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Everything posted by irishfino

  1. Hey, half naked men are more important than PvP.
  2. You don't NEED to talk. You NEED to listen. You can still type questions. Just tell the group you're not comfortable speaking and would prefer typing to communicate but can HEAR everything that is spoken to you. Stop being difficult on purpose.
  3. Thank you, Parali. OP, change your topic title to what you really want: more slots.
  4. Until the OP clarifies, I'll stick with the server being full rather than them wanting more slots.
  5. The OP has since gone through and separated paragraphs. It was unreadble before.
  6. Until the OP clarifies, I'll stick with the server being full rather than them wanting more slots.
  7. Unfortunately, I can't remember. It wasn't a detail I was concerned with as I barely play those characters. That being said, the flood of transfers from multiple servers into one server could fill a server. However, I don't know what the server limit is or if it has been increased. Until the OP clarifies, I'll stick with the server being full rather than them wanting more slots.
  8. I have seen destination servers be labeled as full and unable to transfer to. I transferred three characters I had on Empress Teta to another server (Harbringer or something) and saw the list had plenty of grayed out, full servers. OP, clarify your position. Are you unable to transfer because your slots are full or because the server is full?
  9. They weren't asking for more character slots, they were asking for more destination servers. Even if there were more character slots, with their destination server being full, they wouldn't be able to transfer those characters anyway.
  10. At least make a TL;DR... god my face hurts from running into that wall of text.
  11. Jaesa always has her saber out... None of my other companions randomly holding their weapon, only Jaesa. She is a bit crazy though so... who knows.
  12. Example match I experienced: I popped into a game in progress. My team was on Alderaan and barely losing. We were 390 to 410. We could have easily turned the match around, but at least six people refused to move from the taken turret. There needs to be something to keep more than two people from protecting an objective that isn't under attack. It's not hard to call "left", "right", "mid", whatever when you have incoming,
  13. Yes, I know. Doesn't mean I can't make suggestions to make PvP less frustrating for those who pop into a WZ after fifteen minutes or more in the queue just to find a group of do-nothings camping one turret for defender points and metals.
  14. The warzones are there for team work. They're not really playing if they're just standing there, farming defensive score for easy medals. That is an abuse of the system and it affects playability for others. I have a guild, but those who are unguilded cannot make friends with the people they group with if they're all going to be do-nothings.
  15. They do stack. The tooltip says they are cumulative.
  16. As far as I know, all items bound to you can be used with your companions too. Win-Win
  17. I wasn't approaching it as just killing other players. When six out of eight people are just sitting at a turret doing nothing, there's a problem. You can't play effectively with a team who refuses to play the game. Voting to boot someone for a warzone doesn't work when it's the majority of your team doing it. There needs to be a failsafe to boot inactive people who camp on objectives. Say, you must enter combat every two minutes. These people are camping for medals and to complete the daily "Fight in 2/6 warzones" with little effort and it is becoming a problem.
  18. You can't win if your team doesn't play. If most of your team is just camping ONE turret, you can't take another turret to win the match. You fight other players to take back the objectives (the player vs. player aspect), but if you're fighting 6 on 1 you're going to die and quickly. The whole point of warzones is to defeat the other players as they come to take objectives not to take one turret then stay there until your bunker is destroyed so you can get easy metals.
  19. Legacy XP builds at the same rate. The character perks are designed more for alts of low levels.
  20. The point of PvP is to fight the other players, hence the name Player vs. Player. If the team you're on has decided to stop fighting the experience for those who actually want to PvP and not just camp for medals is ruined. If they don't want to play, they shouldn't be in a WZ to begin with.
  21. Easier solution: bind on removal. You take out the mods, they're yours forever.
  22. When a turret (or other objective) is taken in PvP, there should be a limited amount of people allowed to defend the turret if it's not under attack. The limit preferable is two. Defender points and metals should only be rewarded if the players successfully thwart an attempt by the opposing side to take the objective not for just standing there. People are standing there the entire time to get the points to earn the medals. This is ruining PvP and needs to be addressed quickly.
  23. BW doesn't talk to us because we stole their lunch money all the time and broke their glasses.
  24. Hahah, thanks. I'm really good at dying in game... seemed appropriate, lol.
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