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Posts posted by WooduckAUS

  1. Cool man, thanks, i will.


    Like i said, it looked gear related and most of it prob is. The main thing was the armor debuff, so i'm glad you don't use it. This gives me something to aim for. Stats look fairly similar, i'm just a little behind because of the gear.


    I checked out your log closer and the main rotation/priority list is the same (not rocket science) BUT i did find an extra un-proc'd backstab at the start of the fight, which crit'd too. That gave you a nice early boost. Thats funny because i was actually thinking of a way to burn off extra force at the start, coming out of stealth with the bonus, i lose some bcause it regens to fast.... but for some reason never thought of an un-proc'd backstab = DOH!!


    The parses i put up were a quick attempt last night, i'll practise a bit with your backstab at the start and see if i can get some solid numbers. Might have to start biochem as well... wouldn't be all of it, but these little things help.


    Love the numbers though.


    Our progression group is having trouble on the Operator IX boss on tfb hm, so no dreadguard yet, but when we get that down and i can gear dreadguard, we'll have to have a DPS OFF!!


    I'll look for you online, thanks again.

  2. Thanks Chukles, was hoping you would reply. I have already looked at the parse from you and would like to know exactly how this happened....?


    4 things immediately jump out at me.....?


    1. your crit % is much higher than mine

    2. your FIB crits for a lot more than mine

    3. you have a higher accuracy rating than mine (or had a lucky run)

    4. you are also using 1 damage relic


    The first 3 look either gear related (lvl 63, above mine), or armor debuffs from external help.....commando/guardian? Could you elaborate on either of those 2 assumptions?


    The 4th, i am currently saving up for a 2nd dreadguard relic and will try it out once i get it to see if it improves my overall dps. I currently have the clicky power one and like the improved overall dps plus a little extra burst if i need it.


    Were you using adrenals? Can you share your gear for me?


    Thanks mate.

  3. ...... and i am one of those people......


    I recently changed from infi to balance and am loving the challenge of maxing out my dps. Up until now, i have been enjoying figuring it all out for myself. I am hitting reasonable numbers and in most ops/fp run, its not very often that i see even a sent beat me... give or take the occasional fight that is suited better to a range dps of some sort. Maybe thats saying something about the sents i run with....


    That being said, i feel i have hit my ceiling on maxing out dps. I have spent countless hours and money swapping mods in and out and feel i have come up with the BIS for my lvl 61's, no 63's yet. I've played around with acc, for and against. Also the same with power vs crit arguement. I can't remember exact numbers but i believe my acc is somewhere around 98.5 and my crit rating is around 275 and surge at just over 300 because i swapped an acc enhancement out. I like the higher crit over the power, feels a lot more stable when dps'n.


    The problem i have is that i can't see anyway further to squeeze anymore dps out of this guy, without moving up to 63 gear. I'm also seeing posts with numbers hitting into and well over the 1800 mark with claims that they aren't using and armor debuffs on the dummy....!? If this is possible, i would love to know how....? If anyone has the final piece to this puzzle... please share? I would love to hit and sustain that 1800 mark!!


    My guy can sit comfortably in the 1700's, with bursts around 1760-80 BUT can not sustain above 1800 for anything longer than a minute or 2. As shown in the linked dummy run. All buffs, exo stim, no adrenals. (I can't see how, with a 3 min cooldown but would an adrenal knock me up into the next bracket..?)


    Sorry for all the spam in different threads BUT WOULD LOVE TO KNOW HOW IT IS DONE.....?




    Thanks in advance.

  4. This was a quick run last night after putting in an extra crit mod, but you get the idea. If you look at the point before i stop attacking i was sitting around 1750. Also a few logs slightly lower too.


    Would love to hear from some guys hitting 1800+ because i can't see how this would be achieved.... unless full 63's or maybe armor debuffs from external help (guardian/commando).


    I might go check out some logs from Chukles, he seems to be solid balance dps.



  5. This was a quick run last night after putting in an extra crit mod, but you get the idea. If you look at the point before i stop attacking i was sitting around 1750. Also a few logs slightly lower too.


    Would love to hear from some guys hitting 1800+ because i can't see how this would be achieved.... unless full 63's or maybe armor debuffs from external help (guardian/commando).


    I might go check out some logs from Chukles, he seems to be solid balance dps.



  6. This was a quick run last night after putting in an extra crit mod, but you get the idea. If you look at the point before i stop attacking i was sitting around 1750. Also a few logs slightly lower too.


    Would love to hear from some guys hitting 1800+ because i can't see how this would be achieved.... unless full 63's or maybe armor debuffs from external help (guardian/commando).


    I might go check out some logs from Chukles, he seems to be solid balance dps.



  7. I can hover in the 1800+ mark in deception (inf) for a solid 4 minutes or so, then it drops down to 1700ish. Still trying to tweak things, swapping mods around - taking power out, putting crit in. Taking crit out, putting power in...etc..[...the deception / inf is a very hard spec to itemize.


    Sounds like you and i share the same frustrations...... and stuck at the same point. I can sustain 1700-1750 on the dummy over a 7 mins run, don't use adrenals but have stims and buffs. I have seen parses where sustained dps is above 1800 and was wondering how this is achieved without any external help/debuffs....


    If anyone knows, that would be fantastic. If you can achieve this, i would love to see your parse so i could breakdown your moves. Also a breakdown of your basic stats, because i have spent a lot of agonizing hours looking over the gear and lots of money swapping in and out mods etc field testing on my ships dummy. I can't see how i squeeze out any extra dps, so i need some fresh ideas if someone would be so kind to help.



  8. Hi guys, not sure if i'm off topic or this thread went off topic... but.... this is the latest thread that has anything regarding dps for balance shadows.


    I have recently changed to balance from infil and am loving the extra sustained dps atm..... (I am happy with my dps output atm, nps with balance pve dps output btw...) Wanting to max out my dps after lots of dummy testing, i seem to have hit my ceiling and was wondering if anyone out there knows how to squeeze out anymore dps from my beloved shadow?


    Currently sustaining dummy parses on my ship, with buffs/stims but no adrenals or help from armor debuffs (guardian/commando etc...) around 1700-1750dps. I have seen posts and parses from people sustaining 1800+ and was wondering how this is achieved... I believe i have the rotation/priority down to an art but am still unable to sustain it up that high... I brought in a commando for a dummy run the other day and could sustain above 1800 but the posts i have been reading lead me to believe that there is a way to reach this without outside help/debuffs.


    I am geared BIS (imo) or close to it, with all 61's but no 63's as of yet. Would adrenals account for the last 50 or so dps or is there something else?


    Looking forward to maxing this guy out, any advice/tips would help.

  9. The most i have been able to get out of my balance shadow is sustaining around 1700-1750dps. Based on a 6-7min dummy parse with buffs, no adrenals.


    I have read in posts people hitting the 1800+ and would love to know how they do that or if they are using a guardian/commando for the debuff to the dummy.


    I recently changed from infil to balance and am loving the extra sustained dps of balance but am open to new ideas to max out my dps.

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