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Everything posted by Antipathize

  1. Regardless of whether or not 1.2 will "suck", and regardless of how many subs you lose, please don't cater to the vocal minority. Please take all complaints and suggestions with a grain of salt, because likely it is biased. Changing thigs will cause a loss of subs, but attempting to correct those problems most likely won't bring people back. They are already gone, and the people left behind are left with the aftermath. They adapt and overcome, but when the constant tweaking effects them repeatedly, (especially if the tweaking effects those that don't pvp) they will lose their patience and it will become a vicious cycle. Adding content in a positive way can only help, and having something removed should only happen as a last resort. Finally, the biggest thing that helps mmo's is the community. Without implementing community tools that foster it, there will be less interest in the game. An example is the flight of low pop servers to high ones. People will sacrifice everything to be in a social environment. There are those that won't, which is where character transfers and merges come in to ease the process. So far, the changes I've seen only further isolate the playerbase. Cutting people into niches for pvp, single-player vanity items/unlocks (gtn in ships, legacy unlocks) more zones where factions can fight themselves won't help either. Pleas take this with a grain of salt as well, since it's just my opinion.
  2. Yeah it's kind of hard to balance classes when you do have gear disparities. Their metrics might show an operative knocking someone down to 10% in seconds, but I'm curious if expertise/player stats are included in their formula. They should have leveled gear out, then looked at class balancing issues. Oh, and separate pvp nerfs from pve entirely.
  3. Snipers got some nice things, but suffer in high end pvp not from the fixes they put in (for the most part) but from their damage running through every defense and mitigation check a player has. So now that MM sniper crit has been reduced, more are going to be forced into lethality. I play a MM sniper and I'm disappointed really. They needed more elemental attacks/adjustment to bypass all the deflections/absorb.
  4. You can't be a real person. I refuse to believe it.
  5. Maybe your words are just not making sense because they tumble out of your *** so freely. The other trees are not viable because they generally suck, not because sins can "do without".
  6. The burden of proof is on you bub. Pretty sure you can ask anyone that plays a tank spec. You will get similar numbers by swapping tank mods for dps. You will never = the dps of a dps spec, and you will never be as tanky as a tank. Why should I have to sacrifice the one viable build I have, so that you can win 1v1 any class you want? Also, huttball and fire. Stun him on the fire. Jesus, almost every class has a gap closer they can use to jump from half the map to the goal, but you ***** about the strategic use of RUNNING THROUGH FIRE. Which, by the way, generally only has time to use it for one fire, so if it's the last one, your team probably sucks.
  7. So in other words, this game should be balanced because of your opinion that a gap closer isn't fair, and without damage metrics you assume a tank can burst. Sure, I'll bite, but in return They have to make shield/absorb and mitigation actually be effective in pvp.
  8. Op doesn't understand burst damage. Plugging away at a dpser's hp over a course of 4 minutes does not equal burst. Harassing a healer for 20 minutes does not equal burst. Getting ganked by someone in superior gear, guess what. Does not equal burst. Powertechs can focus entirely on dps mods and spec, while retaining the heavy armor benefits. The only way an assassin can compete is by sacrificing all their endurance for the sake of hitting people a little harder, and if you go dps, you have less survivability than a sorc. All other dps classes can wear medium or heavy armor, or in the case of sorcs have a bubble and some other tools to survive. In other words assassins become Mediocre tanks and mediocre dps. Play a class to 50 before ************ about imbalances please.
  9. F2P games are really only successful when they are designed that way from the ground up. There are some exceptions, but the reason the model is horrible in most games is because the paid content is tacked on as an afterthought, causing a disconnect between the game and the paid content. Giving unfair advantages to paying people, or not providing enough actual content; instead focusing on fleecing the customer and letting the game fail. Swtor should have been a single player game, and seems like it was converted to an mmo. Converting it further to f2p would just put them in the grave unless they spent a serious amount of cash, which they won't do if they bleed enough subs to warrant f2p. I'd pay the box price again if they removed the fluff/grinding and made it kotor3 though.
  10. Troll dodges your attempt. He hits you for 5 hp.
  11. Oh good, another Jediduck nerf thread. This should be constructive. Just in case anyone thinks I'm trolling, this is a list of his posts. Guard is broken and OP Nerf grav/tracer omg! PvE Gear Better Than PvP Powertechs the new FOTM overpowerd Rail Shot Needs a Nerf Pull Player (Huttball problem) Class's that need nerfing That's just skimming the surface. Nerf Jediduckling plz.
