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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by WooduckAUS

  1. For a shadow/Sin, definitely not the cap of them. Sim wise, they have over 2k potential dps. For sorcs/sages they'll cap in lightning/tele at a bit above 1900.


    New personal best for me and my Balance/Shadow (5/5/31).





    The parse above was simply me getting lucky and crit'n unusually high on my main attacks and not really representative of an average run. If anyone knows of anyone hitting into this 2000dps range, i would love to speak to them. I feel i have hit my ceiling.... No matter what i do now, i can't squeeze out any more dps, never mind the 40 or so needed to get into the 2000 bracket. Maybe we are missing something......


    Is there a link you can share, that has the information on our cap? I need new ideas and anything you could provide would be great. If any other shadows have any ideas, message me in game if you like and we can discuss.

  2. Honestly at that level, it doesn't really matter too much... had saying that, i would suggest keeping balance between all 3 for the time being as you go along.


    You will have plenty of time, once you get to 50, to spend countless agonizing hours over where you will put all your stats and this will keep changing and evolving too.....


    Just make sure you don't pick up equipment with the wrong stats, then don't stack too high in any one stat.

  3. The "Striker" sets are the shadow dps sets, yes.


    Had saying that, the good thing about the consular is that you have 3 sets to choose from. If you are upgrading to BH gear, then you won't be using the shells if you are trying to keep your set bonuses (which you should be). So keeping that in mind you can pick what ever pieces end up giving you the best stat bonuses, pull the mods out and put them in the shell that you are currently using.

  4. Leader boards have just been updated and "us" consulars are the only ones (sage & shadow) that aren't hitting at least 2k dps....... apart from the scoundrels but that is another story...... hmmm, i wonder if we have reached the full potential of the consular dps.
  5. Wow, after looking at all the excellent parses..... the cream certainly rises to the top. I had heard of all these mystical dps figures but had yet to see anything on paper. I'm starting to believe the "gap" that has been created between the classes.... I don't put a lot of stock into 99% of the whining i see on these forums.


    Had saying that, dummies are good for dummy runs. If we got the top pars'er from each class and ran an op together.... would we see the glaringly obvious disparity that we are witnessing on this thread? Or would the boss/fight mechanics pull everyone closer to the magical 5% number the devs have spoken of....?


    I wonder if after this thread is updated, if the top pars'ers would be willing to donate their time and see once and for all exactly how far the gap is, over the course of several ops? I think this would be a lot more accurate then player X getting into an op with a build that is wwwaaayyyy off, dps'n with player Y who knows his SH$T and is min/max'd to the teeth!! Then whining about class imbalance on the forums because he got rolled.......


    Anybody interested in this idea, because i would love to see the outcome!!

  6. quick question , I read elsewhere that the Overkill aug was preferred over the reflex one. is it the other way around or are they comparable?


    Once again it depends on your idea of "BIS".


    I like the extra crit, albeit a small increase, from the aim augments. I don't think either will make or break you, just what you prefer. Difference being the overkill will give you a slight power advantage at the end, the reflex giving you a slight crit advantage.


    In my build i have a good amount of crit, so anything else i can do to increase my crit % without affecting my crit DR is the way i've approached my build. So i went with reflex.

  7. Personally, after a far bit of trial and error, i found that i "felt" the strongest healing when i kept balance between all my ratings. Too much in one and i could feel what i lost in another area. A lot of healers will stack stats with what they "feel" is the strongest. So i won't discredit any healers allocation of stats. As long as they keep everyone alive, then the build you have is working. IMO.


    So in regards to stat allocation, for me -


    Crit is 292 - 42%

    Surge is 300 - 75%

    Alacrity is 280 (around there anyway... not exactly sure) - 12%


    I use Aim augments with 2 Elite Warhero relics. (once again, i like the feel of the passive power boost and the consistency)


    I'm still in 61's and am now beginning the upgrade "grind", but will be keeping the pieces i have and simply upgrading them to the 27 versions.


    With this build i feel that i can snap off reasonable heals relatively quick and will be hitting enough crits consistently to give me the healing power i need to complete the job at hand. My heals aren't as big as some healers out there, but i feel the consistency of this build works the best for me.


