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Everything posted by Exly

  1. I didn't see the listed changes on the pts. I guess they don't want us to test them. Of course, I'm not surprised, but I do wonder why the devs even bother having a test environment if it can't be used to test the changes that they are planning on making.
  2. Or maybe they could just sell them to us for 1k credits since that's how much they said our old fanged god tacticals were worth.
  3. When I read the phrase "in a future patch", it feels a lot like an old man saying "go away kid, you bother me". I think that better communication, and follow-through on statements made are needed before I will believe them when they say things like that.
  4. You are assuming that they will put the last 2 bosses on the public test server. While I agree that they should, I have no expectation that they will. I believe that they'll do whatever they do based on what they think will lead to the most short-term profit that they think they can get. Even if that means that the content is not ready for release, and even if that leads to a loss of long term profit.
  5. Yes they are, and that is a good thing. But I still think that they should remove the weekly cap on commendations too. Rewards that aren't rewarding and are withheld due to artificial caps doesn't make any sense to me.
  6. It's better than nothing, but hardly significant. 501 more per week still means that 1000's earned from conquest will go to waist, and even if I convert all 1500 that I can earn per week into tech fragments, it will still be a drop in the bucket compared to the number needed to upgrade legendaries, or get the mats needed to craft augments.
  7. I'll only believe that when I actually see it in game. Even then, the change to the medals of commendation caps are hardly enough to make much of a difference.
  8. When I was young I worked for a company that died. Along the way management tried to pretend that things were going good to keep the people they already employed from quitting and accelerating the company's demise. During that time, the company shrank in size, but still needed some people to maintain things while the management slowly abandon ship, and hired to fill slots as the ship sank. Now look at the credits for the last two "expansions" and compare them to previous expansions and notice the reduced staff levels. Then look at the list of people who manage the game, and you will see a limited set of inexperienced people in positions that they assumed when better qualified people left the game. If they were serious about improving on the game, they would have filled those positions with qualified applicants, but they didn't, they filled the positions with existing staff instead. This game may not be dead yet, but it sure looks like it's closer to being dead than some people want to believe, at least in my opinion based on my years of observation and experience.
  9. I don't know. When they do talk they say things that just aren't true. Last July 1, then had their live stream announcing the "expansion", and -eric tried to tell us that there would be lots of stuff coming in LoTS thinking he was so witty. Since then, they have walked back on statements like: The new R4 operation will be launching with 7.0. All subscribers will be able to switch their current combat stye. Weapons will be included in the outfit designer. 7.0 will launch on December 14, with the R4 operation launching in January (so that people had time to gear up for it). The whole idea that there will be lots of content. It's now 4 months into the 10 year long anniversary "celebration" and we have not received lots of stuff. So, I think that they aren't saying anything because they know that they have nothing of value to say, and the would just end up telling us things that they know are not true.
  10. Your assumptions and degrading comments are not welcome or necessary.
  11. So, someone who wants greater access to rewards for more people is selfish, and you aren't because you have less fun if others have that access. In what universe does that make any sense at all?
  12. Right, I just disagree with the way that gear must be earned. I think there should be more ways for people to get what they want. The rest of my answer was a response to a previous post that equated getting gear to getting cartel market items.
  13. It's not dead. It is a very live subject, and may never be settled, but telling people to shut up isn't helping. By the way, your post stirred me up, is that why you posted?
  14. That is the way that it works, but I disagree with the limited path provided, and think things should be different, and so I am stating my opinion here. I'm not some lemming that is willing to follow the devs off a cliff. I have my own mind, and if I see something is wrong, or that I don't like, I say something. That's called feedback, and most companies appreciate it when customers provide it. Even when that feedback is at odds with choices that they have made.
  15. While I accept your answer as a bad faith argument to make a silly point, I still wonder the following: Are you entitled to get what you pay for off of the cartel market, or should you have to earn it after you paid for it? If you think you should get what you paid for, then you agree with me, if you think you still need to earn it, then while I don't understand your thinking, at least you would be consistent. It's really that easy. And what about cartel coins. I pay a sub fee that includes a monthly cartel coin grant. If I expect to receive those coins does that mean that I right to do so, or does that make me one of the entitled people?
  16. How dare people feel entitled to something just because they paid for it. How shameful. What's next? Will they think that they are entitled to all sorts of things if they just pay for them. No, I say, people must both pay for the things that they want and then earn them. Anything less makes them self entitled people. There, do you see now how ridiculous that sounds?
  17. The point is why should people have to do content that they don't enjoy to get gear. As to your philosophy on gear being reward for doing challenging content, I ask why? It's like saying that you can only have a hammer if you first learn to drive nails with your fist. That the hammer should not just be handed out, but it needs to be earned, and longer nails driven into harder wood gets you a better hammer. That would be silly, just like withholding good gear to make content harder just so that it can be a reward for doing the content in sub-standard gear.
  18. I think that the people who are saying that the chapters are overly difficult are doing them in master mode, and are comparing their experience to what they remember from doing the same content in past expansions. In your video it looked like you did it in story mode. Maybe you should try doing the same fight in master mode and see what you think then.
  19. Your post has me wanting for BioWare to make it so that you have to run the Korriban heroics 100 times to get a random chance at getting NiM gear assembly components (or something like that). It would be funny to hear all of the people telling others to suck it up and do unwanted content to get gear complain about having to do content that they themselves don't want to do.
  20. A server merger would make sense, but why would they need a megaserver to do that? A medium sized server would probably be more than big enough to handle this game's current population.
  21. Unfortunately, you will have to wait, the question is for how long?
  22. I suspect 7.0.2 will come out just in time for May 4, and 7.1 will be around the 4th of July.
  23. Will 7.0.2 hit before or after May 4?
  24. Not all reasons are good reasons. This is a game, and people pay to play it. That is the best reason to do away with unnecessary hurdles to letting people get what they are paying for. It would be like if they sold moldable weapons on something like, I don't know, a cartel market, and then they didn't make mods so that people could use them at max level. Oh wait, they did that too, and look at how good that idea was.
  25. Maybe you're the one playing the wrong MMO. This game is not about hardcore raiding. It is both an MMO and a RPG that allows people to have fun while immersing themselves in the Star Wars universe. Part of the immersion involves feeling powerful in the class that they choose to play, and good gear is part of the path that leads to greater power. People don't exist just to get what they need. They also look forward to getting things that they want. So, what's wrong with allowing people to have what they want in this fantasy role playing game?
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