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Everything posted by kiddynomite

  1. This ^^ Exactly how I felt 10 mins into GW2 when I jumped into WvW pvp at lvl 3.
  2. I have a feeling this happened to alot of people. Its what did me in.
  3. Why has it been 2 to 3 months since that post? Friend of mine(guildie) couldnt play his main char because he had all the recipies in his crafting profession and would crash right out of game after a short period being logged in. Took them 6 days to fix this before he could play again. Too many things like this that make players leave....cmon 6 days?
  4. This games fail, alot of crap that was supposed to be in the game back in bets didnt make it into launch and now all we are left with is posibilities of sometime down the road GOOD content will be implemented. See patch 1.2 The way SWTOR hss gone up to this point reminds me soo much of how Funcom ran and delivered empty promises to the Age of Conan game and its players.
  5. Gw2 art blows swtors away by a large margin. The "story" ends when you hit lvl 50 in this game and thats when the major grind kicks in. My impressions of GW2 vs SWTOR = GW2 wins out in every aspect of the games.
  6. its not was all us tards are saying but the fact that all us tards are leaving or have already left .
  7. Why put it out at all if its not finished? Because legacy is fail just like this game. Which was also released before it was finished.
  8. Thats where I was on my server and is why ive canceled my sub. Got in the GW2 beta event and im hooked! Ill be waiting on that game for my next mmo fix.
  9. Played beta and it doesn't hold a candle to SWTOR It toasts it with a flamethrower.
  10. Ive played a handfull of games going back to eq1 so I most likely havent played nearly as many mmos as you but the 5 I have played I never got bored after 4 months of playing and the shortest time in any of them was 2 years. The repeatable content is bland at best which makes it very boring very fast and the constant bugs and broken content installed with every patch was enough to get me to unsub. LOL you played the beta for a few days seeing only a small fraction of a game thats not finished yet. But you have every right to your opinion.
  11. LOL its totally the oposite (seem my previous post in this thread) of a grind. It might do you some good to watch a few WvW pvp vids on youtube...actually seeing what im talking about may get thru to your clouded fanboy mind.
  12. yes gw2 will BUT it wont be the only content available and they sure arent needed to be done at all unless I decide I want to do them just to do them. See what your missing is I can gain the same end game gear doing other end game content if I choose to because in guildwars2 the benefit from doing the same dailys over and over will gain you tokens to buy cooler looking gear not more powerfull. Totally my option unlike this game where you have to gring the same hardmodes and dailys EVERY SINGLE DAY to slowly upgrade your gear.
  13. Cant really expect much or correct detail when it comes to the poor graphics that come with this game and its poor character creation system.
  14. Hit 50 and within 2 weeks I was bored to death of repeating the same content and daily quests. Did some raids and they were bland at best...this game is just a massive boring grind.Unsubbed within 30 days of hitting 50. Was in the GW2 beta weekend event and that game is tons of fun. you guys should check it out.
  15. Theres no fixing the boring and extremely bad content and poor quality of this game. Its a massive grind of the same boring daily quests/content with far too many bugs and thats why players are leaving IN DROVES. GW2 will be here soon enough, cant wait. p.s. It cant be saved
  16. LOL 30 to 45 secs is horrible just like this game overall. Think about it..zone from fleet to your ships hangar, zone into your ship, zone out of your ship to the destinations hangar, zone into the spaceport, zone onto the transport to take you to the planet surface. Games a joke...besides the boring as all h**l voice over crap (which also takes 30-45 secs per chat choice/response/selection if your in a grp) you have to spacebar thru while repeating the same hardmodes over and over and over. I unsubbed after falling asleep WAITING TO ZONE OR FOR THE STUPID VOICE OVER CRAP TO ADVANCE on many occasions. The ultimate waiting was just logging in game, that took forever.
  17. Expect alot of broken content! Lose the force Luke......
  18. They need to make sure that transfers stay free for the remaining players because the population on each server will be deminishing at record speeds! This games poorly run,buggy as all hell, graphics are weak, pvps a joke, craftings a joke and worst of all ITS A MASSIVE GRINDFEST. LOL it takes 20 mins just to get from your ship to a planet because of all the zoning screens you have to go thru and the massive waste of time with the horrible cant spacebar thru it fast enough jibber jabber voice acting for every single npc in a hardmode flashpoint is torture. In 6-8 months there will be maybe 12 servers left with minimal population on it.
  19. Already left/unsubbed and all it took was fail patch 1.2 . These guys remind me of funcom..promises promises and then all you get is broken content that needs constant patches to fix the fixes that were patched in to fix the patch. Meanwhile you get worthless fluff additions and delayed real content with each patch. p.s. GW2 looks like the real deal..better graphics, PVP,combat and a much better company running it.
  20. LOL you want voice acting? watch a carton or pixar film. The voice acting in swtor is buggy slow and boring as hell when you have to listen/spacebar through it EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU RUN THE SAME BORING GRINDFEST FLASHPOINTS over and over and over, GW2 is by far BY FAR better than swtor will ever be and its still in beta, If you dont believe me, try the WvWvW pvp in GW2. Will be the most fun you ever had in an mmo.
  21. Releasing a very buggy boring and broken game that is a super grind with bad graphics will make servers into ghost towns in about 2-3 months once everyone catches on to the developers/games poor quality. Add to it patch after patch of bugs and broken content and you have another fail mmo. this games classes are poorly balanced to AND pvps a boring joke......just sayin
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