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Everything posted by Eanelinea

  1. I can't stand Mako. I've given her good gear, taken off her dps abilities and she still sucks as a healer. The only healer I have used since obtaining him on my ship is Quinn. He is a BEAST with healing even with his DPS abilities on as well as his heal spec. Mako doesn't do much. I prefer Torian. My advice, use Mako til you get Gault and then either use Gault or Torian after you get them. Faster kills. You have to heal up a smidge between fights, but it's safer this way as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Aw, Vector's neither boring nor creepy. He's sweet and I love his romance with my Agent. They even have a daughter (thanks to the Legacy). A Chiss Female Jedi Knight. Course my Sith and Quinn had a daughter, a Smuggler, and my Bountyhunter and Torian had a daughter, a Jedi Consular. lol Even if you find him boring, thank you for writing this snippet for me. You made my day. ^_^
  3. My favorites in no particular order are: Malavai Quinn (I drool everytime I hear his voice) Vector Hyllis (it's sweet) Aric Jorgan Female Imperial Agent Female Sith Inquisitor Female Smuggler Male Smuggler Female Bounty Hunter Corso Riggs (don't usually like country accents, but his is sweet) Andronikos Revel (I 'icked' at first until I got used to his deep voice) Gault Rennow (man, I laugh EVERY time I hear him say ANYTHING) Torian Cadera (I'd only seen a few Bleach episodes, but the voice matches the companion perfectly) Male Sith Warrior I've actually heard the quite a few of the voice actors doing other voices. I've heard Kath Soucie on Hutta, Corso Riggs in a side quest on Alderaan, I hear Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist) EVERYWHERE on the republic side. Course it helps I'm a huge fan of FMA. There really aren't any VOICES I don't like. But there ARE characters I hate. Mako annoys me. Kaliyo is an ***. I HATE Thana. Not the VOs but the CHARACTERS.
  4. I definitely know more story content is coming. I heard rumors that we'll get 5 more companions, but not sure about this one. The more story coming is almost fact. The story goes Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Interlude. Interlude basically means 'well, you finished this so far. yay. Please stand by while we get chapter 4 written, voiced, animated, and kick *** for you.' So more is coming.
  5. I have orbital strike and force choke so far for my legacy abilities. The only time I ever use them is for tougher Gold Elite Mobs or if there are a big mixture like strong, weak and elite. Otherwise? I never use it unless I'm showing off to RP. I only have to wait 15 minutes and since my presence is getting larger and larger, I've found my companions are getting more and more hp compared to me. My Trooper has better gear and better mods and Jorgan STILL has more HP then I do. I DO favor my imp toons over my republic, but that's just personal taste. I have one of each class. I've finished chapter 2 on 5 characters and of those 5 characters two of them have finished their class stories. I LOVE the fact that legacy abilities are only usable during a heroic moment. If you need to pop heroic moment's abilities off ALL the time, then you're doing it wrong. EIther your gear sucks, your spec is spec'd well or you just haven't found the right fighting style. I don't think Dirty Kick or the other republic abilities are crap. It's cool from an RP standpoint that my Sith Warrior can crotch kick someone purely because her daughter (my smuggler) finished her class story and 'taught' the ability to her mother. Course I'm still waiting for the day when Bioware lets us add our companions we married to our Legacy. Right now, it looks like I've got 3 illegitimate children.
  6. Dude, you have made my day! Oh! Oh! PLEASE have a scene with Cipher 9 and Vector. I know Cipher is a male agent, but you have GOT to have him mention this to Vector cause he is an AWESOME companion! No, I'm not biased just because my Chiss Female Agent married him. >.> I loved this so so so much!!!
  7. I don't think it's just you. Ever since they made our ship droids ****, our companions sound tinny or they removed them completely from space combat. We had issues with the DROID talking non-stop. If this is Bioware's solution, I'll deal with my ship droid chatting 24/7 just so I have my companions back. I WANT to hear THEM not the Droid. Fail, Bioware, fail.
  8. I was wondering about this myself. Why in the name of all that's holy did you guys remove the companions' voices from space combat?? I LOVED this part of Space Combat. Now it's boring as hell. Bioware, we didn't want to hear our annoying as hell DROID, not our companions in space combat. PLEASE GIVE ME BACK MY COMPANIONS' VOICES IN SPACE COMBAT!!
  9. These are awesome and have been funny as hell! Can you do one about the female chiss agent and Vector? Basically, there's a part in his class quest where he mentions something about miniature insects and the next thing you know you see them flying around. I'd love to see a comic where the agent has a can of raid or something and blames one of the other companions about the increased bug population. Vector's shocked face is a must have.
