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Everything posted by BUBBUH

  1. Thanks for explaining whats substance and whats fluff. I mean, other then a LFG tool i can't really think of much else off the top of my head.
  2. I thought space missions = star fox. I remember a funny joke though, "Ooh i got pointy ears ima alien!" "No your a guy in the studio, look at star wars! Jabba looks like an alien!" I expect in the future to see Kaleesh playable, but for now we got cool alieny companions....which alright.
  3. This is pretty much the same fan-boy argument used over and over..Kinda boring but i'll tear it apart anyway. It's okay to like a game and have criticisms. New concept, i know. You don't have to pick between outright hater and newly wed wife. You can be in between. You can say "I like the story elements of swtor, it adds alot to my game and blah blah" You can also say "Gee, sitting here for four hours waiting for a group spamming LFG isn't very fun! i wish they added a tool." But for the "expectation"guy. If we don't expect anything from a game. We have failed as humans. Not you know..games but. If you sat and played pong and said "yeah that mario game? pfft i got pong look at me...boom throwing a ball around!" You should expect developers to give you a good game with your expectations. Thinking otherwise, you should probably go play CoD. I hear it revamps its formula every year. Its a big balance. too much expectation, the game crashes and doesn't live up to hype, too little and it gets 10/10 reviews for the same formula.
  4. So you're saying every female isn't a little flower. There's no catch? No "We need to destroy all males!" "We need more rights" Just letting everyone know your equal? +1 OP.
  5. Chose bounty hunter first, Mako made me barf,cry, and overall disgusted. Liked the class and didn't realize your a squad leader and don't have to "YES SIR DOUBLE TIME NO PERSONALITY FOR ME" But the big *** gun is what sold me, and Aric Jorgan = Garrus.
  6. You got bent by a commando or you're flat out evil. I'm curious abut how you got bent by a commando though, lol must've been embarrassing.
  7. Trooper is the least offensive to my eyes. Can't wait to see a smuggler running in those hats though rofl
  8. At first i thought it was a joke. Nobody would joke about anything so horrible.
  9. So, you wouldn't mind doing a body type 4 Rosie O' Donnel over a body type 2 Megan fox? Maybe you're into that type of thing. But i can sit here and say "Yeah that level 50 pvp for sith - talk about disgusting! Jedi stuff is way better!" And i do feel this way for my Sith Assassin. Should i put my opinion out as pure fact though?
  10. Yeah your opinion isn't valid if it isn't correct. i like breathing air LOL ^ So few words, suppose you can at least get those correct.
  11. 3rd. But still, delusional. Some are more angry. Some are more quiet. Some even welcome criticism A VERY SMALL AMOUNT. But tor's is absolutely blind and its disgusting.
  12. I have never seen a more delusional group of fanbois then the TOR fanbois. - Orrow
  13. I think WoW had 10 million subs...at the peak I think thats BETTER then 1.7 million and dropping. Edit: or 12 million i remember 10 during the time i played.... Point is still...the point. So I was not totally correct, my apologies.
  14. I agree completely. End game pvp gear, oh goodness.
  15. Yeah because having any sadness ever is just wretched, vile, and horrid. Not at human emotion in any way. Excuse me as i put on my rose tinted glasses and plastic smile. lfg lfg lfg!
  16. Pretty much ^ Except i don't play. I uninstalled.
  17. Nomi Sunrider. she is possibly one of the few Jedi to ever "defeat" a Sith Lord and Sith master (Exur Kunn, and Ulric Qel-Droma?)\\ As far as movies, its obviously Yoda.
  18. How dare you use a third party program on swtor.
  19. Got bored and listened to metal. Anyone else realize that they are almost a decade between each-other?
  20. Add a stronger opinion, things will get more interesting. You sorta just described the level process and i got kinda bored. I said "Yeah, there WAS TO MUCH SAND". So whatever your opinion is, put it out there. Not trolling you, not insulting, just let me know what you think.
  21. Unless your locked in with a game time code and depressed over the wasted 30 days in there. Add more smiles to show how much fun your having....? What game are you playing, may i ask? This let's me know "LOLOL U HAS CRITICISMS JUS DUNT PLAY IT DEN11111ONE!!!:D:D" Yeah i have criticism because i want the game to IMPROVE. To fix these obvious problems.
  22. Lol'd at the comic. But you need the comic to fight your own battles? That's pretty much why i just spit you off as another weakling. At least put your opinion out as to WHY you disagree, then the comic. Oh and "lololol u no has li3f!" Doesn't quite count. Weird notice: I've been cave diving. Or explored a cave.
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