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Everything posted by justinplainview

  1. The reason I specifically would like the devs to have this is because of the fact that: Cora was exploited so they should know how many guilds can LEGITIMATELY kill it, and going through achievements is lazy and incomplete since it lacks context. I want the devs to have context behind their stats. Because group progression on these fights are more important than how many total people. I want them to know how many groups are going week to week for their clearance rate. I want them to have as much context as possible because I am very happy about these raids and I know they put their necks out there to make the content difficult. I just want this to succeed tbh. They made content that has a REAL life span. They made content that you can be excited about. IDK. More info the better.
  2. Yeah, it is helpful for the devs to know the context behind the guild numbers. Multiple guilds have multiple groups going 8/10 or better, so if the devs want a true baseline, we may want to try and get how many groups each guild can full clear or 9/10 or 8/10 just so the devs can get better estimates. Other guilds you haven't listed that are 9/10 are Phantoms (EU) Rash (EU)
  3. I've never been a fan of how....overwhelming the smoke is in that room. It's just a bit much. At the same time, it's easy enough to not take extra damage and do your role without being able to see much with all the smoke left over from the floort vents, so I'll basically just complain from an aesthetic POV as opposed to a tuning one.
  4. Respectfully, this guide is very out of date (check last change date on OP) and should be unstickied- it's no longer relevant.
  5. Heat Blast is a beautiful ability. I don't have a Jugg tank yet (slowly leveling to make sure I have one for NiM, so I'm taking any and all jugg theory crafting to heart so I have a solid knowledge base when I start tanking on it.
  6. Yeah, with exception to 2 enhancements and a mainhand tank barrel, I am extremely close to (what I presume at least) BiS for a PT Tank. Personally, if I were in your position at ~24% Defense and you wanted to drop to 20% (since you prefer not to drop below), I would drop, whichever the precise stat budget you have available probably 60% of that number into Absorb, since you run fairly low, rest into shield. I haven't tested Imperiling Serenity yet (though I have tested Shield Amp, which is amazing on a few bosses but absolute garbage on most) so I'll definitely be trying out one soon On another note, I'm more than willing to test out higher defense levels, just for the sake of argument. It'll take a bit of time to get some more defense gear to work with, but when I can I'll run a 10/10 with a different defense rating (probably wont go much higher than 800) and I'll let you know how my logs vary between the two setups. If we want to go further down the rabbit hole, I may (read that as I definitely will) link this to my cotanks in Zorz and see if they have any extra insight or have any opinions. At the very least, Smugglin can go in more depth than I can into tank theory, as he's more seasoned at it than I. Now, here's the real question. You listed a stat budget for mean mitigation, full b mods, and hybrid b mods. Which do you use for your Jugg?
  7. Too bad you don't have in fight data for PT Tanking to go with, but I'll supplement info below that might help get the ball rolling. Can't compare Jugg numbers really since their mitigation profile is so different. Similarly, I'm not attempting to start a war over PT theory either, as I'm unlikely to change my opinion or attempt to change yours short of me noticing you're taking wildly less damage on a PT in HM with similar tank roles or something. To give some food for thought, I'll post some average DTPS numbers. My gear is 595 Defense 1305 Absorb and like...1865 Shield I think? Revanite Ear and Implants Relics are Revanite Reactive and Revanite Fortunate Redoubt, all 198 armorings with 198 offhand 192 mainhand all mods are B mods 198 all enhancements are 198 mean mitigation save for 2 off piece drop 198 enhancements, will upgrade as soon as I get more gear obviously. HP Values at 55899 with buffs, stim. Using Rakata Absorb Adrenal, Purple Medpacs in raid. On the DTPS end, I'm taking... (these are approximate values varying lockout to lockout) 1600 Malaphar HM 8 *Strat involves tank taking a few more stacks than ideal for sake of ease of tank swapping at add spawns, could easily take less damage but it's unnecessary when strat makes fight easier overall* 1700 Sword Squadron HM 8 *Using a Strat where we taunt from range and stay on our assigned walkers. Would take less damage if we did a positional swap, but again strat preference for raid* 1000-1200 Underlurker HM 8 *Variance really has to do with how much cleave I feel like doing as well as proccing close and personal and pyro shield during add spawns* 900-1000 Revanite Commanders HM 8 *The damage taken in this fight, outside of add cleave, is basically irrelevant, the only DTPS that matters is how you manage cooldowns in the final burn.