  10. I don't care if Bioware took 6 months to get 1.3 out. I love this game. The stories are interesting, the quests are fun, even if having 4 each on each faction makes me bang my head and space bar through them. "yes, yes, you want me to kill Sandpeople for the eleventy-billionth time'. Why are people in such a big hurry in these games? End game? This is a MMO. THERE IS NO END GAME! Period. Nada. Zip. Zero. I don't care if you finished every single daily, quest, story, character, class, what have you. There is ALWAYS something to do. Ever hear of Everquest? It wasn't named that cause it sounded cool. It was named that because it was forEVER QUESTing. Don't like repetition? Play a console game and resell it for another. Damn. This generation nowadays is FULL of impatient people. The 200 or 300 million that went into this game wasn't just the game itself. A lot of that money went to the voice actors. If this game was just like any other MMO, it might have cost them 30 maybe 50 million to make and advertise. Seriously. If you're bored or don't like this game, find another to keep you occupied. No one is making you play this game. More patches are coming. Hell, I want more interaction with my companions like yesterday, but I'm not sitting here, throwing a fit and threatening to leave a game I enjoy because Corso won't tell me about his grandfather Skippy who wrestled mountain lions on Alderran or something. Patience, grasshopper! Good things come to those who wait.
  11. I do have a life and go outside and such. I work, pay bills, am married, have a child, etc. Just because I want more from a game, doesn't mean I don't have a life too. I don't sit at my computer 24/7 playing. I LOVE this game, but I have responsibilities too. This is my stress relief. I come home from a hard day at work or with my spouse of 15 years (he's a gamer too) and I vent via killing pixilated villains. I destress, go to bed refreshed and do it all again the next day. if you don't like this game, that's fine, you're allowed to not like it. But just because people like me who DO enjoy this game come here and ask for a few extra things, doesn't mean we don't have lives.
  12. I'm not picky. If I were, I'd whine and complain like the thousands of others about bugs or exploits or low populations, etc. Sure the companion stuff is just extra they didn't have to add, but if they're going to have it, it'd be nice to have more options. Granted, I haven't finished all 40 of my companions stories, but I do want more from them then just standing on my ship, picking their noses as they stare at the wall.
  13. I do understand if they can't do it within the next few patches. They do have to call up the voice actors, have them read new dialogue, edit and such the new dialogue, do animations for 8 classes and 5 companions each class to equal 40 total. Plus different convos for female or male. It won't be overnight. I DO understand this. But I hope they add something. Even if I have to wait until the first expansion, I'll happily shell out another $60 to 80 (i bought the deluxe version) JUST to have more conversations/interactions with my companions. Other people may be here just to become uber, pvp everything that moves, and be top ranking on their sever/guild/the entire MMO, but I'm here for the most unique thing I've seen in the 4 MMOs I've played. I'm here because of the cut scenes, the voice acting, the story lines and my companions. I'm light side on all 8 of my characters. I treat my companions (even the most vile and annoying ones I can't stand) with respect. If they need to go do something, I let them. If they have valuable information (looks at Quinn) about something in my story, I listen and take their advice seriously. My companions are my characters' families. There is a reason why I finish their story lines (even before Legacy) outfit them as best as I can, and get pissed off and angry when my companions are hurt by NPCs in my story lines. Because they are my characters' friends, spouses, or drinking buddies. They are family. I want to chat with them about stupid stuff even if it IS prearranged for me in the dialogue wheel.
  14. I'd like to see my companions that are on the ship, actually do SOMETHING. Whether they walk from one room to another. Pretend to talk to other companions (the animations like you see on planets), say something to you when you walk by like the annoying droid did before he was neutered. I mean, I'm glad we get bonuses now for completing all of our companions' stories in our legacy, but if TOR wants us to feel like we ARE our characters or what have you, it'd be nice to have our companions talk or interact with us more than just when we do their quests or they come with us to do our own. I had one convo with Gault about him spending money we made together on some new outfit or advantage he added to his armor and I had the option to ask something like 'what? you don't like the armor I provide you?' See? It's things like that that make me go 'wow, so my bounty hunter actually said what I was thinking, cool.' Basically, we buy our companions their food, drink, clothing (on or off camera), we basically give them free room and board, and we protect them and only ask for their companionship, their help out in the field, and for them to be our crafting minions.
