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Everything posted by miglor

  1. Rule of PVP: If you lose, the other guy MUST be hacking. AMIRITE?
  2. If $15/mo is too much for you, you should probably stop playing SWTOR and get your priority straight.
  3. Recruit forum is that way --------------> But you already knew that since you have a post in there as well.
  4. *shrug*, he didn't title the thread "<Haterade>'s Crafting List", but "Harbinger Crafting List". The first post is from the haterade guild, which is the guild hes in. Makes sense to me. Doesn't really make sense for him to put another guild's list as his post. This thread was meant for other guilds to put their own list in.
  5. I think this thread is meant as a server thread, not necessarily haterade only.
  6. This is kinda true. While runs like this is pretty easy/doable with certain guilds, I can see it being a royal pain for the majority of others on the server.
  7. This is a serious question EAWare, why is itemization just so bad in this game? The Hazmat implants are just the latest in terms absolutely atrocious forethought and planning. I mean minimal, and I do stress MINIMAL, stat point boost for 10x the cost of BH implants. I'm sure many people would not mind spending this much, if the upgrade was even remotely meaningful. Most of the mods/enhancements seems like they were just haphazardly placed by someone that apparently doesn't play SWTOR (or MMOs). We've had the SAME set bonus for almost a year now. I mean is it really THAT hard to be a little creative? Do you even CARE about this game anymore? Seems like all the resource is going into F2P and designing "killer new pets" and other nonsensical and meaningless things. How about some interesting set bonuses with certain implant+relic combos? How about rare earpieces that have cool cosmetic procs or any procs. How about certain items that give off cool graphical effects. How about relics that alter the way your lightning looks. How about rare pieces of gear that gives a boost to credits/xp earned on quest/killing. ANYTHING but "ohh look we added 3 AIM to the new tier 5 gear!! Time to get back on that hamster wheel!". I mean there are SOOOOOO many things you can do to make items more interesting and FUN. I honestly just don't understand.
  8. These Hazmat implants are like EAWare's "windows vista" - a failure in design on every level. If the stats were even mildy (10-15%) better than their BH cousins, you can justify the 10x in costs and grindage. As it stands, you are grinding in excess of 60-70hrs for a pittance of an upgrade. Way to build confidence in your subscribers EA.
  9. Guess its "working as intended"
  10. Progression threads tend to usually be farthest progression for the guild, not individual groups. I know there are some guilds (not ours) that have like 4-5 raiding groups. Putting everyone's group in there would kinda clutter the point of this thread.
  11. Guild Name: <Haterade> IMP Boss Downed: TFB Difficulty / Size: 8-man HM Screenshots: http://imgur.com/tABo6 Time: 12:24am PST 10/1/2012 Special thanks to Hatred for tipping us on guarding the healers during 2nd phase!
  12. OMG you're a clicker!! Nice kills guys, grats!
  13. Guild Name: Haterade (imp) Boss Downed: Kephess Difficulty & Raid Size: 8m HM Screenshot: http://imgur.com/e9QrC Time: 12:54am PST 9/29/2012
  14. I mean how often do you hear PVE raiders whine on forums like "OMG BW!!! As a raid-leader, I feel that our dps PT is waaaay too OP. I DEMAND YOU NERF HIM TO THE GROUND OR I'M UNSUBBING!!".
  15. Working as intended. You need cartel points to "unlock" multi-word seaches.
  16. Guild Name: Haterade (imp) Boss Downed: Writhing Horror Difficulty & Raid Size: 8m HM Screenshot: http://imgur.com/kZ42C Time: 11:00 cst Boss Downed: Dread Guard Second boss 12:40 cst Screenshot: http://imgur.com/ibo8u
  17. Drastic changes like this is *always*...I repeat...*ALWAYS* because of PVP QQing.
  18. 2/5 before someone decided sleep was more important First boss 9:00pm pst Second boss 10:40 pst Kill shots at hateradeguild.com Definitely more challenging in HM
  19. Its definitely a lot more fun. More moving around. Not cheesy tower of hanoi or click fest of ev.
  20. Last boss and puzzle boss by far. And no I don't work, i live in my moms basement. SWTOR is my life.
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