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Everything posted by PatrickTheLama

  1. In the warzones I play most people run around like headless chicken, including myself, so it's only very rarely that some poor lvl 47 veteran bothers to instruct about anything, whether snow or west or up or down... lot of newbs in there trying to avoid falling into the chasms and dying before reaching the actual battlezones etc. There's a definite slapstick element at play. Fortunately for me, no one will notice my mediocre FNG performance. I encourage any experienced PvP player to enter a random PUG 10-49, you won't believe what you see. This may be specific to my server, but more likely to a lot of new players arriving. So yeah, brackets of 10-25 and 26-49 might be a good idea.
  2. Anyone else feels these debates --how many are there now, a dozen? -- are completely meaningless?
  3. As a circa level 20 Sniper, you have no healing within reach except the adrenaline probe, which didn't really outweigh these enemy probes. I'm past that mission now, but next time I see one of those probes I'm going to make sure that the companion goes in ahead and takes it, as that seems to be the only solution.
  4. The ones I've run into follow me around for a number of steps but seem to fall away if I pull back from the fight, but this is not a very good workaround. I was wrong about energy, I meant that they do damage over time... A surprising amount of it, I see chunks dropping from the meter in just a few seconds. Harmless as it may seem this DOT probe + 1 Strong became a harder battle than say 3 equal level Strongs. Next time I run into one of these I'm going to examine its attack closely as it's an interesting little thing... And annoying.
  5. The map system is one of the weaker aspects to SWTOR IMO, not hopeless but not as nicely solved as a lot of other elements. I have no real specific criticism, just general clunkiness. The topographic problem is the worst and should be addressed; I also think that building structures should be more clearly marked as such, now you can barely tell a tall solid wall from a curb or low partition. Worst I've seen so far was the datacron on Hutta that was hidden in the maintenance tunnels under the entire area, I bet a lot of people thought the datacron map was wrong or the game was bugged. I must admit that that had a sort of devilish humor to it...
  6. Ok... So what would be a solution to the situation where such a probe rapidly drains my energy while I'm also fighting a Strong or two? Is there a limited range for this skill attack? Countermeasures?
  7. I'm running a Sniper currently at Nar Shadaa, and every once in a while I run into these secondary enemy attacks which consist of small hovering probes that stun or electrify both Sniper and Companion. Combined with 1-2 strongs, this is a rather difficult situation. I've tried various techniques like cover pulse, droid slice, melee hits, but can't get at the little ***********. Any suggestions welcome so I can complete this damn side mission...
  8. For some reason, all of this strikes me as extremely funny. Sorry for the low empathy reading.
  9. I stayed away from all PvP until I felt I knew enough how to play without embarrassing myself, but yesterday I did my first warzones after hitting lvl 20 on my sniper. It's a crazy free for all with the madly diverging skills and gear people bring to the party, but I guess that makes it fun. Best part for me was that although my performance kind of sucked, there was always someone in the team who was worse. But really, there was one high-level jedi in particular who got my number and whenever she found me I was toast. I think maybe there should be a 10-25 and 26-49 separation in the WZ... because the range of skills on PUGs now is just bizarre. Fun, but probably annoying in the long run. Although I sucked I got some medals, can't wait to tell my neighbors about this.
  10. You need to press the "Craft" button for crafting to begin... Einstein.
  11. Anyone know where the skills trainer on Nar Shadaa is? The map gives no help, for whatever reason. Thanks & may the force be with you.
  12. Thanks all for the replies, guess I'll drop these "motors" on my ship droid and see if they fit... the guy is completely useless right now, except for smarmy phrases, but maybe he'll come in handy.
  13. Twice in recent loots I have received a "motor" added to my inventory, with the stats this and that etc. Problem is I have no idea what it's for or if I can use it? Please illuminate. I'm a Sniper lvl 19, currently on Nar Shadaar. Thanks, may the Force be with you.
  14. Um yeah, interesting read. Guess she's kind of a Kaliyo prototype. It says she even worked as an IA at one point, so this fits the profile nicely. She appears for a few seconds in The Phantom Menace, which satisfies the criteria of even the most narrow definitions of SW "canon". I do believe a definite cyberpunk influence entered the SW space between the first trilogy and the second, and it's good to see it represened in SWTOR... at least in the IA storyline.
  15. Just a minor point, but I would disagree that it's best to fill one tree before using the rest of the points. At least for Imperial Agent/Marksman there are a couple of skills in the "lesser" trees that should be picked at a very early stage, even if the majority of the skills go in another tree. Take a close look at all the available skills and pick them in an order that seems to maximize your performance at the current level.
  16. Inspirational stuff for sure, I can't follow the livestreams but watched the Youtube video. A little perplexed that guys with level 12 or so go up against level 50s, but that's their democratic right... The sniper looks very cool in action and this video was a little easier to watch than the ones with 16 Siths simultaneously shooting lightning at some giant monster.
  17. She's very atypical a character for the Star Wars universe, I doubt George Lucas knew women like this even existed. But they do. Kaliyos character seems strongly influenced by some of William Gibsons creations, the female lead Molly in Neuromancer most of all. There is a cyberpunk element in SWTOR which is notable around Kaliyo and Nar Shadaar in particular, and for those reasons I like her.
  18. I agree that it's a good, nicely balanced solution. The message of the 10-minute death is "you're not ready for this fight yet". Another thing I like is where the Med Center revival actually brings you forward in the quest.
  19. Excellent, this will suffice until I have one of those cool helmets and/or glasses that I see people wearing.
  20. My Chiss Sniper looked very cool, like a blueskinned Daniel Craig, before I got this idiotic hat in a drop recently. Now he looks like a rent-a-cop from a bad Sylvester Stallone science fiction movie. The hat obviously boosts stats, but I hate it. What to do?
  21. This isn't immediately related to the topic, but is there in any MMO type game a world map that shows you where players on your server currently are, and maybe with hoverable class and level info? I find that half the problem is that at any mission giving area, there's just 3-4 people, and chances of putting together a group are slim. So then you wonder, if there are 40 people on the planet, where is all the action? I personally like the PUG type jobs where you work together with a minimum of talk, just doing our respective business. I never do Heroics, they're generally too costly and challenging and offer little rewards. I think the concept should be dropped, and the Heroics could be redefined as "special ops" or something, where you need to be at least 5 levels above the mission level to hack it solo.
  22. Some are annoying and feel like utter time-waste; the one on Hutta where you had to walk on top of a large pipe a long way and had to start all over again if you fell down... As a rule, if I can't make the jump/climb/straddle or whatever in 3 tries, I skip the whole thing. Life is too short. The one on Dromund Kaas that boosts cunning (which I need) was alright though; you could spot it simply by following an unmarked path a short distance. After seeing it, you had to backtrack, climb and jump to get it... Not too frustrating. I accidentally discovered the workshop where you convert your shards, so that isn't too awfully hidden either. I think if maybe they could get rid of a couple of the maddening Sisyphus type Cron hunts, and the whole trip will be OK.
  23. Has anyone received orange gear in a loot drop? I got a purple chest-piece on Balmorra lvl 16which was way above our current level and certainly made my day (I gave it to Kaliyo but she didn't even say thanks), but that feels like a unique exception now... tiresome picking up this dull white and green so-what stuff... my back hurts .
  24. Comments and a map for the fight here: http://www.torhead.com/mission/27ckvf/family-cleansing#comments
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