* 1400-1500 Revan HM 8 (Coincidentally 16 man HM Revan is almost identical DTPS, due to 16 man damage profile being somehow WEAKER in some respects) *Fairly pleased with my DTPS in Revan HM kills* Sparky 1400 HM 8 *Fight is a joke, just hit cooldowns and keep tanking, our strat doesn't involve a swap* Bulo 1300-1400 HM 8 *Could improve on DTPS, but it's less about mitigation and more about our tanks grabbing very few barrels and instead AOE taunting pirates, holding threat for mass barrages on add wave 2, 3 and 4 with barrels only grabbed on first and *if still alive* fifth wave. If we grabbed barrels for each, could take 1-200 less DTPS, but again, our strat is extremely clean and repeatable* Torque 1500 HM 8 *Fairly content with damage profile on Torque, I try and get threat on as many of the adds as possible and any variance with my DTPS is how many floor vent ticks I take total* Blaster Master 1800-2000 HM 8 *Boss hits like a truck and the damage profile is not the jam on a PT tank. Sins are gods on this fight. Pleased overall with a 1604 DTPS in the last full run of Rav HM with my group* Coratanni 1700-1900 HM 8 *Definitely want to improve on taking less damage on Coratanni, but overall I'm pleased, as Pearl is a complete jerk that hits like a truck. Another fight where I feel a Sin tank would be superior in my role* I'm always looking to improve on my DTPS logs for fights to make my healer's job easier, but our healers don't complain about our tanks taking too much damage and on most complain about a lack overall. Internally, the Zorz tanks have been discussing PT tank theory, trying to make sure we haven't been lazy in our approach to gearing and mitigation theory. As of now, until I get a large amount of data showing otherwise, I don't see ample need to gear for so much defense, as so much of the IMPORTANT damage (important to our healers and to the overall profile at least) is internal, in addition to the basic ideas that having the opportunity to shield damage, not to mention the healing cooldowns that PT tanks have in their arsenal that are % based and not HP value based (Kolto Overload, in addition to the Shield Cannon heal utility) that give credence to b mods. IDK. I'm very interested in more feedback and discussion because I'm not against the idea of using a different stat distribution.
  8. WTB Machine Core mount, where you hover in a seated state above the sphere and float around. *seated line on a meditation hover chair or the TFB mount*
  9. Interesting post, any chance you can provide HM TOS/Rav DTPS parses on fights to backup your stat distribution choices or are these baselines formed from number crunching? Would be interesting in reference to PT Tanking stat distribution in particular, as I run far less defense than your model, and I feel like my DTPS profile is very easy to heal and mitigation is solid.
  10. WTB video of Ambassadors kill, that must have been one exciting burn phase for you guys
  11. Glad that you're satisfied, it's always fun to get people what they need!
  12. Use b mods but use mean mitigation enhancements (sturdiness/immunity) and also token ear and implants. Augments should round out whichever mitigation stats you are lacking in gear before augmenting, but judging by how PT/VG tank gearing goes, most of your augments will be shield with a few defense or absorb depending on which gear pieces you upgrade first.
  13. Oh, okay, then I misunderstood the point you were trying to make, apologies on that. Yeah, I understand that line of thinking for sure.
  14. Parsely is making me want to hop back on my marauder and go for some god parses in Anni.
  15. I've been waiting for this to go live and official for a whiiiiile. The tools and advanced insight you can get from using Parsley is beyond what other online swtor parse loggers have offered. Truly a site made by parsers for parsers (in this case Mari specifically).