    I suggest trying out diff builds before you get your 27's, find the best one that fits you and then upgrade that. Tweaking after you are full 27's is an expensive process......

  8. Don't forget me Chuckles, throw me up there mate!!


    Balance shadow



    Haven't done a lot of dummy runs lately, been working on my healer. I'll see if i can get any better numbers when i get a chance.


    BTW, i enjoy this practise as a training tool for maximizing dps, not an ego thread. Good for starting new characters with an idea of potential and understanding rotations by looking through logs. I prefer looking at these numbers more so then people telling me to L2P and then stating unrealistic numbers with no back up of data etc.....

  9. Greetings fellow commando healers!!


    After being a fan of commando heals for a while and wanting to prove to the community that commando heals are just as viable as the rest of the healers out there, I had my first opportunity over the weekend to run with fellow commando healer through TFB HM.


    I am proud to report that we walked through the whole op and only died twice on Operator IX. 1 timed the rest of the fights and obviously The Terror with the current bug. I was geared in what i consider BIS 61's with 2 x 63 armorings (waist & wrist) and a 63 hilt. My commando partner had a few more 63's then me, probably 50/50 from what i could tell after a quick check of his gear.


    Previously to this, I have run with Sages and Smuggs. From what i can tell and see, all healers are viable, but knowledge of said class is a must. So if you are competent in healing with your character and still wiping, then I would strongly suggest making sure your raid group is not taking unnecessary damage. I do not believe that any one class or combination can not make it through this op (or any endgame content for that matter) if they are geared correctly and have a strong understanding of the class. I am a firm believer that BW have balanced the healers a lot more then what people whine about in forums.


    So before you doubt yourself or your class, check on what the rest of the group are doing. Plenty of good ideas already mentioned. Obviously the group i was running with had a firm understanding of boss mechanics.


    p.s. It was a beautiful site watching our green beams of love healing FTW!!

    p.p.s. Can't remember my aim, but my crit rating is 290 (42%) and surge at 300 (75%), with all buffs and stims.

  10. I know this may seem like a weird question but what about the other two melee classes avaliable?



    Pros- Ability to tank, stealth, high burst potential, can solo flashpoints

    Cons- Um... i honestly can't think of a con for shadows personally, they have quite a bit going for them, im surprised there aren't more running around.



    Ssshhh....... don't tell them that, the last thing the shadow community wants is a fleet full of shadows :D

  11. This is where you will see a lot of difference between healers and i find it quite interesting all the different ways to achieve the same outcome.... hopefully.


    I use a combination of my mouse/keys to move and on all my toons, my number keys and "F" keys are set to my actions. I have a cheap and nasty mouse with only 2 buttons on it, so i have my kolto bomb set on my mouse for ease of placement and i will spam it on every cool down if the group allows. Fantastic heal if you can hit 3 or more with it.


    As for the raid, i have all my groups set to "raid" groups and have the health bar solid and as large as possible. I tried putting the percentages in there but didn't like it as i found it distracting to begin with, so never bothered to get used to it. There's nothing that the commandos use to heal that needs and exact percentage to use, so i didn't see the point. I have a BIG red bar, that lets me know the stat of my team mates. But its all personal preference, i notice that a lot of healers use it. I use my mouse to click on the member to heal (in the ops frame) and then hit the corresponding key for the heal i want.


    So my mouse stays hovered over the ops frame unless moving or using my kolto, clicking feverishly between raid members, while hitting my keys to heal. If i need to move and heal at the same time, kolto is easy, i just switch to move with my keys and drop a kolto down. Same if i change targets, then back to moving with my mouse and spamming heals with my keys.


    It sounds complicate when i try to explain it, but after some practise it works pretty well.

  12. I thought i would wipe the cobwebs off this thread as i have just hit a new PB on my balance shadow.


    Still have more tweaking to go and yes i did cut this run off at a spiky part, but am happy that i can finally hold over 1900 on an ops dummy as it has been my goal for some time now. Still trying to find the sweet spot between crit vs. power......


    Just to prove to the non believers that shadow dps is up there with the best. This was done on my own with no armor debuffs or inspiration. I have hit on the dummy with a full raid group with these and was able to hold above 2000 fairly easily.




    Happy hunting guys.

