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Everything posted by Kavu

  1. Although I agree that strong server communities are very important , a cross server LFG system could be what this game needs in order to continue long enough for BW to beef up the end game. I love this game. I really do. But much to my chagrin my interest is waning. There is so much Video game goodness out there that does not require a subscription that alt leveling is not a reason for people to continue playing. Sorry kinda derailed myself there but server community means nothing if there's no one playing. In the past few weeks I've watched my server population die off and grouping becomes more and more difficult. A cross server LFG would help that
  2. awesome! Thanks for the feedback, I'm thinking of tanking eventually and since I have DPS covered with Mara and GS when i'm feeling pubby I'm looking for a bit of change
  3. I have a 50 Mara and 50 GS and have always intended on leveling a BH. I originally planned on going Merc but there are TONS of em on my server and am now thinking PT. I was just wondering how well they play and how it is leveling one. any tips? thanks for any help
  4. Ya i'd say a bit of warning next time would be nice, i may have at least been able to try and get some more days in but oh well
  5. I personally thought that for the most part the Rakghoul event was well done with a couple of exceptions. the PvP flagging associated with a person exploding and the limited time to get the armor. I was able to get most of the even completed but because I work full time, Have a busy Family life and play time which is limited mainly to the weekends I wasn't able to get containment officer armor. oh well I guess. One other flaw is a bug involved with not getting credit for downing the Bantha world boss. I ended up with 8/9 for the codex missing only this even though I did take him down. All and all great first event and I look forward to many more!
  6. if i take the construction kit to the vendor on my main, my Marauder, to the say Bounty Hunter vendor and got the piece can i then send taht piece to my shiney new BH?
  7. I'd say there is a 100% chance the OP plays republic side from Empire strikes back: Luke : Man, I wish they'd nerf the Empire, Vader keeps whoopin' my arse in Huttball. Han : I hear ya kid, I don't even PvP anymore!
  8. yeah, their called Electronic Arts.
  9. Kavu

    is it rly taht bad?

    ok seriously, I hit the A before the H when I type the word THAT, why? I have no idea, its just how I've always typed. Maybe its some form of a stutter. sorry. BFD, my comprehension of the English language and how to apply it wasn't the question. grow up. flame elsewhere. And yes I short formed the word REALLY. I know how to *********** spell. If you have nothing else to do but come to these forums and criticize people on a Friday night your life must be pretty damn lame. For those who gave me an honest answer to my actual question I thank you.
  10. Kavu

    is it rly taht bad?

    a good r/l friend of mine just quit citing the pizs poor state of PvP in 1.2 . literally just last week we were talking about how awesome this game is and now, bam he's done. he said hes got a 6 month sub but doesn't plan on playing unless something changes. he's a huge SW fan as am I but he said that 1.2 killed it for him. I guess as the title says, is it rly taht bad? I haven't pvp'd since as I'm concentrating on lvling the toon I'm on so haven't experienced it for myself. just looking for the general opinion of folks. I still love the game but I love pvping at cap so I'd like to think i have something to look forward too
  11. low server populations is most likely due to over compensation by the dev's when the game went live a Q times were nuts. as a reaction they over compensated by adding a ton of new servers, kinda like why your Dad drives a big car.
  12. I love ppl that don't read any previous posts, they just throw down there opinion like theirs is the the one that'll make a difference. If you read up a few posts you would see that someone has posted quotes from the dev's pertaining to this subject. they are working on it and it is a priority to them and it will be implemented ASAP. Had you taken the time to read that as I had, then you would have already known that. Instead you took the time to write down you carbon copy opinion forcing me to point out the obvious to you. On a side note, If your playing Imp side, are on a server with a low Population, are willing to re roll instead of waiting for transfer system to be put into place, Corellian Run has a great active and fairly large population. Republic side while not as populated is still a fair size and are pretty active.
  13. DS Jaesa is probably one of my favourite companions from any game, ever! shes bat***** nuts and she knows it! great entertainment!
  14. I'm starting to wish people would go to the account managment page instead of the forums
  15. Has there been any thought to having community input into gear design via a Fan art contest or the like? I know alot of people are extremely dissatisfied with some of the up coming looks ( IE smuggler's beer helmet ) and theres a huge untapped potential within the community for sure.
  16. I went with Desolation for my Marauder. seemed to work well with the dps AC as well as Darth Desolation just has a ring to it
  17. ... the PvE hat looks like something given out at a kids cowboy theme'd birthday party. w/e least my Marauders gonna look cool.
  18. it was just a question, no need to get all upity! I think elitest's can really ruin a community. a simple " they are mirrored " would have sufficed. plz don't judge all Mara's by the couple tools
  19. possibly the best rationalization.
  20. This. for the most part the gear looks great! but the smugg stuff is plain old fugly. terribad. the JK hood looks really odd as well.
  21. Everyday I try and like this gear when I look at the pic, and everyday I hate it a little more. the colour scheme is bad, the look is bad, there is absolutely nothing nice about this set! NOTHING! plz BW acknowledge the displeasure of all the smugglers on here that have complained! say something!
  22. MLW-1.2-SFLL IOW: More Like What 1.2 Should Friggin Look Like
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