game.
  17. Haha, the OP is trying to be funny, or so it seems, hey guys, if you see a Rage Jugg everybody stop and focus him and his 4 other clones that are in nearly every match. Rage needs a nerf more than any class spec in SWTOR's brief history, I've pvped since beta and nothing since has been this unbalanced, best single damage ability in the game, oh scratch that, you can do that damage to 5 players at once, uninterpretable, and usable every 15 secs or so, no skill or setup required, on a class that has a ton of utility, has the best maneuverability and has heavy armor, yeah, its fine. The only thing that makes it livable is that most people that play it are bad players to begin with.
  18. The phrase "pay to win" is about paying to win PVP combat, not about winning against a computer, you are mixing up terms and frankly it make no sense.
  19. Just stop, you guys sound like *******es with all the "clickers" and "keyboard turners" complaining, some of the best pvpers in any game anywhere that I've ever known use that configuration. It all depends on the player.
  20. I would say that around 75% of all low lvl PVP players are bad in one way or another, from improper or undergeared, to DPSers that can't DPS, healers that can't heal, most don't focus on objective points, overcommitt to falling objective points and on and on, so in short, you'll have good company in not knowing what the hell you're doing. As long as you understand that and pay attention to learn the objectives, focus on staying in up to date gear, you will be dominating them all in no time. Knowing your bad is half the battle.
  21. I would like to know the reasoning behind this, if there is one. I understand money sinks and also the possibility to dissuade people from buying things at 1k and listing them for 1.5k, but is that it? The result of the 20% fee is chat being overloaded with people selling high end stuff (nullifying the money sink angle) and those that like to buy and resell usually buy for 1k and sell for 10k, so the 20% doesn't seem like it would affect that group either. I would like Bioware to just drop the 20%, they need to be encouraging more commerce not putting roadblocks up.
  22. Go on any servers fleet and look at the PVP area, then look at the PVE area, you will find the PVE areas dead, also look here at the PVP vs the PVE forums, again you will see a much more active PVP community than PVE. Playing against computers gets old quick, new PVE conntent is expensive and has a short shelf life, PVP content is more challenging and repeatable, you will see a shift in this game toward PVP because of this.
  23. I've always been a hug advocate of pvp rewards being strictly separated, into shell, armor, mod and enhancement, pvp gearing would be so much more fun and make for some unique builds. Bioware has a gem of a system right in front of its face but I'm sure there's some weirdo reason for not doing it.
  24. Bubble stuns are broken, I'm sure it was never meant to be a permanent stun for the entire team, keep the stun, but only on the player that casts it.
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