  13. Playing a commando heal myself I can say I have no problems healing with a sage or a scoundrel at my side. Two commandos on the other side - is very tough to do.

    Pretty much every combination of healers is viable in Ops, even 2 sages or 2 scoundrels except 2 commando healers. I think that pretty much says it all.


    I'd accept that challenge. I'll come heal with you and we can see how good we go.


    I'd love to run 2 Commando's together FTW!!

  14. im not talking down my favorite class im simply saying that the guy who posted this was wrong on many levels since there are a vastamount of classses that can out DPS even the best of shadows.


    PS. in my guild there are 2 sages rolling hybrid spec that are close to 2k DPS on the operation training dummy without an armour debuff, adrenals, or inspiration on a 6 minuite parse. as well they average above 1800 at the least in most ops scenarios.


    Never said we are the highest dps'n class out there. I can assure you, that it would take someone who is completely on his game and know their character inside and out, to out dps my shadow (in simliar gear), even then i would be surprised if i was not close.


    You say you have 2 sages running a high parse in your guild, out of how many people...... I'm guessing that probably around 5% of the people using higher parsing classes can actually utilize their potential. My point was simply, if you think we are a low dps'n class, then you may not know how to use him properly. You may well be surprised by what a shadow can do, when you know how to use him. I'd love to run with someone who can out dps me in game, I find that challenge part of the fun in the game. Would love to run with your sages, check out there gear/stats/build and see what they can do running something with me. Looking at a parse online, doesn't really interest me too much.


    Come run with me somtime, i'd be happy to show you what a shadow can do, in end game content.


    p.s. I've seen 1900+ parses from shadows too.... we are not as bad as what everyone tries to make out.

  15. Another potential tweak to make it more useful in large groups while still being balanced would be to have Kolto bomb affect an unlimited number of targets but have a maximum amount of pre-crit healing that it can provide (a la Healing Rain in WoW).


    The major change that I would like to see occur is taking Trauma Probe off of the GCD and potentially also reducing the ammo cost by 1-2. Trauma Probe was *never* particularly overpowered and really just made up for the fact that Commandos don't really have a consistent powerful HoT that they can use for maintenance. Having it exist on the GCD even though it's, honestly, a minute trickle of healing means that it only ever sees much application when you've got spare ammo and you're not busy doing a hard cast chain. It would be nice to see Trauma Probe tweaked such that it's actually intended to be kept up *constantly* not just "whenever you've got nothing better to do and still have ammo to burn".


    Love the "Kolto Rain" idea and have already thought about this. New animations too. No more throwing a sack of green goo into a group, instead plant your feet and point that big gun to the sky and rain down a kolto cluster!! Similar to like a mortar volley, except with healing kolto into the group. Make it smart in some way too.


    I really enjoy trauma probe, i use it when ever possible (which isn't always easy....). Mine crits for 1k of hp, so 10 charges costing 2 ammo is an incredibly useful heal. Ammo management is tricky at times but that is part of the challenge with CM healing. I don't like reducing the cost but maybe take it of the GCD to make it more user friendly when trying to reapply, would be a nice little tweak.

  16. :eek:

    - Bacta Infusion returns 1 ammo on use (similar in concept the the Vanguard tank's 31-point skill, Energy Blast)

    - Supercharge Cells returns 2 ammo when activated (reverting a change in 1.2 which lowered the ammo return to 1.)

    - Field Triage lowers the cost of the next Medical Probe by 2 (also reverting a 1.2 change). Alternatively, allow us to have multiple stacks of Field Triage, say capping at 2 or 3. That way with some additional prepwork and setup, we can have the same effect as pre-1.2.


    I like these ideas but i think implementing all of these would put us back into the OP category.... 1 out of the 3, would be the small tweak i think the class needs. I like the idea of the first 2. If Bacta returned 1 ammo, that would be a big help in ammo management. Like wise, if SC returned 2 ammo when used, i may actually use it.....


    IMO, i like the challenge that healing with my class already has. Anything more then a minor tweak would make it too easy. Anyone who says it needs more then a small tweak may need to learn how to play the class better.


    Leave the class alone, learn how to play it.

  17. this is probably the most false thing ive ever seen on the forums.


    My main is a Shadow and we ARE siverely subpar as DPS. this is fact..


