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Everything posted by ThorgrimLutgen

  1. This is correct. The forums are, and the game itself is, full of appalling DPS players, with no concept of how to actually play their class, or the warzone/arena they are in. All they see is a target to hit, want to kill it, and when they fail, whine like kids with skinned knees. They have zero understanding of combined team play and next to no situational awareness. The latter is actually in my honest opinion, the biggest problem with crap players.
  2. SWTOR is already one of the most simplistic games out there, lets not make it any more so. May I suggest you try GW2.
  3. Please, go back to your tactical flashpoints. Do you have any clue whatsoever what you are asking for? Essentially, unless you totally rebalance all classes (which they are not about to do) in the wake of your removal of healing expertise buff, you may as well say goodbye to the trinity, then the game as a whole. You are just another kill chasing duellist............ (oh no!!! i cant kill the big nasty sage healer!, nerf nerf nerf, its not me that's crap at playing my class !) ..............with no concept of how to actually win.
  4. Agreed, the RvR in GW2 was great fun for a time, in the end the simplistic zerg play style ruined it.
  5. One could equally suggest that we have enough single player RPGs for story players, without ruining MMOs to pander to them. As for BDO, I do like the look of it. My only issue being that I am not sure I could really be arsed doing all the boring kill XX mob 30 times for quests while levelling, I have done that till I am blue in the face since UO. Now, if you can take part in PVP as a levelling process therefore avoiding all that crap, then I will most likely try it.
  6. Nadia is due back during the May 16 chapter release apparently.
  7. On the off chance you have had your ears and eyes closed for the last 4 years, feel free to read this thread. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=730402 Staggeringly, nothing has changed since that post, so for once, it appears that Musco told the truth.
  8. Ranked 8s was the best format of pvp we have had in this game by a country mile. 99% of the time you played with and against people who were good at the game, bad players cannot get in to a decent team in the first place, so it was great fun.
  9. Bizarre caps aside, I do agree in theory. However, you are utterly incorrect in your reference to sandboxes. Proper, hardcore MMOs will always be sandboxes, it is these themepark, on rails games that gave birth to casual MMO players, the thing that lured them from The Sims to SWTOR.
  10. I am sorry, the state of the game is entirely BWs fault. You are clearly not great at it, its ok, not everyone is, and its only a game at the end of the day, but your desire to be carried through content and have people cut prices just because you cannot afford them, are not fundamental issues with the game itself, but with you.
  11. What endgame is it you are hoping to enjoy?
  12. Agreed, but, given this is currently the only Star Wars MMO on the market, they still, even after all their lies and deceit, have the potential to have the most captive player base in any MMO, for the sole reason that it is Star Wars. There are clearly people still keeping this game afloat financially for no other reason. BW exploit this to the 'nth degree of course, and totally take for granted the fact that Star Wars fans, may well be more tolerant with a sub standard product, given that there is no real alternative. Imagine what they could do, if they could actually be arsed and were prepared to spend a little cash in order to improve the game? The glaring mistakes these fools make financially, time after time staggers me. How much did the CGI cost for the KotFE trailer? If they had not wasted that money and actually spent it on improving the game, we might all be more content about it already. Add to that, the crass stupidity of altering their business model to attract transient story players, you can almost guarantee that most of them will unsub and come back half way through next year to take the story parts as a whole, rather than a paltry 1 hour per month, I mean, who is the right mind would knowingly pay for that type of garbage?
  13. I always dismiss guard when a tank puts it on one of my healers in the spawn area before the match starts. Tanks who guard the healer exclusively, especially the type that ask who the healers are beforehand, you should already know your healers, the good and bad ones, are pretty much not doing their job correctly. I attempt to explain to them that whilst I do value their protection, it is their job to not solely concentrate on keeping me alive, but to be actively swapping guard to whoever needs it the most. There are absolutely times when I expect my tank to be sticking to me like glue, I expect the tank to know this and act accordingly, but tanks that tunnel vision their own healers, are in general being lazy and are poorer tanks. On my tanks, I never place guard on anyone until the combat actually starts, and it usually the person who is dropping like a stone. Of course there are times when as a tank you have to guard the healer constantly, but that really only tends to apply when the healer is being focussed, which tends to only happen against good players, and those good players are quite capable to switching target en masse, the moment my guards envelopes the healer. My job then is to protect who they focused. For your information, none of it, has anything to do with medals, but is all to do with winning. I could not give a rats arse if I come bottom of the medal table every game, as long as we win.
