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  1. on a side note, anyone knows which lightsabers have the thickest blades?
  2. I have to agree. The most archetypical force using class in the game is nerfed because otherwise no one would play non-force users. This results in that feeling, this is not star wars. A trooper beats a dark lord of the sith with one hand tied to the back. I agree, it shouldn't be the other way around either, but at least, make juggernauts viable.
  3. honestly, can't wait for this to be implemented. Soon can't come soon enough. But I seriously doubt it's something they will implement in 1.2. Will have to wait probably a few months.
  4. awesome info, thanks a lot you made my day!!
  5. I was so happy when I read that bioware had the great idea of letting players choose the way they look. Orange moddable gear is a great idea and an awesome concept... that's until you reach lvl 50 and you are forced, as in almost every other MMO, to wear the exact same gear as anyone else, thus making the previous statement go poof. When you start getting columi gear, the item rating speaks louder than the visual looks. I know this probably been said a thousand times already. Also I did read Bioware's reply about it. They don't want people to farm the first easy boss in every OPS, look an epic then remove the armoring on it to apply it to every piece of gear. This probably been said a few times too, but here's my suggestion: Make every armoring piece restricted to a certain slot. For instance, you kill a boss and he drops a pair of boots. The armoring you can remove from them, can only be used on boots. And so on. Thanks for reading this, probably been said already but I felt a bit cheated about the "look the way you like... until you reach 50"
  6. what lvl 50 quests are you talking about? where are they? Also, is Biochem/Diplomacy/Slicing viable or do I need to go the standard route of Biochem/Bioanalisys/Diplomacy to make useful consumables? thanks for the help!
  7. /signed only 1 RP-PvP server to absorb all the preorder and launch community is simply not enough. But now the damage is done. All the launch players already started lvling up and forming guilds on Lord Calypho, so even if BW opens a new RP-PvP server, it will be difficult to balance population between both. I also feel neglected as a RP player. Having 30m queue at 9am in the morning simply doesn't feel right.Hope it's happening because it's launch day, but still feel there should be two servers. Lord Calypho is atm the most populated server in europe, with the longest queue.
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