  15. Ah, I did not see it. Point me to it? I'd love to see your take on it. I do find it amazing that a lot of people on my server didn't even know they could marry their companion. I even had one ask me which companion is better to level with because the one they were currently using sucked. (Their words not mine). Plus, I had fun helping him get Jaesa. Brought back memories when I did it. Though my Sith is light side and he was dark.
  16. I've been playing this game since release. I have 8 characters, 2 finished their class quests, one is so close she can spit and hit it, and the others have either finished chapter 2 or just entered chapter 2. (Except my Jedi, they're being slow). I've got 4 characters that have finished all their romanceable companions' story lines, fell in love, married and talked having babies. Your first companion you receive, whether you can romance them or not, is the companion you go with and help them actually DO something. Vette, Corso, Mako, etc. "Hey, boss, I have bad guys on my butt. I need to go kill them." "Want me to join you?" "Sure! Let's go!" And off you go with your first companion trailing behind you, while you help them with whatever their story entails. The other 4 companions tell you they need to run off and fight a mob of fans from infiltrating their bedrooms. You ask to go with them. "No, no! I can handle this myself. Be back in a jiffy!" And off they go while the screen goes black and you twiddle your thumbs waiting for them to come back. Takes 2 seconds. Take Corso for an example. You give him enough gifts to make a Kardashian jealous and he's already at max affection and you're level 20. Good for you! But you only have 3 conversations with him and you are desperately wanting to marry that farm boy and have 2.5 children with him and live on a planet with beach front property. He's not going to talk to you again until after chapter 1, the first time. He'll give you a few dozen conversations in rapid succession. You think, 'yay, I'm about to marry him!' No. He won't talk to you again until after chapter 2. Then he spams you with conversations. You make sweet sweet love, then he says he loves you, then you get married, and the VERY last conversation is talking about children. After that you're finished and they ignore you like real spouses do. So, basically it goes: (Prelude through Chapter 1) --Chatting about their lives --Possible kisses, making out, or hot loving (depends on companion, some are only intimate with you once and that's it. Some are forever getting into your jockeys) --bit more convos about them or you (End of Chapter 1) --more talk about their lives, about you, possible kissing, and possible jockey shorts raiding (End of Chapter 2) ---I love you! ---Marry me ---Let's have children some day Once they mention having children with you. They will not talk to you ever again in any companion quest. Unless they are in another companion's storyline OR you have them with you when doing your class story. Otherwise, they're statues on your ship or like Jorgan, constantly counting the weapons, or Vector <3, constantly checking the cargo. I've found it doesn't matter what level you are. My Smuggler married Corso at level 43. My Sith Warrior married Quinn at level 39. My Agent married Vector at level 36. My Bounty Hunter married Torian at level 37. The way the game works, you could have a level 50 with you at level 1, finish all 4 chapter (this is including the prelude) and you could be married by level 10. (This is overexaggerating of course. I'm just trying to say that level doesn't matter. It's where in your story line you are. If you finish chapter 2 at level 30, you can marry that companion you have at that level) There are exceptions of course. Some companions you can romance, you might not get until you get to say Corellia. It all depends on when you get the companion you can romance. Feel free to add any information to this if I missed something.
  17. Someone in another thread mentioned this was intentional (not sure if this is actually the case by Bioware though) that the reason only one kid per parent is 'allowed' is because they assume the other parent is actually the companion you romanced/married. Can't say if this is actual or not though. But it would make sense.
  18. I wish they had adopted siblings too. My Chiss (aside from her daughter) was adopted into the family when her parents were killed in the war. Right now as it stands my Inquisitor, Trooper, Warrior, and Bounty Hunter are blood sisters with my Agent being their adopted sister. My Consular is my Bounty Hunter and Torian's daughter. My Smuggler is my Warrior and Quinn's daughter. And my Jedi is my Agent and Vector's daughter. I'd like to put my companions' faces on my tree too. At least their spouses if I can't add the others as friends.
  19. I finished everyone's stories except for Scorpio and married Vector. Doctor Lokin is interesting and I find out some things about Vector from him. Temple pissed me off at one point, but I DO understand her since my 50 Sith Warrior just went through a similar thing and she's married to the one who did the stuff. Kaliyo's story is interesting. I was pissed at her through most of it, but in the end I basically told her that I KNEW what she was like and accepted her. I'm a female agent. Now, I get bonuses to my presence since I've finished 5 companion stories on my Sith Warrior already. Love legacy system so much.