  14. They are also in one big catch 22 here. They rely on subscribers not just due to the monthly sub, but the stated fact that subscribers spend significantly more on the CM than F2P types. Given the mistrust of BW and EAs motives that is now creeping into the minds of some of the games longest standing defenders, why would anyone carry on investing extra cash into a game, that may well close down, next week, next month or next year? Any money spent is likely to have no longterm benefit to the players. I do not think that we will get adequate warning over the games demise either, to do so would simply cut their revenue streams even more, but, can you imagine the day the game closes, people could have bought 14k CCs and boom, gone in the flick of a switch. Amusing for EA, not so much for the out of pocket player.
  15. Now I already know I'm gonna get a whole lot of crap for this but the supermarket really needs a cap on grocery prices. I'm not talking about a limit you can put each tin of beans at I mean like a system for each individual bottle of washing up liquid. I'm willing to put in the effort for oranges that are priced at 3-6 million but 12 million for on freaking black pudding! It gets insane at times I know shop owners can be greedy and want money but come on that is way too much. It is especially bad for out od date sausages that are meant for the whoopsy shelf, I see cornflakes and cheesecakes for million, maybe I'm just complaining in the end because I only like to work to a certain point but I just wanted to voice my thoughts on the matter.
  16. I do not class those types as MMO players. They are gamers having a go at a MMO, but are equally as happy playing FIFA15 or The Sims. I do not expect real MMOs to keep those types of players. There are places like SWTOR, which if it stays open, will continue to offer a place for them. There are however, players from all over the world who have been playing MMOs since they first laid eyes on UO, previous to that, wetting their teeth on things like Neverwinter Nights. Those people are still out there, older, richer and with more time on their hands than ever, since a lot will have seen their kids married off and left home etc now. Some of those players, would love a proper, old school Sandbox MMO, where everything was not handed to them on a plate for instant gratification. Are there enough to keep a game afloat? If the game is good enough, perhaps.
  17. I think Black Desert looks like it might be good for MMO players, they are starting out with it as a sandbox, which by its very nature, keeps non MMO players from being interested, those games can be confusing and tricky to get to grips with, things that your average "how do I get back to my starter planet?" SWTOR player would not approve of. If it has full, open world PVP it might well end up with a niche audience and playerbase. The issue being, can it make enough money from them to remain profitable. Personally I feel that these type of smaller offerings are the way to go, a company like EA will never be interested in making just enough, they are solely about extracting every last penny from the players, the sub till August next year offering, whilst having no new content other than one hour story per month, and get a chapter playing as a droid as a reward is a prime example of their opinion of us.
  18. This is not even a MMO anymore, it is a single player Star Wars RPG with the option to do a bit of group content if you so desire, people, being lazy, always take the easy single player option. The game is also too easy to be an MMO. There is no longer any sense of progression, which is a fundamental trait of any MMO, players need to be working towards something, in order to give the game longevity. The new single player, story driven business model, does not offer that. Staying subbed until August next year to play as a droid, is not working towards anything in anyway, it is nothing more than a cheap way to keep the story players subbed. As for the rest of us MMO players., well, who knows why we are still here, they are clearly relying on our innate yearning for the game to suddenly transform into the game it should always have been, we now know this will never happen, so many are simply waiting out their sub expiry, BW have had enough chances. Is SWTOR fixable still? Yes. BW need to accept what we have known since the game launched that they are clueless at delivering a MMO product and start learning from their mistakes. We do not demand instant results, we merely need to be told that currently under development are various new warzone maps, and game modes for the PVPers, we need to know there are multiple new, non tactical flashpoints and operations being designed for the PVEers, casual and hardcore types alike, and of course, stick with their story, for the story players. Story players are by far the most transient by the way, cease sub now, resub in 6 months to play 6 hours content etc, how BW thought otherwise only adds to the fact they know nothing about MMO gamers. However, none of the above is going to happen, the game is in its death throws, masses of F2Pers trying it out in the wake of the movies is nothing to get excited about. Personally, I am of the opinion that its not just this MMO that is on its way out, but the genre en masse is struggling and has been for a few years now. The games are infested by players who are not MMO players, and as such, in order to keep those types playing, developers have watered down what makes a MMO, what it is at its core. I think it will go full circle within a few more years and we may well see a traditional hardcore MMO back on the market, but when it does, it needs to find a way of remaining profitable, whilst not being attractive to non MMO players. The MMO genre does not need casual gamers, there are plenty of other game genres out there to suit their needs..
