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Everything posted by XLJedi

  1. @Chalpy I strongly suspect that as you continue to log your results (grow your sample size) you will see your Crit chance continue to climb toward 20% (or whatever the target crit percent is supposed to be.) Once you've logged about 250 attempts within the same crafting difficulty bracket, post back... I'd be curious to see what you get.
  2. ...just to clarify a bit, cuz it seems some of the responses thus far are aimed at, "You wont' see a playable Yoda" If you read my entire OP, you'll see I came to that conclusion on my own. The responses related to GL's position on Yoda are enlightening, thank you for those... I was more interested in this Yoda-like being that seems to be in our game and speculating that he MUST be an ancestor of the Yoda-to-be given the one hint I've seen to suggest there are only a handful (or two) of this species in existance? I guess I could add to the discussion also, does this suggest that once Yoda passed-on, the species died out? I only ask because I know sometimes details get fleshed out in books that I haven't read. Maybe there are only ever allowed to be one male and one female in existance and when one dies out, another somehow begins to exist?
  3. After I saw it mentioned that they might be adding new species, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is it would be cool to play a Yoda-type character. So I go to lookup the species and it seems it's all a big mystery and there are maybe only 2 of these chracters acknowledged (Yoda and a female Yoda). So now I'm wondering about this Yoda-type guy in the game... with such a small population and such a long life span, we must be dealing with Yoda's great-great-great grandfather??? ...I think it would only be about 4 generations removed from Yoda right? So I guess the idea of playing as a Yoda-type character is pretty much nil. I mean granted, EVERYONE would want to be Yoda and it might look a little odd to have so many running around anyway. ...but it seems the lore is dictating that there really only should be a handful in existance right?
  4. I can tell you that I did, just last night, crit on a set of Lvl 50 purple heavy greaves that required Mando Iron. I've also critted about 25% on lvl 49 blue pieces... and SEVERAL lvl 50 orange chests/legs/head... so I think it's fine. I've only made one Rakata piece so far and it was not a crit.
  5. Whatever species they add, if it's going to be before year end, we can expect it will have to be a somewhat normal-ish-type humanoid and not a droid. It's gotta fit the existing storylines. I don't see em rolling out whole new stories for these new species within the suggested timeline. If you think you're gonna play a wookie or something like that, I wouldn't get your hopes up. I dunno, maybe a Voss if we're lucky? ...something that has to look good in a hood is what I'm expecting. You may as well forget about the Jawa, Chewbacca, or Master Yoda... for now anyways...
  6. "Have a taste of my Guardian Leap!" ....I'm gonna use that!
  7. I have not noticed that my +5 crit, 10k, Kira is doing any better or worse on synth-aug gear since 1.2. Can't really speak to the Rakata pieces though; I just don't have that many bio-crystals laying around to test with.
  8. Ya don't say... so what... then no one should be mentioning it on a User Support Forum because reporting it in the game is the correct approach??? ...is this your point? My guess is everyone on this thread has submitted a ticket; several have probably submitted it more than once!
  9. ...since they closed my thread, guess I'll subscribe to this one. Fix the "ALL" filter PLEASE!!!
  10. LOL, that's too funny... actually, fighting against my own faction in other warzones now feels a little strange.
  11. Trying so hard not to be critical... no, you can't skip levels.
  12. Not disagreeing with you at all... However, I will add that I did this once and actually had a DPS whisper to me, "thanks for interrupting my solo kill" I mention it just to point out to you PVP vets that sometimes folks who are trying to learn PVP are made to feel like outcasts no matter what they do. Stand still and observe, you're cursed for not contributing, jump in and help and you're accused of stealing kills. If you guys want your PVP community to grow, you need to start thinking in terms of developing newbs and don't get so uptight about people jumping in for a killing blow. There are plenty out there who wouldn't be able to score a kill otherwise.
  13. DOH! How did I not notice that! ...ah well.
  14. ...it was intended as sarcasm. There would be no story if GL never added a character.
  15. It would seem that Star Wars was PERFECT! ...and then George Lucas started adding characters to it.
  16. Agreed, with the caveat that given the current server populations, I wouldn't bother to recommend that anyone go to the GTN as the solution for any problem... they will only end up thinking their search button is broken.
  17. What are you spending your commendations on? Not sure if the grayed-out missions still give commendations... that could prove troublesome if not. The invincible shield thing is not too expensive, if I recall correctly.
  18. My only gripe is that I can't direct my comps to run more than one mission overnight. I would like to stack at least 4-5 of some of these things so I can get a decent quantity returned. ...and if they don't want to stack the things fine, but at least give us one or two missions in addition to the current ones that take like 12-16 hours to complete for some bigger payload results on overnight runs. I do however, feel compelled to happily acknowledge that since 1.2 they do now allow me to have more than one comp crafting at a time! ...which is pretty huge for leveling your base craft quickly. THANK YOU!
  19. No one's suggesting you're an idiot... although, if the self-affirmation that you are not one puts you at ease, fine. It was nothing more than an attempt to vet your mission strategy... When all the ships come at me, I press the 3-key and coast thru it without trying to avoid anything. On that mission I also try to put at least one missile in each target in addition to the hi-power lasers. That mission is grayed-out for me now, so I don't need to fly it on a dailly basis anymore, but I do recall that it was challenging, but not impossible.
  20. OHHH.... well that explains it! You have to use the invincible shield buff on that one section of Drexel Sweep where they all come at you. Once I figured that out, I started breezing past that one. You should put all space comms toward buying ship equipment FIRST. ...and the first one you buy allows you to toggle extra power to lasers or shields with the 1-2 keys. You're gonna be dead without that and the invincible shield (is it ECM pod maybe?)
  21. I have to ask... are you guys toggling your laser/shield recharge at all??? ...and you know the shields don't charge unless you take your finger off the laser trigger, right? Particularly on the Impossible Sector mission there are several (almost obvious) lulls in the battle that I believe are designed to be shield recharge opportunities. I don't consider myself to be any sort of joystick genius, and to me, these missions are far from impossible. Now granted, with all blue G5 armaments I was getting my butt handed to me! ...but with mostly purple stuff in place (all except Armor and Shield Recharge) I can win at least 9/10 attempts without too much difficulty. I'm just curious what people are missing?
  22. I do recall a turning point for me was on the rep-side Drexel Sweep mission... I had a hard time surviving that one and anything beyond it with just the blue G5 upgrades that you purchase from vendors. It was at this point that I finally caved and worked out a deal with a cybertech. Incidentally, Drexel was also the first mission that I actually had to start thinking about using some of those buffs and weapon/shield toggles... Previously, I just bought my way out of the mission difficulty with the next blue upgrade bolted-on and basically flew every mission without taking my finger off the laser trigger.
  23. I think the orange "shells" are being somewhat misunderstood... A point was made that a lvl 20 orange saber should be more valuable than a lvl 50 saber because it can be used longer. The counter is that the lvl 20 saber is therefore also more common, and someone might argue back that there is value in the scarcity of the lvl 50 saber. In this respect, I think it balances... I really only view the lvl differences between the shells as nothing more than an indication of what level materials it requires to produce. Having shells that span multiple levels allows more flexibility to the crafters and the value is really in the diversity of the material that can be used to make an orange-class shell. I think this concept is typically what people are missing; the level diversity is nothing more than a material gathering convenience to the high-level crafter.
  24. "4 player heroic quests need to go" These are not the droids you're looking for... move along.
  25. It only covers the eyes and apparently they (correctly) did not flag it for helmet voice.
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