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Everything posted by Antipathize

  1. If you're not first, you're last.
  2. I liked republic commando and thought that was well done. Am I in the minority here?
  3. OP forfeited some warzones. Working as intended.
  4. The reason people reply without understanding is that they want to understand the inner workings of your mind. Did you have a seizure? Are you being satirical? Are you unable to type well because the short bus keeps hitting bumps and the helmet falls over your eyes? These are questions that must be answered, because at this point I refuse to believe someone handed you a diploma.
  5. Thanks for speaking for everyone, and even if there was good stuff in SWG, catering to a minority kind of broke it. Some people don't want to dig through a turd to find a couple diamonds. Oh good, take the one thing everyone praises and gut it out. You don't understand balance or pvp. I can't even justify wasting my time to explain why you are wrong. Others will point this out. Good idea on not posting more
  6. Please create a forum called "The Trash Compactor", where all the nerf threads, complaints, and other terrible posts can be sent. That way, the same people can stop ******** up the rest of the forums. The threads should be moved here (not just locked and left in place) I think it would create a very positive environment, and the bad posters can just stew in their own filth. A mos eisley of forums if you will. Thanks!
  7. I would use them to make delicious toppings for mashed potatos. On a serious note, I only noticed I had problems with the EU when I realized how dumb Jacen was. He literally was so annoying it caused me to take a step back from the whole universe and see how stupid some of this stuff got. Karen Travis's was interesting until I realized it was all emotional dialogue and basically a soap opera. There is like one line of action in each book and the rest is emotional fluff. Every Force power is amplified or changed from the movies, so instead of it being an end to a means, it becomes a tool used in every situation as a cheap party trick. (I Jedi, Caedus, star killer, bane) and the need to plug in a famous person every book gets old. I don't hate the EU as much as the prequels though. They tend to actually have developed characters I'm interested in.
  8. I just skimmed your post, but I think your problem is that you're fighting cats.
  9. Dps in no way shape or form needs to be able to kill a tank. The tank is the dps hard counter ffs. I hope nobody actually listens to the Ops post, because eventually the only thing worth pvping with is going to be a dps.
  10. That's why they always cheer the team that scores the game winning point in football. **** that guy that scored it. He never would have done it if not for the team. Kobe Bryant also sucks, his team carries him. Get real guys, objective based medals are coming, otherwise there is no incentive to play the objective I.e. run the ball.
  11. Swtor had the shoulders of wow to stand on. No reasonable person expects the same level of content, but they do expect the same quality of life enchancements. You don't reinvent the wheel every time you build a car. The stuff people expect is really simple too. Server transfers, UI adjustments, lfd seeker, logs, etc. some of this stuff is coming, yes, but it's not unreasonable to expect it at launch. I personally think things like server merges or transfers should be a higher priority than coloring your equipment to match, a mailbox on your ship, or a family tree. That just screams misguided priorities to me.
  12. I think people are not angry at the nerfing so much as to how they decided to nerf. With the way they are doing it. A team of healers could face roll a player, causing them to unsubscribe. A team of snipers could coordinate ambush on a target and get them from 100%-0 in like one gcd. My point is, balancing to try to retain the casuals that rage quit because they lost a game, or can't kill the boss to get the crystal, or can't afford that speeder, or can't time interrupts, etc. will result in alienating the more dedicated crowd which actually sticks with an mmo they like. How many of you would like to compete in sports, only to have to wear lead weights because the guy with down syndrome keeps getting beat.
  13. Xalek is broken. It's not unique to you. It's also not all tanks.
  14. Why can't I have a level 50 and everything in game for free? What is this, an mmorpg?
  15. Stop bumping your barely coherent thread when there are others discussing the same thing.
  16. That's just not true. Every mmo, regardless of the state of it has had a dedicated core base that plays it until the bitter end. Only time can tell if this was successful or not. There are plenty of other threads to voice negative opinions, let the optimistic people have one for once.
  17. I personally don't understand the reasoning for separating the market as it is. The gtn is galactic. There are items that are restricted by class already, so it's overkill to have republic, imperial, and a hutt network. I would also like to see the gtn linked across servers to keep the market in good health for even low populated servers. As it is now, I can't even sell anything when I slash my prices, and competing with two other people is just silly.
  18. I would pay to have a test on this before being allowed to post here.
  19. If you only use rested xp, queue up for warzones and quest in between, you should be there in less than a week. Probably about 72 hours actual time.
  20. For the people that are using this game as a single-player RPG, of course the numbers don't matter. Those of us that spend hours trying to form groups and warzones give slightly more of a damn.
  21. I honestly feel that this game was intended as a single player game and began development that way. The game doesn't lend itself well to community either because of this. The whole team is focused on the single-person fun factor, and TOR is suffering for it. I am a casual, and I have NO motivation to interact with anyone. I think the underlying problem is that people are easy to discard. Vendors provide everything a player needs. There aren't enough useful consumables to keep the economy running, so they contrive money sinks or cut income. It takes very little time to gear up a player, so once that is done, there is no reason to even interact with anyone unless it's pvp. I don't even feel like I accomplished anything in my story, since everyone and their mother is darth, or grand champion. All of this is my opinion, and honestly a good crafting economy keeps me in a game once I've finished the content I want to.
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