  12. This reminds me of world war II... Where Darwin discovered the Galapagos islands.
  13. Yes but how many of these people are asked? There is a big difference between someone actively seeking numbers for a poll or statistic, and a customer complaint. People will go out of their way to make a complaint. Unless there are random samplings of opinions from ME3 owners, and with a large enough pool, the numbers will be skewed by whiners going to a website for the specific purpose of bashing the game.
  14. -wiki Blame that guy. Man, if someone **** in your sandwich at subway, would you blame all subways, or that specific franchise, and more importantly, who would you demand be fired? This idiocy is making me sick. Email/post in the right place, otherwise your opinions are getting pissed away into the wind. As for others quitting for the boycott, I say good riddance to the mouth breathers. This game has plent of flaws to quit over, but this? Really.
  15. Sounded more like you are boycotting this game because you don't like how another game turned out. Then you want other people to join your happy little bandwagon. Unless bioware austin writers also wrote the ending of me3, stop acting like bioware ate your puppy. If subscriptions here go down, it's because of inferior work, not because another type of space game sucked.
  16. I just checked. This isn't social.bioware.com or Facebook. Let me check again. Nope. Also if you think bioware Austin has any influence on what the rest of bioware does, you should l2coporation command structures.
  17. I was just talking about the simplistic route. Obviously a tank spec isn't going to want a high energy/force pool and low health pool, so I agree with this. Minor tweaking within the same realm. As it is, all bm/champs are basically wearing the same looking gear anyway, so it wouldn't be that drastic of a change.
  18. This is closer to the truth than you think. I have suggested in another thread that a uniform based on class is granted upon entering a warzone, granting the base stats everyone needs and equally. The rewards for pvp would be shiny, and probably customizing the uniform cosmetically.
  19. I don't disagree that the stat needs to go, but fixing it would require throwing out many player's time spent collecting it. Even making it easier has pissed a lot of people off, not because I think they want to faceroll people, but because they dedicated hundreds of hours and subscription costs to play a game the way they expected it. A core gameplay change like this would effectively destroy the playerbase like what happened with SWG. Bioware customer service is also lacking, so I doubt they would be able to effectively damage control. Again, I don't disagree, but a lot of people pvp solely, and have an expectation based on how things currently run.
  20. I did reply, but not in the way you're suggesting. I don't expect to play battlefield soley multiplayer and expect all my unlocks and whatnot to transfer to single player. However I do expect going from single player to multiplayer, everyone is generally on the same playing field because they are different games, packaged together. I feel the same should apply to swtor, but some people like being carried by gear. I don't really care, and ranked wz's will only be different if the gear is all equal, otherwise it will be a grindfest and you will take a certain amount of losses until you are on a level field, which to me isn't a fair ranking system.
  21. Obviously you suffer from reading comprehension so I'm done. I'm sure someone else can point out what you are missing. Clearly you need to grind more books.
  22. I actually pve rarely. The reason I didn't want to get into it, is because pvp and pve are seperate games. Just as mechanics in every other game changes when you face players. First person shooters don't take the same mechanics as their single-player portion, neither should you compare the pve portion of the game to pvp. You put work into pve because your enemies actually get harder. The only time pvp should be harder is if the enemy is faster, more agile, or smarter than you.
  23. I'm glad your anecdotal evidence is so solid. "I face people in equivalent gear" "I get more satisfaction facing a fully geared premade and winning or losing than I do rolling over people in lesser gear" Does not compute. What you have done is convince yourself that you face equal teams, but as far as I am aware, you can only queue 4 people max. You might get lucky with the pugs, or you might not. Even if I grant you the possibility that everyone on your server has equal gear, there should be no reason for you to object to everyone instantly being placed at the same level. I am speculating here, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't know what you're talking about.
  24. Participating in pvp is like participating in a little league game. You get a trophy anyway. Also the opposing team has major league players because they have participated in more games. Just come out and admit it guys. The only pvpers that like expertise and pvp-specific gear that offers advantages over pve gear are those that thrive off the disparity. You can be lazier, not have to play as hard, and I'd your team has better gear overall, you get more wins. Yes there are flukes and some people "can" beat higher geared players, but these are generally exceptions. You can have progression without inequality. The titles don't matter now because you can earn them afking in (insert number) warzones. Same with the gear. The only reason to be upset is that you got ganked for x amount of games, and now you feel like you "earned" the right to gank some people.
  25. Expertise makes everything about gear, not skill. The only problem I see with removing it and completely redoing how gear operates in pvp, is that it would highlight class imbalances, and the warzones aren't entertaining enough to keep people in them.
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