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Everything posted by Corrupted_Soul

  1. Or the closest thing to it. 2 years on this game. Lvl 55 merc healer. Suggestions?
  2. This would be nice. I agree with you. Not really sure what you mean by social missions other then missions that require more then one person to do. If that's all you are asking for, then these should not be class story or planet story quests. And frankly I wonder at how much they would be used. The devs have only so much time in a day and personally I'd rather see that time go into things most people would interact with. Adding friends from another server might be a technology issue, and for your gameplay (unless they have cross server ques) I don't know how much this would add. If there is an even distribution of all ACs (quite the assumption I know) then there are 6 dps's for every 1 tank and healer. This is why they are adding more "role neutral" FPs/Ops. This is an imperfect solution IMHO, but it's what we are getting. As for merging servers: Shard max capacity is unknown to me, but I don't think they have one that could hold us all and be stable. You were just asking for missions that require people. Here you go. I would suggest socializing more (maybe a join a progression guild) and your issues here should be solved. Anytime you have a 55 vs well below will be unfair. You can get PvP gear, but you are right that it doesn't save you from a 55 in PvP gear. Only being able to attack a -4/+4 range would seem good. It wouldn't stop ganking. There are always people better geared then you and better at PvP then you. There was a PvP world. It didn't work out so well. Faction numbers imbalanced the fights. And it was a disaster that caused many to quit. I doubt the devs want to go anywhere near this for a long time. Why gankers gank is a complex question and has myriad answers. As with my last response, I think feeding this kind of interaction will be limited at best. There is one (correction 2) on all PvE servers. People hardly use them as is. Adding more would just spread out who wants the PvP like that on PvE servers I'd think. ::PPFFFFFFffffffffth:: <spits coffee everywhere> Bold, But then all the people who do ops/progressions will curb stop the people who do dedicated PvP. I'm not completely sure why they have it like this but as it stands: high end PvP gear will only get you so far in HM PvE, and high end PvE gear will only get you so far bolstered in PvP WZs. The devs did this on purpose, and I believe they intend to keep that idea going. 4 levels at 5 levels it would be inconsistent with how stuns/etc work on PvE mobs of higher level. But yeah, this idea would work. I'm down with it. Should lower level players get rich? Idk, not without outside influence (like a high level feeding the $). The restriction on F2Pers is there more to stymy gold farmers. It limits their damage to a degree. But the "rich" dreams of a low level pale in the face of the economy being destroyed by gold farmers who would create accounts to farm and sell by the bucket load without this. Or so I'm told. You can. You sell them to a vendor as trash and get back a few thousand. Putting them on the auction house would defeat the need to even PvP/PvE to get them. There are a number of ways to convert commendations to credits. PvP ones are the most easy, turn them into med packs and sell stacks, or convert them to planetary coms and get blues. PvE coms can only be turned to items and vended or reversed engineered the modifications into ones you can make and sell on the GTN.
  3. You are quite right not sure why I thought Comms converted at 30 to 10. I'll edit my post to reflect your correction. However the points of my post stand. At 2560 WZ Comms is around 10+ warzones with variance given for daily/weekly awards and wins/losses. If PvP is your thing 10+ warzones a day is not asking much. The OP is not a PvP player anyway, so none of this solves his issue. Some whys were given. I'm sure there are more. Generally the vast vocal majority has made it clear that using real life wealth as a means of bypassing the grind is frowned at. Your axiom that "time is money" is hyperbole. You pay to play this game, the game doesn't pay you in money, so in this case your time is worth you giving them money? Anyway, when this game sold gear with stats for cc the forums howled until it was removed. The few suggestions that we return to that has never gained traction.
  4. I'll just leave this here, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Revan?file=MulletGuyForever.jpg From the cannon face discussion in the wiki. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Revan
  5. Planetary Comms only get you as far as some lvl 50 blues for now. It's all classic/basic/etc/etc from there. Unrelated: Check your forum mailbox.
  6. Saw that data mine last night, you beat me to the post. Assuming it had high demand you can be sure you'll see more like that pic.
  7. You're most welcome. Believe me when I say that I thought there was a high chance that you would take offense, call me a troll because I disagreed, and start flaming me. You are unusual to these forums. Glad to find someone who can take constructive criticism. I barely craft, but I am aware from those who care deeply about it that just about anything that replaces you buying from another player would, at least in their eyes and I must agree, hurt crafters. As for the economy, I honestly believe we need more money sinks. I know at lower levels you may seem credit-strapped, but once you are doing dailies (50-55) it rains credits. I'm not even talking about loot chest hunting, just running your dailies for Comms nets you 100k-300k per zone (depending on zone and random drops) quite easily. Anything that lessens the credit drain could only lead to more inflation on the GTN. Idk. Maybe I am over reacting, but in two years of this game I've seen the GTN prices creep upward, and that to me is a sign of needing more money sinks. I know you are aware of the cries of "pay to win" that could be leveled at your idea. And while I like that you want to "keep it below" that level, it's a hard level to gauge. Someone will always cry it no matter how little you get from your idea statwise. There used to be a few cartel market outfits sold with stats. They got pulled for just this reason, people cried pay to win. And I don't know how much lowering of stats it would take on your idea to negate that, likely it would be to the point that your idea is so stat weak as to be meaningless for what you want it for. Companions are a lot of fun, and they really help you bond with your character. I think most people would enjoy more with them story wise.