  20. Personally I could not stand this companion. She was snide, hated ALL of my light side choices, and though she was hella funny, she reminded me of bullies and I detest bullish people. The second I got Vector I used him all the way up and through the ending of my last story. I'm a sniper and I found that Vector is a BEAST at taking any mob down. You just have to keep him geared up. Every odd level (31, 33, etc) I'd update his armor and mine if needed. Even now as a 50 I still use Vector. Kaliyo is great while you're leveling to get Vector and the others though.
  21. Here's a few pictures of my sniper, level 50, Eanelinea. Smooching Vector- http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-03-10_16_14_58_502198.jpg After hot lovings with Vector- http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-03-10_16_15_07_024685.jpg It's explosy time- http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-04-07_09_08_45_550225.jpg Close up of sniper- http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-04-07_11_50_09_410382.jpg Plagued for the 2nd time-- http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-04-17_17_25_15_129495.jpg Had to share this, Sniper and Vector's daughter (you know, the legacy thing)-- http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/portercm/Screenshot_2012-04-21_08_34_26_715624.jpg
  22. I quit the game which will not be named to come here. I had 6 levels 85s in the other game, did a ton of raids, dungeons, bgs, etc and was bored to tears. I was like 10 mounts away from 100. And I had like 70 vanity pets. I come here to TOR and I'm instantly hooked. The stories are great, the voice acting is fun and well done and even though most planets I've done 4 times each (I have 8 different classes), I might skip through the side quests, but I always listen to the class stories. You DO make a difference in your choices. Make two of the same class, have one light side and one dark side. On one side kill off every single NPC you can, on the light side let everyone live. It does change. I played a Light Side Sith Warrior and some of the people I let live, early on in my leveling, were there for me at the end of my class story as support. My smuggler, I was going to flirt and sleep around like a loose moraled women, but Corso kept me from doing that with his jealously, and what I've found in the tail end of chapter 3 (haven't finished it yet) made me glad I didn't sleep around. The SIDE quests may not change anything whether you go light, dark or neutral, but your class story sure does change! I don't plan on leaving and as long as Bioware continues to do World Events, add new content, make the game FUN and FOR GOODNESS SAKE ADD MORE TO OUR COMPANIONS!!! I plan to stay here as long as they stay pay-to-play (because free to play never really IS free to play, you still wind up spending money to get what you once could with a subscription---I'm looking at you EQ2) I like the stories, companions, space, and voice overs. If you don't like any of those, why are you here? It is going to take TIME for this game to evolve and grow and become even better. You can't expect them to give you EVERYTHING off the bat. You want everything now? Make a game yourself or go back to that OTHER game. Frankly, I'm staying here.
  23. I didn't know we got a +10 presence. Is this for everyone we finish/marry? I'm on the band wagon for MORE companion dialogue. I have 4 characters who are married. I'm married to Corso, Quinn, Vector, and Torian. I'd like SOMETHING to show I'm married to them. A title, them interacting with me personally, even if they still say 'My Lord', 'Captain', 'Agent', and "Hunter". I just want something from them. Dailies, weeklies, SOMETHING. RIght now, I feel like once I finish their companion story line, they ignore me and pretend I don't exist. It's so sad. =( Even my real life husband says more than two words to me each day. Come on, Bioware, give us MORE companion interaction once we finish our companion story lines!
  24. I'm heavily invested in the Vengence spec with some points in Rage and Immortal, all depending on what it gives me. I forget the name of the form I'm in 100%, but I know it's the tank form. I roll exclusively with Quinn. I'm decked out in all Orange gear and Quinn wears all orange gear too (sometimes I use my pvp tokens for his gear since it's rare to find cunning items...see more AIM). I have ZERO down time and I can faceroll elites up to 2-3 levels higher than me. I have Quinn is in heal spec with ALL abilities on (sometimes mobs go after him) and I use my tank form to keep agro away from him and on me. If you gear Quinn out and keep his Cunning very high, along with his endurance, he is a BEAST with heals. I barely ever, EVER, have any down time at all. The trick to any companion is keeping them well geared. You gear your companion how you would gear yourself. If you wear orange gear or the highest gear in game, get that for the companion you like to roll with too. My Sith is a Juggernaught, level 50.
  25. Oh MAN! I remember those days. "Looking for 96% rez so I don't have to run the eff back, get stomped 3 more times and delevel!" Now THAT was gaming. WoW made rezzing too easy. Don't get me wrong, I much much MUCH prefer having to spend money to repair my armor rather than corpse runs where each death resulted in lost experience.
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