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  1. I'm definitely considering rerolling my warrior, I hate to do it cuz I do like her the way she is (mostly lol) but I may be doing it regardless so that I can be happy with my character. I don't want to do it until I know how to not make the same mistakes though, would hate to end up right back where I started.
  2. I recently finished act 1 on my sith warrior and got the Jaesa Wilsaam companion at the end. Now, I knew she was coming and had read up on getting her dark or light side affiliation and was very excited in general to get this companion... but I wanted dark side. I did what I thought I was supposed to based on the majority of player comments, I never was able to find any response whatsoever from BioWare regarding how to affect her affiliation and to my dismay I got light side Jaesa who, in my opinion is rather annoying. So I don't know if I did something wrong in the conversation right before I got her, at some point elsewhere in the quest chain, or if she was effected by my own affiliation. That whole lack of definitive information left me unsure. I opened a ticket to ask if there was something I could do to change her and was told that there was nothing they would do on their end. I'm willing to do whatever to change her, I don't care if it's a massively long quest chain that takes months to complete, I'd go for it and don't expect them to change things on their end. But now it appears that I'm just stuck with a human version of the already annoying Vette and no desire left to play my warrior anymore. I'm certainly not going to threaten to quit the game, etc that I generally see when people get annoyed with something. I love the game and the storylines and choices add a lot to it, I just wish there was some actual info from BioWare posted somewhere to let us know what to do rather than having to rely on the varying opinions of other players that may or may not be accurate. Apparently what I had read and followed in picking dark side choices when I met her was not accurate and now I'm just disappointed and really bummed... So I guess my question is this, and I'd like to hear from an actual BioWare person rather than more pages player debate that never goes anywhere: What determines Jaesa's alignment? Is it conversation choices when you fight Nomen Karr and Jaesa? Is it the players current affiliation? Is it choices made elsewhere in the quest line? Is it just chosen at random and not determined by anything the player does?
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