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Everything posted by MaximusRex

  1. One of the Devs commented on this in another post back on Jan 9th: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1398252#edit1398252
  2. Most of those are designs that aren't liked, not bugs. No matter what they do to the GTN, there will always be people that aren't happy with how they do it. I'm not saying it can't be better, just that features that need to be iterated on still really shouldn't be lumped together with bugs.
  3. I would like to see the poll you commissioned and all the relevant data that makes you able to make such a clear statement. While WoW does have EU separate from NA, it doesn't have Oceania separate from NA, and WoW Maint hits right smack in the middle of their prime time. WoW has also had complaints from players about EU getting patches a day later, and from not being able to transfer characters from EU to NA or vice versa. Bioware looked at the statistics, and probably did polls and decided universal service would be better overall. Also, in a few months the need for windows as long as they are now will dissipate making the problem even less of one. OP, it is very unlikely that they will spit maintenance times, as it would require a major re-working of how the launcher and login servers work, otherwise the launcher wouldn't know to patch to the latest version or not. As long as all the servers are grouped globally it is very unlikely they would move maint any later then it is now as it adds additional impact to EU.
  4. It applies to everything ever that is a product you spend money on. But it especially applies to people who complain about the voice acting. That is like the number one feature Bioware has talked about for the past several years. Being upset about the game being fully Voiced is like buying water and being upset its wet.
  5. This your first MMO? Because I have yet to play one that doesn't require you "sub" to get your free month.
  6. The people who make content don't fix bugs, their only job is to make content. Software development isn't like your job at McDonalds, where when the lunch rush hits the fry guy can run back and flip some burgers to help out.
  7. The vast majority of this games players are not at level cap yet, and content is about what a WoW expansion launches with. WoW didn't even launch with max level gear up instances or organized PvP of any kind.
  8. Benjamin Franklin had a saying for you "Better to be silent and let people think you a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt"
  9. This is true, however, the reasons being false does make them false. I was treated more like crap in 6 months of playing FFXI then in 7 years of WoW, and FFXI doesn't have mods. Using anti-mod logic, this means games with no mods encourage people to be jerks to other people, and in order to have a fun community environment mods are an absolute must! The truth is people will be judged, it happens, and you either grow a thicker skin or you just play with friends. The truth is, even without mods there will be "requirements" to play with certain people, like voicechat, or you need to use certain consumable buffs, or whatever, and some people won't want to do those things. Well, then you have to make a choice, you either do them to play with that group, or find a group that won't make you do it. The anti-mod argument is patently false, because all of the ills mods are condemned for all societal, and not caused by the mods at all. What Anti-mod players really want is to force everyone else to conform to what THEY want, while pro-mod players want choices.
  10. Its less the most people watch TV in a day, though I wouldn't call it casual, its not really "ill" either. Back to the topic. Bioware can't force people to play Republic, and server consolidations won't fix faction imbalance, all it will do it piss people off by taking away their names/legacy names since those are unique per server, and on my server as Empire I'm not having any issues, lots of people, lots of stuff on the GTN, if they force consolidated my server and I lost my name or legacy name, I'd right up quit the game.
  11. How do server mergers fix faction imbalance? And who merges full servers? You just haven't thought the server merger thing through at all, I'm not sure why Bioware would risk pissing off all those people who will not be able to keep their name/legacy name because it already exists on a server. I'm not opposed to pop caps for Ilum or leveling bonus for the smaller population, but I am opposed to doing things for no reason.
  12. Those posts are usually in response to post about how the game is the worst game ever and Bioware is satan incarnate. Anyhow, I think you illustrate the OPs point well.
  13. You ever see someone tell a joke to a bunch of their friends, and one just doesn't get it at all? You're that person in this thread.
  14. What you really don't do is understand how technology limited how he could tell the story more then it does now. That is why he has made so many revisions to the original movies, to fix the problems he had to accept due to technical limitations.
  15. I would have hated to be most of your guys parents, I could just imagine what a nightmare bed time story time would be. The man had a dream to tell a story, he lived out his dream and all he got was pissed on. I'm not talking about, "I didn't really care for the movie" I'm talking "He's satan and he ruined my childhood and touched my naughty spot!". It's his story, let him tell it how he likes, if you don't like it, don't buy it.
  16. Sorcerer has a class story line all the way to 50. Sounds like you focused too much on the story line and skipped to many side quests and are now under-leveled for your next step. All the classes have complete story lines that take you all the way, or nearly all the way to 50 (I'll admit, I got excited about my story line once I hit the last planet on the leveling tour that I skipped all the side quests and wrapped up my story at level 50.
  17. Whats wrong with Hoth? I had no issues, at least none specific to questing on Hoth.
  18. I appreciate the problems with combat, as a Sith Jugg I experience them all the time, and they are annoying. I played some in beta, got in on two test weekend,s but I didn't see it in beta, but I was leveling, I was still learning how to play the class, and I mostly wasn't in a place where missing an attack was that noticeable. Also, as Bioware, and the link provided have both said, these are complex issues, not easily tracked down or fixed, and some might even need some major code changes. The issue isn't even consistent, sometimes I will go long periods with not issues, then it just jams up and abilities won't fire. Releasing content at this point was almost certainly a long term plan, when a MMO launches it is at its skinniest, it will grow over time, but its important for the dev to show their commitment to growing content and the game. They didn't say last weekend, "looks like its not going well, whip up some new content!" and then dropped it the next week, this stuff takes a long time to design, make, test, and then implement.
  19. I'm sorry you are having issues, and its not working out for you, but if you want a refund you should contact their billing support. Most of the players are not finding the game broken (there are bugs, then again, WoW still has bugs 7 years latter, and they even introduce new ones with most patches) and personally every patch has made the game better for me.
  20. If people want to whine about how terrible the game it they can go get a blog. I have not issues with people posting about their problems or or even giving the game some constructive criticism, there are certainly a long list of things I'd change if I had my way. But most of the posts are just the same whines, with no suggestions or ideas, just Bioware fails, this games sucks, yadda yadda. Those won't make the game better, and they certainly make the forums worse.
  21. Yeah, they should take away forum posting rights form anyone without an active sub.
  22. They are already working on a Server local group finder. They have been pretty mum about UI, Macros, and Addons, sometimes hinting they would like to allow such, others seeming to not have an interest.
  23. I would like to add that I would like this very annoying bug to be fixed ASAP as well, I'd rather they turn it off entirely if they need to.
  24. In a year all the current complaints will be gone and forgotten, that's why Bioware will do well to keep chugging along, fixing bugs, adding content, and improving game systems, because as soon as something gets fixed everyone forgets.
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