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Everything posted by miglor

  1. Just like HK47 is broken in foundry. Just like broken jawa balloon. There are so many many asinine bugs that still exist, its mind-boggling. Many of us are still asking, HOW THE HELL CAN THIS STILL EXIST!? But it does, lol.
  2. Pretty obvious that server mergers and low population is taboo in EA/BW's eyes. Doesn't surprise me that they don't care.
  3. Join the other 80% of dead servers. I'm sure EA/BW's pride/ego will prevent them from merging servers. It is admitting defeat. They will just let the dead realms stagnate and die, hoping you will reroll on a "healthy" server and continue paying them $15/mo. AMIRITE BW? This game should be declassified to NMMOG - NOT-Massively Multiplayer Online Game
  4. Yup. Three people from our guild/main raid group did as well, pretty much gutted all forms of raiding. Guild is now dead.
  5. A) I'm paying $15/mo for a MULTIPLAYER game. Not sit around GTN spamming "DPS LFG BT HM!!" for hours on end. Hell, even Gchat is dead most of the time except during peak where there are 3 other guys spamming LFG LFG LFG!! B) This is my 4th level 50 toon. How many more single-player toons do I need to reroll? Yes I already unsubbed. I have 15days left. BW just doesn't get it. I think its EA's pride. Merging servers is admitting defeat. They rather sit there and let this game tank as more people like me get frustrated for trying to find people TO PLAY WITH IN A MULTIPLAYER GAME.
  6. All you have said is contingent on a HEALTHY server with enough people to run these. On many servers, besides the "fab-5" health servers, are dying. Many people just sit around GTN LFGing and afking.
  7. Zilch. Too much pride or stubborness on EA/BW's side. They rather let this game go down in flames then swallow their pride, fix the nerfs and merge the damn servers.
  8. Merge the servers. Populations are dying across many but the few "fortunate" servers. We need some help. Many of us are pretty invested on our server and would rather unsubbed then reroll on another.
  9. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! Swallow your pride a little EA/BW and MERGE THE SERVERS!! It is getting ridiculous trying to get any kind of FP or Ops going (Vornskr). And this is one of the "better" servers!! Please help the player population out or just lose more players like you have been.
  10. Try 10pm server time. There is a serious problem, and not just one server. Maybe you are lucky and your server is great. But mine is dying.
  11. Just unsubbed both my accounts after reading more of the patch notes. Will wait and see if its worth resubbing from friends.
  12. I am sitting at 4 lev 50s, mostly geared in rakata or columi...all of them...with a legacy lev close to 40...there's only so much rerolling one can do Without others to play with, be it FPs or OPs, there is no reason to log back in.
  13. Vornskr, one of the original servers with a decent population, is practically dead now around 10pm PST. A month ago it ave 150+ in fleet with tons of traffic. Now there is usuallly 40-50 sitting around GTN afking.
  14. All this nerfing and hate towards healers/biochem/whatever D3 can't come soon enough
  15. As a PT tank, I had to 'fix' BW's atrocious itemization by swapping in columi mods. So apparently I get screwed now? LOL wow BW
  16. Yes....as biochemists such as myself and many others I'm sure will reroll another profession.
  17. Is it me or does Columni items overall seem like better tanking gear than Rakata, minus a few aim and end points? I mean i seems like most of the Rakata gear has so much accuracy. Mine is already over 102%, do I really need more (I know some advocate 105, but really?)? Is it worthwhile to swap out one of the mods (the one with accuracy) for the columni mod that adds back shield/shield abs/etc...you know, more "tanky" stats? Anyone else doing this? Sorry if this is a nub question.
  18. No matter what we did, we he would enrage and 1-shotted everyone. WHY IS THIS BUG STILL HERE? I though SOA was f'ed up. I mean come on. Did the QA dept take a vacation?
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