  19. Damn it Sarflux, above all people, you, the king of all White Knights is not meant to make me splutter my morning cup of tea! No need to be jealous, there will be plenty of other threads you can irrationally defend to the hilt
  20. You are lying to us right now. You know exactly what you did, thought you would get away with it given BWs appalling track record of dealing with cheaters and exploiters like yourself. The lure of the shiny is always too much for the weak minded.
  21. Indeed. My personal view has always been this, and I wish they would make it so. Sage should be the main battlefield healer. Dishes out the most burst healing second to none, but, requires teamwork around to be properly efficient. Should be squishy, should die easily when focused properly, and indeed, they currently do die easily when it is done right. Good players on dps toons, make mincemeat of Sages, the main problem we have, being that most new players and derpers in general gravitate to playing dps, very often their only toons and sulk and whine when they realise they suck, and of course, as you commented on, blame something else, other than themselves. Most of them have no concept that you don't actually have to kill the Sage, to make them ineffective. Sawbones should be a support healer almost, mainly HoTs. Able to turn their hand to more things, for example, off to do some capping etc if playing regs. I see Merc also as a battlefield medic, should have strong burst heals, but not as effective as Sage, but with significantly more survivability, should not have to rely as much on team to stay up. Of course, what currently have is nothing like what I would like to see. But the point remains, all the heal classes should be different and fulfil different roles within the fight.
  22. Whilst this game still clings onto the vestiges of it being an MMO, we are never going to get perfect balance, we are not playing a FPS. This time last year, Sawbones and Medicine Ops ruled the roost, it will change again. A MMO as a core concept is not meant to have all classes the same, we are meant to be different, some better at different things than others etc etc. I will let you into a secret, I have all 16 ACs at 65 in pvp gear, and the toons I play the most, are the ones that are deemed to be the worst. Why? Because currently PVP has never been easier than it is today. I truly do not understand all the whining about this and that class. It is more fun playing a "sub par" class in order to actually offer some challenge. Whilst it is very clear that we do need tweeks here and there for some classes, we need to get this balance means everything crap out of our minds, as we are not meant to be perfectly balanced in the first place, it is a fundamental of MMO play that we rely on team work and play as balanced teams. The main issue we face currently are the masses of utterly useless players infesting our warzones, who's only interest is to see big numbers.
  23. An inferior Single Player RPG. You would be far better served playing Fallout 4 rather than waste your sub here as a new player. I can almost guarantee that if you do sub, you will be back here in 3 months wondering why you bothered. As previous poster mentioned however, the game has never been easier and more simplistic than it is now. On that basis, it is entirely new player friendly.
  24. Actually I play all advanced classes at 65, therefore I know how to play against all classes, how about you? I personally think the day that you stop worrying about your position on the leaderboard, or your medals, will be the day, you actually become useful to your team, and your win ratio may even go up, which lets face it, is the main reason for your whining posts in the 1st place. BTW, your post history make hilarious reading. Adorable how you ask for advice on the best companion to use for a tank, I mean, come on, who gives a darn? Mixed in with telling people not to queue for warzones if you manage to outheal them.....classy. You sure you are not Cretinus in disguise? I do hope you have managed to finally fully augment all your 65s now by the way.
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