  16. Not impossible, we did a Dread Master sale run tonight. It is absolutely incorrectly tuned, so the devs need to fix it, but you can pass the healing challenges.
  17. So we killed it tonight in Zorz with 18 people total (we had 20 in group, but 2 were still on Tatooine when we killed it b/c didn't have Tome). Our comp was 2 Tanks, 7 Heals and 9 DPS (4 melee 5 ranged). It took us 6 pulls but it may be my least favorite boss in my 3 years playing this game. Some things we noticed, outside of the fact that close and personal on a PT DPS is stupidly strong on that fight, is that it's just hectic. Really hectic. Clusterf*** of the century.
  18. not broken. make sure whoever has aggro on boss is within range to be hit by boss after 80%.
  19. to me it would be dumb to make hydraulics not work on the breathe in breathe out mechanic because then, you'd have to require nothing works on it, no entrench no nothing. It would just seem bizarre that you keep, frankly, buffing a fight that literally 2 guilds have killed ever and 1 guild has killed since the change. In NiM, I bet that nothing works from a physics immunity standpoint on this fight. But for HM, to further take it away, it's just literally making there be 3 different progressions on the same fight. It's dumb. Not that I think your comment is dumb, I can appreciate you wanting the fight to be hard but also not screw other classes, but I just don't think further "buffing" the fight is the answer. I don't see 10 guilds killing this boss right now (or period for that matter) without serious nerfs, and to just be like NAH MAKE IT HARDER just seems like an out of touch move for the general raiding community.
  20. New raid group: smugglin and justin healing, raulos and mari tanking, DPS to be recruited from jung ma
  21. I'm sorry, but it was killed. It's done. I'm not saying your experience is invalid, but I'm saying it is killable, and the strat wasn't massively changed to do so (whereas the raptus nim healing challenge requires A LOT of tinkering). I'm not saying that bugs should not be fixed. I'm just sick of people trying to put every Operation bug in with the Underlurker bug. I'm sorry, but Brontes NiM is VERY killable. VERY much so. To imply that one hand going to 100% is just as bad as the Underlurker cross desyncing and killing half the raid is just disingenuous. I'm not at ALL say you don't fix bugs. But people just get ridiculously hyperbolic. EDIT: Raulos, one of our main healers just told me word for word "I did not notice a difference, at all." Again, the bugs need to be fixed. And I'm not trying to be on a high horse at all. Any and all operations bugs should be fixed. And if you guys had trouble with it, maybe we got lucky. My post is not at all to try and imply something IS NOT BUGGED. I just think that on a scale of what needs to be fixed, let's fix new bosses first, just IMHO
  22. The Devs are fine with gear/loot runs, and they have gone on publicly in forums for literally years, without being shut down. People are trading credits f or a spot in a raid to drop loot or mounts and what have you, and I'm pretty sure what makes it okay is that it's a part of the in game economy, and you have to DO the mechanics and everyone in the raid clears that fight or that operation, and the loot that drops is the regular loot table and if the person who bought the loot is given the loot, it's not like the rest of the raid gets loot too. There's nothing extra going on. Gear Sales have been going on in MMOs for over a decade. They're fine in WOW, Final Fantasy, SWTOR, GW2, etc etc. And before people get their pitchforks out, I didn't exploit, you can check my achievements and inspect my gear, my only Coratanni kills are 8 man Story Mode and 8 man Hard Mode and I have combat logs for all kills on both difficulty modes and I'm nowhere close to BIS. So put the pitchforks away, folks.
  23. NiM brontes is easily killable, we one shot multiple sale runs (basically seven manned it) last lockout, so there's that. NiM Raptus is also killable, since we sold 2 Rancor runs as well last lockout, though the healing challenge is not tuned correctly, so you have to get creative. Olok is also killable, and the healers reported that they didn't even notice a difference. As for NiM TFB I honestly haven't been in there since 3.0 so I can't speak to it.
  24. LMAO Nox you just linked a sale run where the Rancor is literally like 55 million more expensive than the one we offer in Zorz and he thinks we are too expensive.
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