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Everything posted by irishfino

  1. There's a thread that had optimizing thingies in it that you could do somewhere. I'm sure someone will link it. I did what the thread said and it still ran poorly on my laptop. It wasn't a big deal to me because I have a tower I use for gaming, I just wanted to test to see if it was a viable option. I had major issues with the laptop heating up quickly, so that could be an issue as well. If the laptop is all you have, try the thread I'm sure someone not me will link and try cooling off the laptop with one of those fancy laptop fans. Best of luck!
  2. He's right when you get to Hoth. You don't even leave the starting area. He's in the middle part next to a boring Imperial guy. Nooooooo! Best button ever.
  3. Easier to answer with no promises of soon included.
  4. This has been unstickied... are you guys taking my HK away?
  5. Think you can skimp Captain Yudrass on Imperial Hoth? That man has a voice like butter... smooth and heart clogging.
  6. I think putting upcoming content patches on the PTS is a way to distract us. I mean, 1.3 went live with the same bug that crashed the PTS for a few hours. That was such a huge issue, how did they not fix that before going live? Then, surprise, surprise, it broke the dang servers like it did the PTS. When I realized bug reports and the like were being ignored, I stopped using the PTS.
  7. I don't see anywhere in any of my posts where I have demanded BW do anything right now. And insinuating I am a child is silly and pointless.
  8. I don't care about what WoW did or does. All I care about is what BioWare is planning to do with SW:tOR.
  9. They answer stupid questions with vague answers of soon. And not just any stupid questions, the same stupid questions every week.
  10. Translation: Let me transfer you to someone who isn't going to give you anything, but you'll feel like I've helped you. Trust me, I worked in customer service.
  11. So you don't like big butts? Don't lie now. The others can't deny it.
  12. They've said as much in news releases about HK-51. Someone has reposted the exact conversation in this very thread.
  13. Didn't this also start out as KotOR 3? It has that "It was supposed to be a sequel, but we were told to change it halfway through" feel to it. The tacked on content. The way the game just ENDS at a certain point.
  14. I was fine after I patched and the launcher updated. However, when I quit the game and came back an hour later, the launcher updated itself again and the Pick an Environment screen is back.
  15. HK-47 called Malek a meatbag once. Revan thought it was hilarious and told HK-47 to continue calling all organics meatbags.
  16. It's a possibility with 1.4, but nothing is set in stone.
  17. Slots. Probably easier to implement.
  18. Sorry, bud. Teeheee, you said poop.
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