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Everything posted by Zataos

  1. Yes, please remove the security key feature from the general forums and make it only when you want to access account functions.
  2. "casual gamer and a roleplayer" Your problems probably start there
  3. Needed Unfortunately it's probably better for dedicated PVPers to have expertise in game to weed out casuals and PVEers "trying" PVP and dominating not based on player skill skill but on player gear gear ground out though playing against a computer over and over again. I do suggest that expertise be tagged on the Legacy and not on the toon.
  4. I don't understand the point of making the orange craftable Battlemaster sets available if the important part (the bonuses) aren't in that skin.
  5. The stats and "valor" rating should reflect the player, not the toon, the current system punishes those that split their time amongst multiple characters. thoughts?
  6. Sure on my server Fleet population gets to be 100-140, but that's nothing, because look at the individual planets, they are completely disconnected and dead with no more than 2 or 3 max level player there at any given time. That number is just too low for an entire server in a modern MMO. If you don't think this game "feels dead" especially on the planets then you likely come from a single player or failed MMO background.
  7. I HATE Troopers and Ops, and will chase them down and torment them every chance I get. Both have alot to do with the sound effects their class makes, I can't stand gravity round or sieve.
  8. Zataos

    Trophy Stealing

    "stealing my kill" is one of the dumbest things a player can say in a team PVP game.
  9. The mostly terrible Bioware Armor Designers of the Art Department appear have an unusual amount of sway over the way things are done in this game, its truly bizarre as I have never seen or heard of a company being driven by its art department of all things. My belief/bet is that the armor not carrying the set bonuses have more to do with them than any technical issue.
  10. I agree 100%, who the hell thought knockback, stun, knockback/root, break, stun and slowed 75% of the time is fun? Just Remove ALL stuns/knockbacks and slows from the game and selectively give them as via the skill tree and 1 per tree, so tree A gets a stun, tree B gets a knockback, tree C gets a slow. They're simply not fun for anyone in PVP, so whats the point?
  11. perfect post, this game has the worst matchmaking system, period, at a bare minimum there should be a matchmaker coded for premades so that you have to wait queued until another premade is slotted on the opposing team, I can hardly believe that this isn't a feature in a pvp game in 2012. I also think that there shouldn't be a ranked system either and instead simply have a matchmaker that slots players of approximate gear lvl on the opposing team, it's so simple and yet completely effective and fair and games have been doing it for a decade already.
  12. Funny, that the same posters in this thread that "LOVE" this patch are the same one that continually jump into every forum post to profess their love for this game as is, no matter what the state of the game is. I would say that this is generally a failed patch as it has likely failed to or even accelerated the rate at which they bleed subs, I know most of these goofballs could care less if there are 5 or 500 players on at any given time but I'll bet Bioware does and I know that EA cares, unfortunately it may be too late by the time BW gets its groove.
  13. If you're doing objectives, using your utility skills and engaging enemies you WILL have a minimum of 3 medals, even if you are put in late into the match. I'm sick of seeing players run around just dpsing the entire match and getting rewarded the same as players that actually make a difference, 3 is the perfect number to weed out useless players from being over compensated.
  14. Obviously the answer is to have a global chat feature that you can activate and read all chats at once but need to be at that place in order to respond in general chat, but would allow you to whisper to respond to specific players.
  15. More people PVP than PVE and thats a fact, yet much of the development time has been essentially wasted on PVE content that isn't being used. It's time that they focus on PVP and bring it up to 2012 standards.
  16. I often wonder if people that chase me around for the whole match are genuinely angry at me or just having fun, the OPs post makes me think that many probably are raging from behind their screen lol. Seriously, its a game, people in your guild need to get a grip and learn how to skirm with "friends" and know that its all in good fun or likely they just aren't good guild members and would quit over something else anyway, think quality over quantity and those pvp matches are just a test to weed out the bads.
  17. yeah, Juggs/Guardians need to stop pushing, Sorcs/Sages need to stop with the knockback and roots they get every 15 secs, Commandos/Mercs have to stop throwing me 20 ft. back every 15 secs, its all the same. What I will say is that Grapple is much more effective than force pull that Assassins get.
  18. My guess would be to force players into PVE endgame, as only a low percentage participates now, and my guess is that they believe that PVEers are easier to keep subbed with simply adding new content (carrot) every month or so than those that mainly PVP.
  19. If they mix 8 man premades against solo pug players, then no that will not be fair, but rated and non-rated could be mixed and balanced as long as they have a proper matchmaker so that there are equal numbers on both sides. Remember all these problems will go away when "season one" starts and cross server queuing begins, the sooner the better.
  20. I think the OP is saying that we say, already have 8 toons, we should be able to change the appearance (and race)of existing characters, and I agree.
  21. Every Arsenal Merc Should have a rotation that goes 5 TMs, 1 Heat Seeker, 1 Railshot and 1 unload, rinse and repeat, if your not do some variation of this then you aren't doing it right and are severely gimping yourself.
  22. You should go check out the security vendor on Illum space station that sells Companion customizations, most are 32k a pop, you'd really blow a gasket.
  23. On my server inflation has gone through the roof mainly due to one player with 5-6 alts, this person buys up every type of 1 type of item and then relists it for anywhere from 5-100 times it normal value, they do this with mats, prototype and orange items, one time I listed a lvl 17 belt on the GTN for 50k, which was pretty high itself at the time, this person bought the belt almost immediately and relisted it for 350k which all orange belts and braces are listed for on my server. In RL this person would be arrested and charged with a crime, why? because this behavior cripples economies, and in this case it cripples the games. Normally what this person is doing would be a strong indicator of being a gold seller, I, along with others have reported this person numerous times yet BW seems not to care.
  24. BS to the OP, you do know what stun lock is, you can, 1 v 1, "immobilize" through various skills nearly any class in the game and take 3/4 of their health before they can respond, that simply can't happen. With a good OP this will happen every time if your break ability is on cooldown, an that's every class except the heavy tank classes.
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