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Everything posted by MaximusRex

  1. When the intro areas are too hard, and people new to the game/genre are having issues doing the content, they tend to quit playing, which means they quit paying.
  2. Ironic that someone too chicken to roll on an existing server is calling PvE players carebears. Anyhow, opening servers is a business decision based on need. MMOs play best with healthy server populations, too many servers and your population becomes too spread out and you have "dead" servers and those players get all emo and whatever. There is no technical need for more PvP servers, because the existing PvP servers aren't all full. This tells Bioware that there are no more players interested in playing on PvP servers and therefore they won't make more PvP servers. They aren't going to risk under-populated servers by opening up un-needed new servers. Its a waste of money to do so, and it risks creating an environment were the server is dead and those players quit instead of re-rolling. By refusing to roll on any server you are making it less likely that they will fill the existing servers and feel the need to open more PvP servers.
  3. No, you did by not registering your pre-order in a timely manner.
  4. Thank you for canceling your order and making the game a better place for those of us who are sane.
  5. The biggest MMO in the world allows it, and while I have no strong opinion either way on the subject, it comes off as pretty ignorant of the industry to act like MMOs that do allow it are some kind of niche or fringe case.
  6. You agreed to be played when you purchased a pre-order with clearly stated terms as to how Early Game Access would be rolled out for registered pre-orders in the order of registration. I don't get the point of your post. If it that it took you until now to realize you are a stupid tool, yeah, that is pretty pathetic.
  7. What mess? That it's a first come first served line like they promised? I knew what I signed up for, that was the deal I chose to made, only a person with no ethics would expect Bioware to break that deal at the last minute. The only mess I see are illiterate and/or lazy people that didn't read the Early Access FAQ.
  8. Yeah, the problem is stupid people who didn't read how Early Game Access was a line base don when you registered your pre-order. The validity of majority though is something only the uneducated use. just because a large number of people thing something doesn't mean they are right. A large number of people used to think the Earth was flat. A large number of people used to think the Earth was the center of the Universe. A large number of people are idiots. But, since you like following the herd, try eating ****, after all, 3 trillion flies can't be wrong.
  9. There are no fanbois or elitists, just QQers. Its not like we just found out today how early access was going to work, its been known since before sales started. Almost all the early access complaints are about how "its not fair I'm not in yet". They should give those people permanent forum bans for crying about something they agreed to by pre-ordering the game. They had months to try and convince Bioware to change it, they failed, they need to grow up and act like adults instead of indolent children and stop calling people fanbois and elitist for standing by Bioware keeping their word on how EGA would work. When I enter into a transaction with someone I sure as heck expect them to keep their word or for any changes to be to my benefit.
  10. Yes, because Bioware explained that isn't how early access works before they even started to sell the game.
  11. How does changing the rules they put out form the beginning for staggered access being changed at the last minute "be fair to everyone".
  12. There is no unfair advantage, they always said that entry into EGA would be staggered based on when you registered your copy of the game. Before the game went on sale the rules were known and everyone knew what to do to enter. People chose not to do what needed to be done and now want special treatment. My date is mid September, and I think the system overall is fine. My only minor complaint is they stopped waves in the middle of the day. I think waves should be going out 24/7 until everyone has access.
  13. the are failing by doing exactly what they said they would do? They need to start handing our mass forum perma-bans.
  14. No, not reading the information provided on the site on how Early Game Access would be gated based on when you pre-registered your order, then making a post crying about your lack of reading skills makes you stupid.
  15. I wish forum moderation was stronger from the start, and I am sad to see these forums so full of spamming and trolling on day one. I really wish Bioware had clamped down right away to set a higher expectation for adult communication. Most gaming studies show the average gamer is 35, I don't know why adults can't expect to have higher expectations for behavior then most gaming forums enforce.
  16. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=4196 Sticky at the top of the page, with a bit of inferring based on what happened today.
  17. I think the time really means less then the volume. Elsewhere they seem to have indicated that the first week of orders accounts for a large number of players. I would assume that they want everyone who pre-ordered to get a least a couple days in since early access was listed as as a perk, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a big leap in days starting tomorrow.
  18. They pre-announced when you could get in line, and what you had to do to get in line. It seems that everyone who ordered and pre-registered on the first few days are now in. If you were really so pro-TOR maybe you should have followed the directions and got in line sooner.
  19. Different stores for different things in different locations.
  20. While this would be nice, a lot of people are at work and aren't on yet, so there will be an extra hit from that alone in a few hours.
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