  8. I can understand you wanting more utility out of your addaptive gear. And your idea is very close to ones suggested before. I can't say I think it is a good idea though. Semi-addaptive mods would hurt the credit sink of lower end mods, hurt the crafters of lower end mods. For these two reasons alone I can't agree with this idea. But I'll throw in my 2 cents for what it is worth at this point. And with this you are right, if you are trying to keep multiple companions at your level in mods. The problem here is that very very few (I only know of you) who try to do this while leveling. The game doesn't support this kind of behavior so of course it is hard. Now because it is hard should the devs make a fix for the few people this effects? I personally would rather see their time spent else where. 64 planetary Comms is 192 war zone Comms [EDIT: this is in error, 40wz coms per planetary yields 2560 WZ Comms needed]. That's aproximately 2 PvP matches [EDIT: 10+ matches or so]. So 2 pvp match[s EDIT: again 10+] for each person you want fully modded at level. If PvP isn't your thing then do heroics. Heroics at level to hard? Go back to old worlds and do the heroics there solo. You will still get credits and Comms/vendor-able gear. Find the ones that just give Comms if you like. If you hit the level cap missions that give Comms still give Comms, and mobs that drop Comms still give Comms. I have no idea why you would think otherwise. The high the level the less useful even a well geared companion becomes. Boss fights introduce more "unique" mechanics that comps can't deal with (some use of passive and active can be used to maneuver a comp) but still comps are not ideal for endgame.
  9. You are right. Just removing the image of the weapon causes problems (swing animations, range of hits outside of arm length,etc). So really what is being asked for here is a new weapon proficiency. One that builds on the legacy "punch" "jab" and whatever others there are. This in turn means more clickies for those who want to use this system as real combat (rather than the few pts of dmg done by the legacy punches). All in all what's being asked for then is far bigger and more complicated than just an "invisible weapon." Or if people really want to get their brawler on they can play scrapper tree scoundrel. Idk. Sounds like an ok idea for those who want it. But I can see many many things above it in priority.
  10. Not a half bad idea. While you're at it, can We ask for a mod station on our ship?
  11. Quite right. Distributers have had sales of the coins. Amazon had a 50% off 2400cc for Black Friday as an example.
  12. A droid race would be a hard sell. We have issues like droid jedi/sith, droid romances/flirt options, and every single he or she said to a character. The amount of rewriting to each class story, and planet stories, AND side quests would be staggering. All this vs add voss or any other humanoid race? I don't see why they would ever put that level of effort for droids. Edit: and I can hear the cry now that droids should be immune to the gas in PvP, etc etc.
  13. I poorly titled it, but I suggested the same thing when the 1st tauntaun mounts came out. I fully endorse this idea.
  14. The war blade can get a colored "tint" ( based on crystal?? I guess) sometimes. Doing something to animate it will sometimes fixes these issues. It all seems random to me, I can't reliably recreate either issue on demand.
  15. Yeah, not sure what flags that call from marr but it should be set to after the last class story fight.
  16. The question I have is it that all DoTs break the channel or just some DoTs? Getting hit with damage breaks the channel, so if it's all DoTs, than it seems fair?
  17. There is another thread here on this with progress.
  18. Not sure if needed at this point, but here is what torhead says ( http://www.torhead.com/ability/4uqear9/overdrive-beam ): Note spelltype FORCE. Text 1 0 init SetType: BuffType=>Negative 1 0 init SetHidden: IsHidden=>1 1 0 init SetTickRate: Interval=>1000 1 0 init SetPassive: IsPassive=>1 1 1 action PlayAppearance: DependentOnCallingEffect=>1, AppearanceSpec=>epp.companion.unique.jedi_knight.sgt_rusk.overdrive_beam.tick 1 1 action SpellDamage: SpellType=>Force, StandardHealthPercentMin=>0.05, Slot=>None, Coefficient=>0.577, StandardHealthPercentMax=>0.07, DamageType=>Energy 1 2 action PlayAppearance: DependentOnCallingEffect=>1, AppearanceSpec=>epp.trooper.full_auto.exit
  19. I'll take more cool healing toys period.
  20. Hell yes I think those should be in the game. I always found it odd that it was easy to find a ton of stuff form 30,000 BBY yet basically nothing from just 300 years ago in game time.
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