    If your main is a shadow and this is what you believe, i would suggest roll another class. I'm not going to say that we are the highest dps'n class, but it sounds like you may be having issues with yours. I don't find too many that can out dps my balance shadow in a raid situation. Trash and bosses alike. If you can't play your class, don't start whining about the class as a whole.


    I am more then happy with my shadows dps and the people i run with are as well. Sounds like a case of L2P....

  18. I don't think we need any buffs, but i like the idea of a smart heal on our kolto.


    Kolto i awesome, 8-12k instant heal every 6 secs..... yes thanks. Prob is, when thrown into a crowd of 6-8 people and it hits no-one..... that hurts. Healing more people would seriously OP it, but allowing it to hit the people who need it most, would tweak it in a non-game changing manner but seriously improve our only ability to heal multliple targets.


    Love my commando heals and have no prob healing end game content. Most of the times in ops, we can out heal the sages as it is.... scoundrels..... thats another story...... for another day........

  19. I have similar sounding build and rotation as OP, by the sound of it. Shouldn't need to use taunts in rotation, save for fight mechanics, when you have it down right. I'll throw a force sweep in at the start of my rotation. Normally after my leap in, then follow with sunder for full armor debuffs. With buffs from the skill tree it is only a little behind OS and BS for threat, but gives the armor debuffs.


    Like someone else said, could be your dps jumping in too hard too early. Also if you are less geared then your dps, could be the cause of it too.

  20. I kinda agree with this thread. Also what's the point of so many trying to perfect infil for raids. Good luck with hitting 1800 dps in that spec. If you think about it, it'd be even lower on fights like Toth and Zorn while balance can throw ranged abilities during the bezerk phase.


    Infiltration is a fun build to play. Nothing like watching those big numbers land!! Its just a shame because it looks to me like Infil tree was what shadows were designed for...... so why is it the weakest tree in the shadow class? Would love to see some solid tweaks, to bring it up to at least in line with balance if not infront of. How about dropping force cloak to 30 or 45 secs and make it a TRUE shadow class!! Work the stealth, in and out burst, better force management.... just saying.


    I think the only reason people are worried about perfecting it, is so they can make it a viable option for endgame pve. Its hard to get respect as a shadow, never mind an infil shadow.

  21. To put it into simpler terms.....


    Do you want to tear them up from the inside out = dots = Balance




    Pound them in the face/back with a sledgehammer = SLEDGEHAMMER = Infilitration


    I agree with Kitru. In theory balance is a higher sustained dps but more complicated to maintain. Infiltration is EXTREMELY burst orientated with a more basic rotation/priority list. Both are valid endgame dps and are a tonne of fun to play, but have VERY different playing styles. Gear is the same, so i'd say pick what you prefer to play.

  22. So, I did a parse on my ship and things were a bit better. So maybe lag was a factor. My APM increased to almost 38 and my dps almost reached 1800. Maybe part of the problem is execution also, so that is something I can work on to get me over 1800.


    Here is the full parse, where I am hitting the Warzone training dummy with FiB (http://www.torparse.com/a/63176), so my dps is inflated a bit :)


    Here is the parse where I removed the hits on the Warzone training dummy (http://www.torparse.com/a/63174).


    I have not yet changed my gear, but the next step will be to decrease accuracy a bit.


    Thanks again for the advice and let me know if you have any other suggestions.


    Cool man, thats a big improvement. Lag on the fleet is bad..... Also, your crit % is a lot higher too.... when you parsed the earlier parse, could you have forgotten the smuggler buff by chance? I don't have the warzone dummy on my ship, so don't have that problem.


    Either way, from looking at your gear, you could probably squeeze a little more out too. The little changes i already spoke about would prob work and keep watching those dots.


    My priority list goes.... which is fairly straight forward.










    - Force in balance AS SOON AS IT'S UP, everytime.

    - As the last dot drops, the very next GCD is putting your dots straight back up.

    - You should never be hitting the dummy with your saber unless FB is on it.

    - i use my cloak (extra force regen from skill points), relic, force potency and battle readiness as soon as they are up.

    - i normally sit with my tank on empty and anticipate what is coming up and make sure i have the force to do it. Not sure if this is right or wrong, just what i do.

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