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Everything posted by Ycoga

  1. I absolutely disagree. TK now is more like Combat Sentinel that revolves around use of Precision Slash windows. Now, the rotation revolves around TKWave windows. It's easy to get one off every 10 seconds.
  2. Time for another analysis of your questions! Not all of us! I don't think this is true in 2.7. This is relevant - but it should be made clear that the survivability question relates specifically to PVE only. PVP survivability has been directly improved by the fixes made to weapon damage in PVP - both on the healing and burst sides - in 2.7. A good question, gj. Please note that there's little benefit for the risk in this mechanic, when you use NobleSac for force, and then spend it on heals to heal the NobleSac damage. Au contraire; in 2.7 this ability is fantastic when used after Barrier to facetank and H2F with enduring bastion. This surely should be factored in to your thoughts. Sage gearing in general is peculiar (e.g. I choose use the Stalker set for an extra Potency charge). It might make sense to ask a gearing-specific question as has been suggested - I don't think it'll get proper attention as an aside. A rather general question don't you think? The more specific you are the higher the chance of useful detail. I suggest you focus on Gearing as mentioned above, perhaps using sentinel gear as a comparison - the bonuses provided by their gear are obviously beneficial, whereas the Sage bonuses are non-specific (see 'stalker' example above). This is still my favourite question, gj.
  3. I would love to see cleanse in the Seer tree being turned into an AOE effect with 3m radius.
  4. I'm not certain; but I think the fix was made to Weapon damage - which is a different thing to white damage. Weapon damage is displayed on your weapon's tooltip and was affected by bolster, like everything else.
  5. 'What are the PVP design philosophies planned for the three distinct Guardian trees (that you will implement in 2.7 and beyond) and how should each of the three trees be used by players to their full potential in future wz's? List your answers against each opponent advanced class, to provide clear evaluation of strengths and weaknesses per guardian tree so that we get quantified data of where you want the class to be'
  6. Hey look, a 'ridiculously good' player has endorsed 2.7. XD
  7. 1. Learn to PVP in warzones, not in open world. 2. Duel people (when out of wz's) of teh same level and with similar stats to your own, to learn your class.
  8. He has a point. Maybe, Nala, you shoudl focus on the actual problem (Sage feels like mage, not Jedi) - instead of venturing into the realm of possible solutions.
  9. You do know how to Q for wz's, right?
  10. As others have said: you fix matches, you don't get the rewards.
  11. Yep that pretty much sums it up! (Don't forget that you get -15 sec on the CD, which is nice). I guess when I heard him asking which set bonus was best, my mind went 'oh you need potency charges to maximise burst when running in mental alac mode' - which is like the combat sentinel example you gave, which was pretty funny because I do play Combat too and I know how nice it feels to Zen MS someone that has no defences up. It's just as nice as the ForceWave+Project+TKT combo (with potency charges lol). I guess then the 'right' answer to the OP's question is the Force Master set: 'Increases range of Shock and Jolt or Project and Mind Snap by 5 meters' - for kiting. Followed by the Mystic 2-piece: 'Reduces the lockout debuff duration of Static Barrier or Force Armor by 1.5 seconds'. *Goes back to enjoying the new burst mechanics in 2.7*
  12. It's rubbish, is what it is.
  13. I *********** hope they keep it like it is!
  14. Haha XD It's too late for me to invest any more brainpower into this. However I will say that you can get 33%: Base 7% + 4% (balance) + 2% (seer tree) + 20% (mental alac)
  15. Nope. 33% alac allows you to squeeze in an extra GCD every 3 GCD's. A = (GCD1[1.5 secs]) B = (GCD1[1.0 secs]) [1.5 * 33% = 0.5] TKT at 0% alac takes 3 secs = 2*A; therefore 3 casts of TKT with A: (2*A)(2*A)(2*A) = 9 secs. TKT at B takes 2 secs. 3 casts of TKT with B: = 6 secs. 9 seconds = 6 GCD. 6 seconds = 4 GCD. Conclusion: If two sages are duelling, one has 0% and the other has 33%, one will cast 4 TKT in the same amount of time that the other casts 3 TKT. Edit: Of course, I'll admit this works best in Telekinetics ([Force potency > ForceWave > Project > TKT] = about 2 secs), but it still puts a lot of pressure on enemies when using Balance too.
  16. This is a ridiculous thing to say because all classes are pretty much equally viable now.
  17. Yep, my bad: it's 24k total. ([8*3], not [8*4]) Only if at 0% alacrity. What's the relevance of it here? What's the relevance? The example was that with the stalker set you can get 3 x TKT where all the ticks crit, as opposed to two, when you use force Potency. This is of course not the only use for these potency charges...
  18. For PVE, you need some accuracy as mentioned above. For PVP, you don't. Alac is needed - up to 7% max. Then Surge, up to 72% max. Then the rest into power. 0% crit.
  19. I told 'em on the PTS that they need to incentivise full telekinetic, perhaps by buffing the baby-Turb proc chance to 50%. They might be looking into that or other changes for future updates.
  20. The temptation is for me to use the interrupt-immunity to spam heals while benefiting from Enduring Bastion (i.e. face-tanking). I have not taken Egress as full Tele, so when I'm rooted after barrier ends this is a good usage of Enduring Bastion. However I think that I should be prioritising escaping more. That means: 1. With egress - use it and escape when barrier ends as top priority 2. Without egress - escape using force speed if you can 3. Without egress - Use enduring Bastion to heal; or to mitigate enough damage that you can take your opponent down in time. All of the above are easily countered by a stun - so it seems that the best way to negate Enduring Bastion's effects is by stunning the sage when he pops out of Barrier. As a side note: I was able to heal through a smashing Jugg that was on me after I popped out of Barrier. ^^ However when I tried to escape she used force choke and I didn't ultimately survive... but the feeling of healing through smash and ravage was pretty nice.
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