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Everything posted by Lord_Ravenhurst

  1. You really summed it up pretty good, these are more or less exactly the same drawbacks I see too. If this would all be added, SWTOR would not just be good, it would be freakin´amazing. On the other hand, I´d play it too much which would mean I´d get fat and forget to shower. Only points I´d add: - free roaming on planets and getting rid of exhaustion zones, which are nothing more than invisible lines - much improved enemy AI - atmospheric flight and free choice of landing spots - space trading and exploration (similiar to "EVE") I seriously hope BW takes this as a To-Do list for Version 2.
  2. Then perhaps, could it be an option to be turned on an off ? This would be nice in the preferences menu, I´d certainly turn player or NPC collision on. The only spot I saw many players standing around is on the galactic trade terminals, but I never saw the terminals to be blocked.
  3. Geonosis. and DAGOBAH. Free roaming, global maps without exhaustion zones with day/night/weather change. And space plus atmospheric flight and manual landing with my tuned spaceship, wherever I want on the planetary surface. If I accidentally land in a swamp on Dagobah, escaping my X-Wing type fighter before I drown, I want to get it out of the swamp by using the force. Update, 1.3 please.
  4. Guess that is what Bioware thought too. Well it´s a matter of perspective, I do prefer to see games as an alternate reality, where certain physics should at least reflect some basics of the real world. "Immersion" should be the magic word for developers. Yes, I am nitpicky - I also wonder why I can go with two-seated taxis, but my Companion magically vanishes instead of sitting beside me. This is bugging me again and again, it just seems like a hole in the game.
  5. This is my first MMORPG, are these "Non-physical" bodies a requirement for this genre? Because I really like games which come close to a real environment, like Red Dead Redemption. By the way, last time when I activated the 3523th device for blowing something up in a Quest, I was half stuck in a crate with my head. I mean.. WT*? I´m pretty sure this could have been done a bit more close to reality. Also, the "typing" in the air when operating some device and you are not exactly standing in the right spot. There must be an easy script to get the character walking in position and typing on the actual keyboard, not stupidly operating a device in the air like a freakin´pantomime. Looks to me like a "pantomime in a glass cage" emoticon.
  6. Tattooine feels at least a little more like a PLANET than the others, it would feel like a real one if you add some sandstorms, more realistic behaving animal population, extend the map to a real global one, get rid of the exhaustion zones and invisble lines, add day/night change and sand dune animation like in Uncharted3. Double the framerate, give me the possibility to build a house in the outskirts of Mos Ila... yeah I´ll be back in 10 years.
  7. Bodyless Characters ruin the sense of reality, why is it possible to walk through characters and NPCs? Or do I play a special class like "Deceased Sith Ghost" ? This is totally ruining and contradicting my sense of a reality. I mean the droids and guards in stations, NPCs, not player characters. The NPCs feel dead and lifeless, I can not run them over with my speeder, they do not interact when you pass by or walk out of your way.
  8. NO It is a static, unrealistic world, with static dumb enemy groups standing around. But perhaps this has to do with the MMO genre. It was my first one and will remain my last if all MMOs are like that. Have not played WOW nor do I plan to do so. By the way, this is the most expensive MMO ever and does not look half as good as Guild Wars 2.
  9. Who knows the timeframe when we can expect the spaceflight simulator to be finished? X-Wing Alliance style?
  10. In it´s current state, NO. Although I had a serious amount of fun with some group flashpoints and the storyline. Unsubscribed and will be back when/if the below disappointments are gone: Early on I expected a fantastic space flight experience, like in good old X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter times, but even better with huge multiplayer space battles and missions. And a LVL 50 "Deathstar Trench-like" experience, close to Star Wars Episode IV. Got disappointed. I expected huge planets to explore, not "Maps". Exhaustion zones and invisible lines? Got disappointed. I expected living, breathing worlds with day/nighttime changes and weather conditions, like any recent Rockstar game, e.g. Red Dead Redemption. Got disappointed. I expected planets populated by huge numbers of players, and a housing possibility. Also, all players in the SAME world, not seperated over countless instances and servers, which are now deserted. I hoped this would be "massive multiplayer", not "10 guys on my planet multiplayer". Got disappointed. I expected "Skyrim"-like, more life-like graphics Got disappointed. I expected great enemy AI and enemies acting more natural, not just standing around in groups waiting to be killed. Got disappointed. I expected my companion and fellow player would sit in my two-seated taxi when I am using it. Got disappointed. I expected a more smooth experience, cool rendered transitions when I travel or land somewhere instead of black screens, mediocre low-framerate game engine animation, a dull loading screen or a chat bubble (!!), when I open the door of my spaceship to land it. Got disappointed. I expected a really cool animation for going into hyperspace, and the feeling to "explore the known or perhaps unknown universe", some Privateer- or EVE like trading. Having the opportunity to manually fly my space ship to other planets. Being able to enter orbit or docking on to space stations. Got VERY, VERY disappointed. What I did NOT expect: I did no expect that every single repetitive side mission needs full voiceovers, ressources should have gone elsewhere.
  11. +1 for "X-Wing vs. Tiefighter" like space combat. Multplayer of course. Canceled today, won´t come back before this is implemented. Also I want more transitional, better looking animations for travelling from one planet or system to another. Also I wonder why a chat bubble is visible when I open the door of my spaceship, and then I see the animation of the spaceship landing? Not very clever designwise...
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