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Everything posted by Kavu

  1. quick question , I read elsewhere that the Overkill aug was preferred over the reflex one. is it the other way around or are they comparable?
  2. wouldn't know about the chat because I've had gen chat shut off since just after launch for just that reason.
  3. I can only speak from experience regarding Commando healers. I find it ridiculously easy to heal as long as you pay attention to whats going on.
  4. like its been already stated for lvling NP but as a healer when it comes to OPS I would definatly be a little annoyed if I was having to work alot harder for the sake of the tanks choice in clothing. if i were you i would at least keep a heavy piece in your inventory for raids.
  5. probably beating a dead horse with a couple but the things i'd like to see would be A) re-customization for cosmetic stuff like hair, markings and general appearance. B) ship customization inside and out. and not stuff bought off the cartel market. at least not for Sub's. maybe with findable / lootable trophies from quests or taking down world bosses. C) quest return indicators on the QT map would be really really helpful. I can't count how many times I've gone off to do a string of quests and ended up QT ing to the wrong place. thanks for the time
  6. I have a 50 Marauder that had gotten very dusty since I hooked up with my Republic guild and I always missed the gameplay/combat of it. So I decided to roll a Sentinel and am in love with it! level 47 now and am thoroughly hooked! I went with a watchman spec because it reminds me so much of it. hoping to hit 50 by late tomorrow time willing.
  7. Their playing for free. FREE! so they gotta pay an extra $10 for new content. I fail to see the issue
  8. man oh man ever since I started using Doc I can't get enough of this class. I updated all my IE's and have become a complete wrecking ball! LOVE THIS CLASS!
  9. Finally a positive post! and I couldn't agree more. I love so much about this game and despite the naysayers hope to see it around for years to come. I honestly think people that started playing at launch and quite shortly there after are missing out on what this game has come to offer!
  10. thanks for the help all, decided to use Doc and am loving it, a bit of a dps drop obviously but being able to have 0 downtime makes it well worth it
  11. which is better for leveling with, Doc or Kira? I can't remember which one I used on my Marauder when I leveled him up lol.
  12. the text in red being the key. it would require the dev team to put alot more effort in and to have the budget to do so. and given EA's lack of investing in their own games much past release I won't hold my breath.
  13. AHAHA I genuinely laughed at this!
  14. seriously, the subs should be getting some love here. the measly amount of cartel coins don't really justify the monthly fee. I've been a sub'r since day 1 and really do love this game, even its little quirks , but am kinda pissed about the life day stuff being so over priced on the cartel market. It should have been a loyalty reward for multi month subscribers . there is no loyalty rewards. even swg had em. there's no way in he77 that I'll be paying for extra cartel coins for ship parts for a rail shooter. gimme a JTL style space component and we'll talk. and the chance boxes is ridiculous. sorry just ranting. won't be unsubbing any time soon, just lookin for a hug i guess
  15. anyone else a little disturb by the imbalance between cartel stuff added vs. bug fixes?
  16. I'll be happy with it if Kira's lightsaber shuts off.
  17. Have you actually played WoW? It's easily 10x more linear than this.
  18. not necessarily , I'd be happy if it was just while standing / moving around. it could simply revert when in combat
  19. good question. I'd like to see this implemented too
  20. only part i find a bit easier on pub side is BH.
  21. I started as a Gunslinger but when my guild at the time, mostly made up of ppl I know , decided to roll IMP I rolled a Mara.... AND LOVED IT! but after everyone left the game the light side called to me once again. I decided to roll a trooper to be my healer , mostly because they remind me so much of the medic class in TF2 , but always missed my twin blades of **** so am now currently leveling a Sent and loving it. I still love playing my trooper and run HM's and OPS whenever possible but am thoroughly enjoying my Jedi.
  22. i think the juyo form one is the one i am thinking about. ty
  23. I have a 50 mara and it was one of the things i loved about playing it, just can't remember when/where I got it. currently 19 sent i'm pushing to 50. can anyone fill me in as to when / where the healing kick back comes from?
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